
Monday, November 14, 2022

Ditch Lilies Through The Weekend!

The Ditch Lilies retreat with Nola's Bonniacs continues!

I absolutely love how everything is coming together reflecting each quilter's own vision and color plans.

Some are going bigger to fit the bed and match the room.

Others are making baby versions for grand children soon arriving.

ALL are beautiful!

And it hasn't ALL been machine grunt time.  Much of the group took off on Saturday afternoon for lunch out and quilt shop wandering.

I'm glad they did - because yesterday's weather took a turn for the worse:


It was 25 out at 8am and all I really wanted to do was stay in my jammies, tucked up in front of the fire on the hexie quilt I am hand quilting.

Instead, I bundled up and made my way over to the inn where the quilters were ready and waiting and sewing away with the warmth of the gas fireplace radiating.

This morning is not much better. Where did our nice lovely fall run off to?

Nola's corner!

She is using green and turquoise in her ditch lily blocks, and I love where this is going!

on the design wall are some blocks sewn by the group to go into a donation quilt.

Many hands make enough blocks over a weekend to do a good sized quilt!

Saturday's blocks here turned into:


I love what adding the alternate block does to this quilt. Some of the fun neutrals the gals bought on Saturday were worked into their alternate blocks on Sunday!

Something fun is happening here!

I can't wait to get a photo of it all together!

Fun fun fun!

Check out Laura's blocks!

Oh, I love this!

There has been some impromptu Show & Share in the quilting quarters as it has been too cold and windy to put quilts over the porch rail!

This is Birthday Girl Betsy's Texas Tumbleweed from MORE Adventures with Leaders & Enders.  She started it on a quilt cruise with me, and it has traveled all over!

The icing on the cake this weekend?  Saturday morning serenade!  Click to play:

This was posted as an instagram reel, so I apologize if it doesn't imbed well here. Reels don't embed as nicely as the videos used to when they were square - 

But it was SO heartwarming!

Today things have started out really cold again - it's currently 22! But we should reach the balmy temp of 41 by 3om and will make our best efforts to get the over-the-porch-rail photos done before the sun goes over the mountain.

Our focus today will be on the plain (no cornerstones) log cabin half-blocks that fill out the edge of the Ditch Lilies quilt - and also the quarter log cabin corner blocks.  It's the last day for Nola's Bonniacs - they head home tomorrow.

I hope everyone has had a good weekend and was able to make some holiday plans and get some stitching in!

One week from this coming Friday - Part One of Chilhowie goes live!  Can't wait!

Holidays are coming whether we like it or not!  And I have placed the PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point at 25% off in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop. No coupon needed.

Sale is good through 11/23/22 (Thanksgiving Eve) so hurry and save!

And if you already have this quilt started as a UFO - maybe now is the time to pull it back out and finish it up!  I'd love to see your finishes.

Here's my Pine Tree Point runner in blues!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This is something that has been weighing on my mind. It seems whenever we want to explore a new avenue, there are those on the outside looking in who want to tell us “I like this better” or “I preferred when you did it this way” or “That just isn’t you.”
It can feel like the world is saying "Get back into your box!"
We can’t stay in one place simply because it makes OTHERS more comfortable to have us stay in one place.
We have to progress and try new things or we stagnate.
It is important to always follow your own muse wherever it leads you, and there will be those who don't understand why you don't do things "like you always have."
It is not up to us to create simply for the entertainment of others. It has to fill our hearts and souls first wherever it leads!
If where we go puts others out of their own comfort zones, so be it!⁣
This is your journey, not theirs.
Happy Monday, everyone!⁣



sue s said...

I always enjoy seeing the different colorways folks use on your quilts. It gives me ideas so I don't just "stay in the box"!

helenreimers said...

The music was the best. Watched it 3 times. Confession, by the 3rd time, I was singing along. My hubby thought I lost my mind. I told him. It is a quilt thing. Thanks Bonnie.Thanks Bonniacs.

JuliAnn Craver said...

I totally agree with Sue S the different colorways gives me a jumping off point to go with another version. Thank you Bonnie for all you do.

Sharon Decker said...

At 79 I am still trying new ideas. There are styles in all things that I may not be attracted to, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate them for what they are. I make my quilts my way because they are mine. If I don't care for a design, I just don't do it. I would never tell anyone they should do their work my way or another way. Keep doing and experimenting and trying things as you are. How can you truly know until you try.

Ginny A said...

Oh, the song!!! How wonderful! So many versions of the Ditch Lilies! Great morning read! Thanks, Bonnie!

Ruth McIlwain said...

I love seeing the various colors in the blocks. I also loved the group serenading you. What a bunch of fun ladies.

Debra said...

I agree with the ladies about the different color ways. Gives us ideas.
I'm making Banana bread.
I think it's your recipe.
Yes, it was in the low 20s here last night too. Good thing we're quilter's. Ha.

Tammie said...

Omg! The song was awesome!!! Someone is a gifted songwriter! And I agree about not being put in a box…I’m all for recycling the box and doing my own thing!

Debcal1946 said...

Wow! Now you have a theme song! You aught to play it for every group that arrives at the inn.

Mary said...

So fun to see the blocks multiply on the design walls at the Inn. Loved the serenade song from the Quilters. Great to Celebrate a birthday on Retreat. Thanks for the reminder that we are on our own Journey.

Tena V said...

I so totally agree with your comments Bonnie! You have the creative freedom to make what you want, in whatever colors you want, and in whatever methods you want! You obviously have a huge amount of talent to keep creating these masterpieces that so many of us find amazing, and the generosity to keep sharing them and bits and pieces of your life and family with us. You do you, and I'll do me. Please know that there are thousands of us that love you just the way you are and are so appreciative for the things you share with us. You can never please everyone, and should concentrate on pleasing yourself. Thank you from your birthday twin!

Charlotte M. said...

I read a day behind, so just saw this. What a great song and those gals sure can sing! Wonderful for this cloudy rainy morning. Also, isn't it true that the only constant in life is change? Nothing stays the same forever and change is how we grow as quilters and humans. I ignore anyone who says different.

Mary Ellen said...

love the song!

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