
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Look At Them Sew!

Isn't this just the best sight ever?

Don't you wish you could be part of a group like this? And maybe you are.  I hope you are!

It was wonderful to feel part of this retreat - right down to the shirts!

Yesterday was our wrap up on all of the blocks needed for everyone to keep working on their own version of Ditch Lilies and I am thrilled with how each project is coming along.

They worked tirelessly - and as you can tell by the design walls, there were other projects happening "Between the seams" as well.

Spied in the Hen Den -

Jane's Triple Treat was getting binding!

I love her colors and fabrics - and the light was just perfect to show off that gorgeous machine quilting.

It was warm in here too - the Hen Den stove puts out some cozy heat.  It's a wonderful stitching place.

Ruellen is working on a special wedding quilt!

The hot air balloons are a request from the bride and groom to be - there will be baskets added beneath each one. It's a labor of love!

Robin has been working on her tumbling blocks, and Jamie has a gorgeous storm at sea variation going on.

What's going on here?  Are they packing up already?

No - the blocks that were on the design wall are now on the front foyer floor here:

Ready to web together and sew rows!

This quilt top is a donation quilt effort by everyone at retreat - many hands make light work!  Someone is going to love how bright and cheerful this is.

There was still plenty of Ditch Lilies progress being made.

I love the soft colors of this soon to be baby quilt.

This one reminds me of a Christmas Cactus!


I can't wait to see this one done!

Check out these fun neutrals -

We were laughing about giraffe legs with no heads.

It's all how you cut it!

Isn't there something just soul centering about creative photos?

Look at the fun variety she has made to work from.

Hey!  I think I have some of those same fabrics!

Looking good girls!

It's been such a fun visit!

Crowding into the QPO Studio!

And where does Lola go?

I think it's safer here, mama!  LOL!

Ladies are bugging out as I write this - some already on the road.  It's a long drive home to Indiana and I am wishing everyone a safe trip, and happy holidays ahead.

Jamie and Robin have a flight out to California tomorrow - so instead of them driving to Charlotte today to stay the night and having to move things twice I've invited them to just stay. Their beds can be theirs for one more night.

Besides, they offered to pitch in with laundry and I'll never say no to that!

On the agenda today also:  I need someone to take a couple of photos of me with quilts as I have a podcast to record tomorrow and am in need of a photographer.  We'll have fun doing that today.

What do you have up on deck?

Oh, and it's raining.  Can we please hurry up to spring?
Holidays are coming whether we like it or not!  And I have placed the PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point at 25% off in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop. No coupon needed.

Sale is good through 11/23/22 (Thanksgiving Eve) so hurry and save!

And if you already have this quilt started as a UFO - maybe now is the time to pull it back out and finish it up!  I'd love to see your finishes.

Here's my Pine Tree Point runner in blues!

How is yours coming along??

(I don't care how gorgeous this photo is - I WANT SPRING!)

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Actions are everything. 

Show others what you mean by what you do. 

And into Tuesday we go! Have a good one! 



JMOT said...

Quilted my second quilt on my new longarm yesterday after finding out how NOT to put in a new needle. Two of Gudrun Erla's "Hope for Ukraine" quilts to put on the machine today. Our Monday night quilting group challenge for this school year was to list 15 WIPs (Works in Progress, not UFOs or "UnFinished Objects, - same thing, but sounds better) and each month the leader will pick a number and by the end of the month, you have to show that number from your list completed. No problem making that list! For kicks, I kept going, including projects I couldn't use for the challenge because I really want to get them done sooner. I quit when the page was full - 41!.! Ouch! Quite a few were tops waiting to be longarmed, so hope to have them whittled down significantly soon.

helenreimers said...

It has been a real pleasure to see all the Ditch Lilies in progress. They all look so different. Great pattern. Great execution. Thank you.

sue s said...

Oh Bonnie! You are in trouble now if you want spring! However, I'm also feeling it because our fall started with a full dump of everyone's leaves (no week- by- week this year) and the temps dropping from 70 to below freezing. Unheard of in Michigan!
I am loving the Christmas Cactus Lilies!
Your quote today speaks to me. This is what my hubby does every day.

Debra said...

Such lovely quilts in progress.
Snow happening tonight. Not much though. It was 17* last night.
I promised my guys I'd make Beef Stew today so there's that. I made a sheet of Cinnamon Buns yesterday for the holidays...more backing today.

Cindy said...

I have so enjoyed seeing all the variations of the Ditch Lillies! I don't know which one was my favorite!!!!! Thanks Ladies for sharing your projects!

MissPat said...

Bonnie, I'd say you should appreciate that it's just rain. The Buffalo area is expecting up to 2 feet of snow through this weekend. But the sudden wide swings in the weather are challenging.

Mary said...

I Want Spring as Well. Christmas is a LOT of Work for me. No energy today. Gotta rest. Fun to blog hop and see all the Pretty things. Lucky gals who get to stay!

Ginny A said...

As much as I cuss the trials of cold and winter snow, I have reached a point where I try to find a plus in even the white stuff and try not to "wish away" my life. I will enjoy and find a plus to every day I am blessed with.
Love all the versions of Ditch Lilies. So inspiring!

Tracey Honig said...

We're just barely getting the cooler weather here. Let's not rush things too far along! It was all I could do to not exclaim out loud at the picture of the quilt on the truck! One of my fast favorites for sure! Enjoy the extra laundry help! Safe travels home, ladies! Today we got some turkeys going in culinary class for the big Thanksgiving feast for the teachers. Looking forward to the break next week and the winter mystery starting!!

LindaH said...

Lola doesn't shy away from the camera! You always have a great shot of her, showing her colors of fur, her green eyes. She is beautiful! And Bonnie, it's a LONG way until spring. :-) Enjoy the moment.

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