
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Wrapping Up the Weekend!

And this is how we spent Memorial Day!

It started off with an early morning "Over the Porch Rail" quilt sharing delighting passersby - we even got a beep or two!

A few folks were bugging out yesterday morning on their long journeys home up the eastern seaboard.

I was a bit worried about the backlighting from the sun being in morning position and still shining from the east - but if we were ALL in the shade, with the sun a bit blocked by the leaves of the tree, we actually did fairly well!

There have been many top finishes, each of them adorable!

We even have a Grassy Creek at the far right - love it!

Fantastic in the flowers -

And putting the new Generac front and center.  LOL!

Carolina Chain from the Addicted to Scraps book at the far right.

As seen from the design walls -

This is Joanne's design.

I love the elephants in this baby quilt!

This one just radiates!

So scrappy and so fun!

Pineapples, anyone?

Fantastic way to up do a favorite churndash block!

Gerald has an incredible eye and attention to detail -

He made this art quilt from this photo:

AMAZING to watch this process happen over the past week.

The Bitcoin ladders and Maymont blocks continued to grow all week as well!

The Quilters of the Night have filled this home with creativity, love, life and laughter.  It's been a fantastic week all around.

This is how we sew.  LOL!

(The motion of feeding fabric through the machine - complete with sound effects.)

Thanks for coming, everyone!

We'll see you next time!

While the Quilters of the Night pack all of their quilty stuff into their vehicles and point their way toward home this morning, there are a couple of other things that are wrapping up today.

LAST Day to Save!

Photographed in front of one of my favorite abandoned places - I hope you have a wonderful time making Maymont your own using up scrap stash and sewing in the memories of where each of those fabrics came from.

Introductory pricing: I have placed the PDF pattern for Maymont in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Store at 25% off through TOMORROW 5/31/22. No coupon needed!

Price reverts back to $12.00 TOMORROW 6/1/22. 

Garlic Knots  PDF Pattern Sale!
I've also dropped the pattern price for Garlic Knots at 25% off through TODAY, 5/31/22 as well. Hurry and save!

Garlic knots was originally published in 2017, and I'm excited to see it gaining some new excitement!

Last Monday was my day on Pat Sloan's Tantalizing Table Toppers blog tour. 

Visit my post and get your entry in to win a copy of her new book.  Find who the next stop on the blog tour is and visit them.  Enter on each site on their day - there are 12 stops all sharing their projects and hosting gift-aways this week.  Good luck!

Today is the final round up on Pat's blog.  You'll find the link in my Gift-Away post.  It's your last chance to enter.

We'll be drawing for our winner here on Wednesday 6/1/22. 

I've also added Tantalizing Table Toppers to the Quilting All the Time category of the Quiltville Amazon Affiliate Store. I know how we all love our Amazon Prime where possible!

As for me, along with the laundry running full force for the June Quiltvillians arrival tomorrow, I've got an appointment with my dentist to see about a crown on the second tooth they did the root canal redressing on a couple weeks ago.

NOT FUN.  but hopefully after that I will be on the way to being done with dental woes.

And we'll be back to all the quilting content.

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend and spent some time appreciating and loving and remembering those we knew (and those we didn't) who gave their all.

Last Day of May - what will you do with it?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Everything we do in this life creates ripples that affect others.
Let your ripples be positive ones! Tumelo Trail quilt from my book Scraps & Shirttails II.

Happy Tuesday-That-Feels-Like-Monday, folks!



neanie said...

I made Tumelo Trail a few years ago. It looks great on the bed at our summer home. Pat G.

Mary said...

Yep the Generac will be in all the over the porch rail pictures now. Going on a Roadtrip with a new Quilty friend. Picking up our prizes we Won in the Shop Hop. There's a bakery that might have mouth watering Scones for us today too. Yum. It didn't rain all day for the planned BBQ. Yea! I watched the Memorial Day Concert on PBS. Great to see those who survived. And hear their stories of bravery.

Debra said...

Love over the porch railing quilts!! All so different.
It's 90* & humid here in western Ma. Today. Good day to stay in and sew.

Marlene Armbrecht said...

Do you know what the pattern is for the one with white stars and the bright colored "logs"? VERY nice. Would love to know the pattern!

Sherry said...

Today is hubs and my 47th wedding anniversary - how the heck did 47 years go by already!?!?!

pat said...

thank you for taking up close pictures inside. The porch pictures are lovely but do not do the quilts justice. Beautiful work!

Joanne said...

The pattern is called Homespun and it is by Modernly Morgan. There are a variety of construction and layout options to this quilt and all are wonderful!

Unknown said...

Does anyone know what type of flowering bush that is next to the Generac is ?The one with the orange blooms

Cindy said...

Looks like a Flame azaela.

Cindy said...

The quilts are spectacular!!!!!! Love me the elephant quilt and the white stars!!!

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