
Saturday, November 12, 2022

Ditch Lilies With The Bonniacs, Day Two!

It was a day of celebration!

Betsy had a birthday - and how wonderful to spend it at retreat, surrounded by friends who could celebrate with her.

And is there anything better than a friend who will bring you a fizzy beverage over ice without you having to ask for it?

I snapped this photo as glasses were clinking - so much fun.

The tumblers are ones my grandma had.  She passed away when I was 5 - but I still have a photo of me and my brother Mark having root beer floats from them.  A set of 12 lives at the inn, and it is my goal here to use ALL the good things ALL the time.

Especially for birthdays!

Happy Birthday, Betsy!

This was the "crack me up!" scene when I walked in yesterday morning.  The girls TP'd Betsy's sewing station while she slept so she'd see it first thing in the morning.

I love how this "No Whining!" sign gets around! LOL!  Not a day to whine about turning one year older.  

And the little wooden sign usually says "Antique Quilts".  Now it says "Antique Quilter".  What friends.  LOL!

And since we ALL lived through the great disastrous TP shortage of 2020, never fear - the paper is now in this basket sitting on the bathroom floor for everyone to use.

Which makes this even funnier. LOL!  You are such a good sport, Betsy!

Ditch Lilies workshop day two was soon under way - with the day's goal being to take the bear paw units we made the day before and add the petal units and center square-in-a-square unit to the whole and get those blocks coming together.

I LOVE seeing everyone's color plans!  (And yes, they raided the kitchen for cookie sheets to corral their pieces.  Love that too!)

These soft colors are going into a baby quilt.  Precious!

Two different color ways, two different quilts - side by side!

Green and fuscia coming together here!


Teals and blues!

Fuscia background with white bear paw toes!

Oh, these are looking grand!

Pressing strip sets and getting ready to do stitch 'n flip corners on the petal units with the Simple Folded Corners or Simple Folded Corners Mini rulers!

What happens when you meticulously sew stitch 'n flip corners to the WRONG corners of your petal unit?  (OOPS?!)

After we were done laughing in commiseration - because we've all been there, done that - we turned them into a neat little spinning pinwheel!

It's going to be a commemorative mug rug.  LOL!  

And this, my friends - is how new quilt ideas are born!

To celebrate Betsy's birthday dinner, the creative stitchers were also in the kitchen cutting applique shapes for the handmade chicken pot pie main course!  Look how pretty!


I had already gone home for my own dinner when these photos came in and I hoped there would be some leftovers for lunch today!

We also have this to do:

It's time to gift-away THREE autographed copies of Bruce Leonard's New Quilt City Murder mystery, Panic in Paducah along with a selection of hand dyed fabrics from Bruce's wife Sedonia!
Oh, aren't they gorgeous!

The random number generator drew the following winners out of 4138 entries:
Ladies, please find the email I have sent to each of you.  Please reply with your mailing addresses and the Leonard's will happily get your prizes out to you.

You can find Bruce Leonard's New Quilt City Murder mystery, Panic in Paducah on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle. It's an engaging read!

Mean while at home -

5:46pm and even the dogs think it must be midnight.  TOO DARK OUT!

Today's plan - Workshop Day Three is starting in on the alternate log cabin blocks.  It's a simple segment that will only go for a couple of hours - these are experienced quilters and they don't need a whole lot of instruction as we move past the main block and into the setting.

Plus - I think they have a hankering to go hit a couple of quilt shops after lunch today.  WONDERFUL!

What do you have planned for your weekend ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

When was the last time you showed yourself a little bit of kindness and compassion?
You deserve it too!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!



Debra said...

I have the matching mugs to your tumblers!
I'm with Mabel and Zoey, once it gets dark I get tired and sleepy.
No sewing for me yesterday. I baked an Apple pie and a fresh Pear Cobbler. Once I get in the mood to bake I must do it. Ha.
Have a wonderful day ❤️

Jan F. said...

Just want you to know that your upbeat chats about life and quilting are a bright spot in my day.

Mary said...

Love the soft colors of the Pinks in the new Ditch Lillies blocks. How fun to Celebrate at Retreat clanking a fizzy drink in Vintage glasses. Today is Grandma time in Wyoming. I left my Christmas Stitching at home. Have a good Weekend.

Quilter Kathy said...

The blocks and colour combos are fabulous... way to go ladies! And even their food is a work of art!

Linda P in IL said...

The dogs... make me grin..

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

Oh my! Are those cups each a different color and like a straw type of weaving on the bottom portions. We had those too. Love o se them!

Maria said...

My face had a big grin on it when I spied those vintage glasses! My family had them too! Then I saw the T-shirt!! Beast Quilter. I LOVE IT!! Enjoying your posts Bonnie.

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