
Wednesday, November 16, 2022

And The Sun Came Out!

This doesn't look like a winter sky to me - does it to you?

Our weather ran the gamut this past week - Nola's Bonniacs arrived on Wednesday with temps hovering at a brilliant 70 which is fantastic for the second week of November.

But a mere couple of days later we were having rain, wind, and temps dropping to 22.  Brrrrr!

These gals came prepared though!

Hailing from the Bloomington, Indiana area they know how quickly weather can change late fall and brought quilts, jackets, sweaters, things for layering - just in case.

I even caught a couple of them braving the worst of the cold temperatures all bundled up and walking the yard just to "get some steps in."

They are more resilient than I am! LOL!

And when the clouds parted, and the sun was shining brightly on the side porch, we grabbed our opportunity and grabbed the quilts for over-the-porch-rail photos.

Grab that vitamin D while you can, ladies!

We’ve got two Garden Party quilts from the Addicted to Scraps book followed by Indigo a Go-Go from String Frenzy and a Jelly Roll friendly quilt I don’t have the name of (Add it to the comments below please if you know it!)

Feel that sunshine while it lasts!

Wanderlust from the Addicted to Scraps book, a lovely sampler, Texas Tumbleweeds from MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders and a fun indigo woven looking pattern. 

All of this color!

Again if you know the names of some of these, please add them to the comments below so folks can find out - and those asking, please check the comments section to see if anyone HAS listed what it is.

I'm not sure of the first one, but it is followed by this year's Leader & Ender challenge, Triple Treat. (Free Patterns tab) That is followed by an Ohio Star variation, and finally Good Fortune!

Last but not least - Jamie's Celtic Solstice in purple ad green.

We were rocking out Bonniacs Ditch Lilies shirts made just for this group's retreat workshop week thanks to Nola!

The sign?  Robin and Jamie's friend Paula was on a trip to Bali while the girls were here in Virginia - so this is a shout out to her! (I'm sure Bali was warmer!)

But this group was more FUN!

Thanks for coming, everyone! It was a blast!

This is what I'm recording today!

You'll get to listen on Wednesday, November 23rd 2pm Eastern time.  It's free!  But you do need to register HERE.

On November 23, the nonprofit Quilt Alliance will present a free Textile Talks program via Zoom that features a QSOS interview that I did with Frances O’Roark Dowell  TODAY, Nov. 16. 

QSOS stands for Quilters' Save Our Stories, the largest oral history project about quilters of its kind, archived in the Library of Congress. 

Textile Talks is a free series and the recordings are all assessable on YouTube afterwards. 

We are going to attempt the interview with video - but if that doesn't work due to my limited connectivity here in Southwestern Virginia, it may need to be switched to audio only but the Alliance will present it with photos like a slide show for the Textile Talk. 

Let’s save quilt history with the Quilt Alliance! 

Register HERE for this free program, happening live on Wednesday, Nov. 23 at 2pm ET.

Find out more about the Quilt Alliance and the QSOS project HERE.

I have my fingers crossed that we can do this via video.  But if not, you can treat it like a podcast and just listen in if we can't get my video to work.  It's my upload speed that doesn't always do well and that can create laggy video and audio that doesn't match when my mouth is moving.  Kind of like bad voice over on international films.  Like Godzilla.  LOL.

And now that we've got THAT settled there is one more thing.

Nola's Bonniacs were my LAST group before Thanksgiving.  I have some time off before the upcoming Turkey Day, and that day that we are all looking forward to - Black Friday and Part One of our Chilhowie mystery.

I am leaving at 6am tomorrow (Thursday) to drive to my friend Terry's in Florida where she is going to show me the ropes on her Intelliquilter system so I am better prepared for when mine is installed in January.

(And yes, I am bringing Chilhowie with me to quilt!  But I won't share her address! LOL!)

I have not been any further than 100 miles in nearly 3 years.  I have not had a "go away" vacation, I'm feeling a bit of burn out.

I plan to return home either Sunday or Monday, but I am not going to be blogging while I am away.  I need a break.  And I know you understand!

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook - there may be some fun photos posting there.

And I will catch up with you when I get back so we will ALL be ready for Thanksgiving and Black Friday and all the fun that will bring.

Thanks, guys! I really appreciate it!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Just give.
Living without giving equals an empty life
Have a lovely Wednesday, everyone!

I'll catch you when I get back -



helenreimers said...

Everyone needs a break. Have a wonderful time, learn lots, and be safe. See you when you get back.

stretchmarks said...

Hope you have a great trip!

Dawne and Dale said...

Taking time for yourself is important. I will miss your blog but our time out is necessary for our souls!! Enjoy!

Tasha said...

Have a fantastic little vacay!!

qltrmimsy said...

Enjoy your time away, Bonnie. Perhaps your blog needs a single photo to post on days when "Bonnie has left the building!"

Mary said...

Glad the Boniacs got a day of Sun for pictures outside. Safe Travels to Florida. How long of a drive is that? Enjoy a learning break. We'll be itching to be stitching November 35th!

Quilter Kathy said...

What a great quilt show these ladies shared with us! I really love the 2 different versions of Garden Party!
How wonderful that you will have a real holiday with a friend! I'm so glad you are getting away and hope you have a fantastic adventure! Thank you for being a good role model about the importance of getting away, "unplugging", enjoying friendships, etc!

Kay said...

Yes you do deserve a break. Safe ravels and enjoy your time with your friend.

Marti said...

Good for you!!! Drive safe, learn lots, and enjoy yourself!!!

Cheryl said...

Have a wonderful time with your friend in Florida. Hope you get lots of tips to help you with your new machine. Safe travels!

Ruth McIlwain said...

Bonnie, enjoy your mini vacation. Have a great time in Florida and soak in some of their sun.

Judy T. said...

Have a safe and restful (and fun) trip!!!

QuilterSD said...

Have fun!! Soak up some sunshine, we'll be here when you return,

Karen M said...

Be safe and enjoy your trip!

Mary LaPointe said...

YEAH! BONNIE IS TAKING A BREAK! Do enjoy your visit and don't rush back!

Tracey Honig said...

Thank goodness the sun came out so you can grab the porch quilt show!! I always look forward to those. So much inspiration. Enjoy your much needed "me time!"

Pam said...

Enjoy your time away --- we are in southwestern Florida and are retired union electricians

Pam said...

sorry - not finished union electricians from Indiana - after Ian we have bene indated with trying to help people in our park.. we understand completely needing time away --- enjoy yourself!!!

shoshu said...

Fantastic, enjoy every moment and don't worry about a thing, we're all here waiting for and loving you!

Debbie said...

The quilt in the first photo, last quilt on the right isn't a jelly roll pattern. It is Lanterns, found in Modern One-Block Quilts, by Natalia Bonner & Kathleen Whiting.

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