
Thursday, August 10, 2023

Sleep - Interrupted!

It's a rainy Thursday morning in the mountains - and I'm a bit in a frenzy -

I posted this photo for International Cat Day on the 8th.  Don't they look so sweet and innocent?

Anyone who has awoken to the screech of a cat fight inside the house at 2am knows just exactly how I feel right now.

As things go - Ivy, who has chosen to spend her days outside away from Lola wanted to come in as Mable was needing to go out last night at that ungodly 2am time frame.

Evidently Lola didn't get put down into the basement first - and what ensued was the cat fight of all cat fights as Ivy came in and was confronted by Lola.

Acccckkkk.  Fur flying, yowls, screeches, biting, snarling - and finally Lola ran upstairs while Ivy ran under the bed.

By 2:38am Lola was back in the basement for the rest of the night, and Ivy - still under the bed.

Will this ever end? I don't think so.  But I digress.

With the falling rain encouraging my sleep I didn't wake up until 8:23am and my morning has been hijacked.

It was afternoon yesterday by the time beds were made and the house was ready and while I was waiting on the arrival of the Tada Quilters, I got back to repressing strip sets mentioned yesterday.

It took a while.

And then to help myself - for the next batch I did this:

2 B.  That means they are the second round, second side of what I'm building.

Now when it comes time to pattern writing I'll be set as to how these are to press correctly for those who may be making this down the road.

Sometimes taking a photo is easier than trying to draw a diagram and hope I remember just what I was trying to convey with the direction of seam pressing in the future.

Because who knows how long it will take me to actually get this mess turned into a quilt?

I love this part!

Folks ask all the time if I cut with an Accuquilt system.  I do.  I have the Accuquilt Studio - and mostly use it for cutting strips.

It also comes in handy for cross-cutting strip sets - hence the lines marked in silver Sharpie you see on my strip die.

Just about the time I was done cutting:

In come the Tada Quilters!

Evidently they had a great time meandering their way here, stopping in West Virginia overnight so they could hit some more quilt shops on their way.  I love a good plan!

Setting up and settling in!

Dinner on the porch at Corner Market!

It was nearly 8:30pm by the time I returned home.  There were a couple more folks arriving later last evening so I'll see them this morning when I make my way over there -

Better late than never!

After last night I may still need a nap.

I have no idea just what will unfold today, but get some breakfast down me and get me on my way and I'll find out!

Cats - Love them, hate them, then love them again.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Hindsight isn't always easy to wait for, but every time I look back I find it was worth it.
And the only reason to look back is to see how far you've come...

Thursday has had a rough start, but I'm betting it turns out better than it started!

Have a good one, everyone!



Debra said...

Oh poor Bonnie & kitties
I guess we all have nights & days like that.
I do not like to repress units!
They never behave.
Haven't sewed in 2 days
.busy canning.
Have a great day

Anonymous said...

You may have to keep them separated forever... It's definitely a pain. We had two that had to be kept apart. Su

Anne said...

Maybe Lola and Ivy have it out their system now and will settle in quietly. Here's hoping.

Barbara Curiel said...

Dear Bonnie, fellow cat lover here, have you tried Feliway products to calm your cats down? They use cat pheromones and come in sprays, diffusers and even in calming collars. When my husband and I got married we had to merge cat families, including two territorial males, and these helped a lot. Good luck to you,

Janet said...

I always had multiple cats, and fights were inevitable. Squirting them with a spray bottle of water always broke them up, so I kept several handy for that purpose.

Anonymous said...

If they will let you, do check the kitties for small wounds and tender spots. They might not be very obvious, but over a few days could become a festering mess. But you probably already know that.

Marti said...

Never a dull moment! Glad all is resolved for now!

Ellen Liliedahl said...

Love cats!
I laugh to myself every time I see a little of your year 2000 fabric - I still have some, too. 😀

Mary said...

At first I thought Mable was involved in the fight. Poor Ivy and poor you with not good sleep. Yes I can see better with the picture how you pressed the seams. Thanks for helping things nest. Have a good Thursday.

Anonymous said...

A few years ago I had my cat. My mothers cat came to live with me. OMGod I thought the world was coming to an end. I kept them apart for months. They would hiss and fight under the door. Finally I said nuts to it. Live together or kill each other. The door stayed opened. Took a while and a lot of talking to them but one day I found them laying together in the sun on the kitchen floor. In hind sight I think they fought for more attention. Elaine Latulippe

Rhonda said...

Oh my, cats definitely have their own drummer! You handle it better than most!
Love the browns you are working with, cant wait to see how it all comes together.
Looks like the folks at the Inn are getting ready to do it justice. So much fun to be had. What a fun time ahead for them. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

My cats are all indoor cats, but they too are separated at bedtime. I had a night similar to yours last night, except one of the cats decided she didn't want to be corralled overnight. It was a noisy sleep interrupted night.

Tena V said...

Had same issue a few years ago. I finally gave up and locked both girls together in a large bathroom with 1 food bowl, 1 waterbowl, and 1 litter box. Kept them in there for 5 days with me going in several times a day to check on them and clean box. There was a lot of noise the first couple days, and less each day after. They have been doing fine now for 3 years-just an occasional spitting at each other

Tracey Honig said...

Awe... it must be something in the air... today was crazy for us as well! Though, I would definetly take your crazy over mine any day!! HA!HA! I LOVE my Accuquilt. I also use it for strips as well as the smaller units in the quilts. Hope tomorrow goes smoother for all of us!

Anonymous said...

I have been away from this blog for a little while - sweet Lola isn’t at the post office building anymore?
I don’t think are many sounds worse than the noise from cats leading up to a fight. I can’t imagine waking up to it!

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate a pattern that shows me which way to press seams.

Sheri said...

Try the calming cat pheremones. Worked really well with our cats. Our vet uses them, too.

Jan Parker said...

Me too, in s3everal different colors even!

Jan Parker said...

Once they get the dominance issues worked out, they settle down. I got a new kitty (that was being neglected and I wanted to give her a better life). It took a full three months. Every time they met at a corner, it was a battle. The new kitty ended up being the boss.

Sandi1100 said...

I must have missed the posts about Lola coming to your house as I thought she was in your post office building. I have 3 cats and 2 of them don't get along. It's been 5 years but they both have run of our house.

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