
Friday, November 11, 2022

Ditch Lilies With The Bonniacs - Day One!

The Front Foyer at Quiltville Inn has been turned into an extra cutting/demo area as Nola's Bonniacs are eager to take on a week long submersion into creating Ditch Lilies during their time here - in their own colors and making it their own!

Display room is one thing that is harder to come by in this house - there just isn't a lot of full out wall space for a 90'' X 90'' quilt, so I've folded it in half  and hung it over the  rod on top of Bristol so we can at least see how each of the 5 different blocks in  Ditch Lilies come together in this design.

Lighting isn't the greatest - but let's face it - the light in the foyer is original, and though we put LED bulbs in it, it isn't enough - so out comes the pole light to get more light where we need it.  It works!

Breaking things down into several days of focus, we dug right in on those tiny "Bear Paw Toes" (Half-square triangles) with a demo of my Essential Triangle Tool.

Short strip sets build quicker variety!

These girls are cutting it up!

All of the busy quilters making bear paw toes!

That's the grunt work part.

But once there is enough variety to move us forward - .bear paw toes become Leaders & Enders while we start to assemble units:

Oh I love this!

(And yes, so many trimmed dog ears!)

Then the assembly happens, using MORE half-square triangles as Leaders & Enders in between units to keep their numbers and variety growing.

These are Nola's!

I love her green grunge with her scraps!


And this is where we are headed today - we'll start in on those petal units using the Simple Folded Corners or Simple Folded Corners Mini rulers for stitch 'n flip sewing with no drawing of lines!

It will also come into play for our center square in a square unit which also will happen today - and we'll be making BLOCKS!

This one awaits corners on the petal units - 

But this color scheme is going to rock!

I'm also excited about this - 

Already discovering she had a bazillion half-square triangles in a larger size, it was decided to just up-size the blocks all around - this is going to be a big bold version if Ditch Lilies, and I'm all for it!

As I headed home just before dusk I caught some busy quilters in  the kitchen starting dinner prep.

Don't these smiles say it all?  I'm so happy to have them here!

ALSO - you guys - what a day yesterday.

I received notice that our original 10/31/22 Chilhowie Mystery Intro post had been flagged by Blogger as "Violates Community Guidelines."  They removed the post!!

I immediately repealed, and while waiting for the repeal re-posted the post so folks could have access to it.

I'm sure it was just bots doing the sweeping of things and perhaps there was a phrase or words that they determined were trouble - and they locked the original post down.

It caused me quite the angst all day long, let me tell you.

This morning - that block has been lifted and the original post is back where it belongs and visible under the Chilhowie Mystery Tab

I'm sure once a real person examined my appeal and saw it was just a bunch of quilters doing quilty things - they lifted the block.

BUT STILL!!  Talk about stomach in knots and a hard night's sleep.

Thanks for sticking with me through all of the weirdness.

Do you think maybe it came to the bot's attention because of all of the heavy traffic on that post as we get ready to do this mystery thing?

Or maybe it was my mention that this mountain peak in Virginia would not make a good quilt name? (I did remove that sentence from the post just in case.)

Rain fell all night - it's still raining and quite yucky out there.  which makes it a great day for staying in with the Bonniacs and working more on all of the wonderful Ditch Lilies quilts.

What do you have in store for your Friday?

Don't forget to sign up for our Panic in Paducah Book & Hand Dyed Fabric Gift-Away HERE.

Drawing happens TOMORROW, Saturday 11/12/22.

The gift-away includes an autographed paperback from Bruce and the fabrics have been hand dyed by his lovely wife, Sedonia!

You can find Bruce Leonard's New Quilt City Murder mystery, Panic in Paducah on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle. It's an engaging read!
Holidays are coming whether we like it or not!  And I have placed the PDF pattern for Pine Tree Point at 25% off in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop. No coupon needed.

Sale is good through 11/23/22 (Thanksgiving Eve) so hurry and save!

And if you already have this quilt started as a UFO - maybe now is the time to pull it back out and finish it up!  I'd love to see your finishes.

Here's my Pine Tree Point runner in blues!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This was the best advice I was given yesterday.
And it also applies to everything we do in life as well as our Quiltville Winter Mystery coming up quickly.
Are you in?



helenreimers said...

It is such a pleasure watching the Ditch Lilys coming together. They all look so different. Fascinating. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Debra said...

All is well that ends well. Thankfully.
I take it that Zoey and Mabel are well. My favorite fur babies.
I'll be working on Pine Tree Point today. Sashings..
Have a wonderful day ❤️

Quilter Kathy said...

I loved seeing the class photos and the start of the student's projects! Each one has it's own personality right from the beginning! I would dearly love to be in that class!

Carol M said...

Happy Veterans Day! Thank You all veterans and their families for keeping our country free! Love the Pine Tree quilt and the Ditch Lily's blocks. I am getting projects wrapped up before the 1st Mystery clue. Happy quilting everyone. <3

Diane said...

I LOVE the larger size of Ditch Lilies and the COLOR! Gorgeous!!!

Tracey Honig said...

the things they come up with to block! (slaps forehead!)
The Ditch Lilies will definetly be on my to-do list after seeing it being put in action. I think the most daunting part for me would be all those half square triangles. We are expecting the first hard cool front of the season with some rain, so happy to be home when it arrives! Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Youtuber I follow posted a video of her cat playing, and it got pulled for being harmful to children. And no bot would listen to her. You're lucky you reached a real person!

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