
Friday, May 27, 2022

Busy Round Here!

Things were already busy at Quiltville Inn when I first walked through the door yesterday morning.

I am so excited to watch these projects grow up on the design walls over the coming Memorial Day weekend!

What started out as a family retreat now includes a wide variety of friends and we've got some new faces participating with the Quilters of the Night this year.

Why Quilters of the Night?  Because while SOME of us fall asleep  by 10:30pm - others like to sew until 2am - 

Wherever your creativity muse leads you to your personal best time to create - follow it!

Setting up and getting started!

Jack instructing Denise on her 301 spa day!

Retreat is a great time for some machine care!

We also have some split-unit care happening.  Ugh.

Remember our hot hot hot day last week at 87 degrees and high humidiy?  It seems the kitchen a/c unit quit pumping cold air.  So we called and they came out yesterday.

It seems a circuit panel needs to be replaced and is on order. 

I'm grateful for cooler weather this week - it's been in the 60s and rainy - so a/c hasn't been needed as much.

Just file this one under "It's always something." and feel good that we know what it is and it will be taken care of.

This is finally closer to being done!

It's not a fancy space.  It's the attic access (There are stairs that go up to the attic here) and it is a pass-through from the upstairs front hall through the attic space to the back side of the house with a door into bedroom #5.  

It was a hot mess when we bought the house - Jeff started to do the drywall, but his job didn't provide him time to really finish it so we've had some awesome handymen come.  They've been doing some "odd job" type stuff like replace rotting boards above the porch roof that happened before we installed gutters last year to solve that water problem.

It's been rainy so that stopped the ability to continue working on the board replacement so we rounded up some inside jobs instead.  

While this space will never be beautiful (it's an attic passage way - it doesn't have to be!) it is at least now drywalled and painted and some trim put up.  We'll see to the floor another time.

They've also finished off the drywall for the bathroom that is off the garage/shop and things are looking much better in there.

Our Rhododendron is on it's last legs of the season.

But what a beautiful show she put on this year!

Click to Play:

 Well done!  

On the mountain the native rhododendrons haven't bloomed yet - but the mountain laurel is putting on a show like I've never seen before.

These clusters are HUGE and so beautiful.

I love the "barely there" hints of pink.


Yes, things are this green.

Can you find the cows?

Along with 12 retreaters, 2 handymen, 1 a/c guy -I also had Martha swing by for some more scrap cutting with the Accuquilt Studio.  

Who did she bring with her?  Cookie, the baby goat who is now almost 2 weeks old.

We literally did have a zoo going on.

By the time I had some time -

All I could do was cut out and kit up.  Sometimes there just is no sewing machine time of any kind, but I'll be ready when I can finally sit down to these.

With all that is going on in the world, I really feel the need to just do something simple. The last couple of YEARS have been so heavy - who am I kidding?  But really - the past month has been, well - I have no words for what I'm feeling.  

I know many of you are there too.

Some simple sawtooth stars will do for now.

On the agenda today:  HAIR CUT DAY!

I'll be swinging by the inn to check on things there and then go get that and any other errands that need to happen in town while I'm out in an effort to conserve gas.  I know you get it!

How are things shaping up for your Friday and the Memorial Day weekend ahead?

Garlic Knots PDF Pattern Sale!
I've dropped the pattern price 25%

You'll find it in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Store.
Discount good through Tuesday, 5/31/22. Hurry and save!

Garlic knots was originally published in 2017, and I'm excited to see it gaining some new excitement!

If you haven't yet - don't forget to enter my Maymont PDF pattern and fabric roll Gift-Away currently going on, drawing to happen SATURDAY.  Just a few days left to enter.

Introductory pricing: I have placed the PDF pattern for Maymont in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Store at 25% off through 5/31/22. No coupon needed!

Price reverts back to $12.00 on 6/1/22. 

Monday was my day on Pat Sloan's Tantalizing Table Toppers blog tour. 

Visit my post and get your entry in to win a copy of her new book.  Find who the next stop on the blog tour is and visit them.  Enter on each site on their day - there are 12 stops all sharing their projects and hosting gift-aways this week.  Good luck!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Sometimes it's hard to not take on the chaos of others. Do what you can to preserve your own peace.
Protect your own happiness!
Beware and BE AWARE of things that steal your joy.

Happy Friday, everyone!



robynfam said...

Work today. Off Saturday and that is Cemetary day. Work rest of weekend and next weekend is our 50+1 High SchoolReunion. Very busy 10 days or so. Have a great weekend! !

Cats said...

oh how glorious and uplifting... the additional rain in the Blue Ridge must be encouraging the natives to bloom... let's all do that, bloom where we are planted... thank you, Bonnie... connecting to nature and the positive turns around the seasons, enjoying your blooming bushes... we have azaleas, but nothing like the Rhodies!!! Prayers for all, esp. those in depression and pain...look for the good, always... health and happiness and gratitude to y'all who share my life and contribute to it. Cats in Carlsbad CA (where May Gray is moving into June Gloom) smiles and hugs

Mary said...

My Rhododendron got pelted by rain and looks pretty sad so no pictures with my Mystery Quilt this year. Oh well. So much going on behind the scenes. I understand the absence of real quilting. Cutting out counts. Making the Pilgrimage today to avoid the crowds on Monday. Rainy days in the forecast. Nature is weeping fir our world

Bettie Goolsby Doyle. said...

I loved Garlic Knots from the first time i saw it, still my favorite to go back to every once in awhile... I love the better than any pattern so far. It is simple and so easy to do. Thank you Bonnie you are much loved and appreciated.

Leah said...

Love that vintage Jacob's Ladder variation w today's quote. Jacob's.... Bowtie, maybe? LOL - I don't know what you'd call it, but it's cute. The block with the black plaid and the soft pink and yellow is a fun combination.

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie: Great to see a family like retreat. Great to see some guys in the pictures, too. I have never seen a retreat with machine maintenance taking place. It was good to see the Gentleman for "Spa Day" on certain machines. We usually have a guy come sharpen scissors for a cheap price, which is good! Everyone has a pair of scissors that need sharpening! But I was disappointed the link for the sign up for the give away drawing for MayMont and the skittles rolls was all ready closed and it is only Friday evening. I am in gardening season, starting of hundreds of papy plants for myself, neighbors, community, and the garden club plant sale. Tomorrow, I will having a couple gentlemen come to work on finally getting the front lattice up, and the flower beds started. I can finish on my own, but need someone to put the lattice up. That, I do not have the skill set, not tools for. Have a Great weekend Everyone. Please remember our soldiers, sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coastguard that have fallen.

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