
Saturday, October 23, 2021

Midnight Flight, Day 2!

A ruby red 301!  Isn't she gorgeous?

Sometimes ALL the feels come when I see a machine that matches the project being sewn.

Or is it the project matching the machine?

You can believe that I gave this sweetie a pet or two throughout our workshop day!

I got to start the day by checking in with everyone and seeing how they had done with their Day 1 homework - 

And then we were off and rolling to our next unit, half-square triangles using my Essential Triangle Tool, cutting from strips already matched right sides together.

It didn't take long before enough half-square triangles were made to start putting units together!

I am loving these colors!

Someone else had the same idea!

Green and gold just feels like fall around here.

Yellows and blues will be gorgeous too!

And just like that - chain sewing half-square triangles and four-patches together!

Other projects are going on too!

When we break the workshop into 3 days of sessions, there is time to work on other projects in the off hours if desired.

Theresa is working on her Appalachian Autumn using aqua and teal as her backgrounds where I used neutral/grey.

This is going to be so gorgeous!

There may just have been a little trunk show of these quilts during our lunch break!

In the afternoon the ladies found free time - some headed to Wytheville for a bit of quilt shop stash enhancement.

A few others did one thing that I haven't done in more than a month due to this turned ankle that has been really slow to heal - they took a hike up Round House Road and had a wonderful time out.

I'm so glad they went, and I fear it will be next spring before this ankle is strong enough to hike dirt roads and Appalachian trails.

I spent my time before dinner cranking out some more neutral string blocks.  The small hunks and chunks saved in bins as crumbs are still calling to me, and I needed something that I didn't have to think too hard about.

Answers to questions from yesterday -

Do you NEED a subscription to Quiltmaker to participate in the Ruby Jubilee mystery? 

Review yesterday's announcement HERE.

I will be sharing my progress, but not giving unit or block counts, sizes or directions here on my blog.  All of that will be in each issue during the running of the Ruby Jubilee mystery. 


Alternatively try HERE and scroll down to the Quiltmaker option.

Digital issues are also available on a non-subscription basis and you can purchase and download those as each issue becomes available, which may be great for those who live outside of the USA.

PLEASE support Quiltmaker in this.  I get nothing from your subscriptions.  But if we don't support the magazines, we won't have them to inspire us any more.  We have already lost so many wonderful publications in the last several years.

The other reason I was string piecing so as not to think too hard?

We found ourselves in a bidding war on our Wallburg NC house!

By the time yesterday's blog post went live, we had 2 offers in hand with more incoming. 

We had offers in 24 hours of the house being placed on the market!  Some wanted to buy it sight unseen!

In order to curb the chaos, our realtor Jen put out a message to all other realtors that all offers must be in by 5pm last night, and we would choose.

We are now under contract!

We didn't go with the highest bidder, but the one with the most stable offer that would be the least likely to have too many hiccups along the way.

We feel really good about this, and even so - are aware (it's not our first selling or buying, remember? I've been at this for decades and have moved several times! LOL!) that things can happen.  We are open to that.

But this allows us to move forward.  We are hoping for closing in 30 days.

That burden feels just a bit lighter.  So last night, we celebrated!

Back porch at dark looking all festive!

How to get a fire going that just won't catch?

Pull out the leaf blower!

Roasty Toasty!

It was a bit on the chilly side - I'm hoping to do one more fire pit night on Halloween night - but that might be it for the 2021 fire pit season!

Jackets on and as close to the fire as we could get!

I think we got that window film over the kitchen sink windows in the nick of time!  That wind gets chilly!

Soon - the fire places in the Quilting Quarters will be keeping things warm and toasty inside, while we leave the outside to the elements.

Today - day THREE of Midnight Flight begins at 10am.  we'll wind up with out last chevron units and start putting everything in to blocks.

It's also photo op day for quilts over the porch rail.

Tomorrow, Pam's Scrappy Sisters will load it all up and head back toward Nashville.

How about your own weekend plans?

Oh - my "Make One Thing Better" yesterday was to clear some flat surfaces, and to vacuum the studio.

Some excess quilting stuff including some plastic totes went into the "free baskets" at the Inn to gift to anyone who wanted them.

It wasn't a BIG accomplishment, but it still made some things better. How about you?


There are only a few days left to enter our Boxy Bow Ties Gift-Away!

I'll be drawing MONDAY MORNING for one winner who will receive the printable PDF pattern for Boxy Bow Ties for themselves AND a friend, along with this for both:

A This & That Fabric Roll from Cotton to Quilts!

Enter to win ON THAT POST.

Drawing to happen Monday 10/25/21!

You'll find Boxy Bow Ties in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store! And to kick this excitement into gear, I've placed it at 25% off through 10/31/21 at only $9.00, No coupon required!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage churn Dash found in North Carolina.

I think she sums it up just perfectly, don't you?
Thank you, Delores!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



Judy said...

Congratulations on the house sale, hope all goes through smoothly!!

Mary said...

Today is Wedding Day! Celebrating having all 6 of my Children here too!! My mommaa heart is full to overflowing. Did some stash enhancement at MSQC in Hamilton. Oh Sew Much Fun!

Charlotte M. said...

We went through the same thing when we sold our house in Chapel Hill 4 years ago. It was crazy to us then. In today's real estate market, it seems to be happening a lot. Happy you'll soon have this behind you.

Debbie M said...

Thank you, Bonnie, for this blog. I look forward to it everyday. You inspire me in so many ways to keep on quilting!

Vicki B said...

Quiltmaker is a wonderful magazine. If you are on the fence about subscribing, you won't regret it.

Farm Quilter said...

After seeing how few homes are for sale in your area, no surprise at all that there was a bidding war and so many offers! So glad you had a stable offer...praying it goes through with no hiccups! Congratulations!

sewnsew said...

Hi, Bonnie,

I cleaned my camper and got it ready for winter storage! Does that count? Ramona from Maine

Quilter Kathy said...

I am totally in love with that red Singer!
What a great idea to have a class over 3 days... looks like so much fun!
I laughed out loud at the photo of the leaf blower revving up the fire... such a man thing to do!
Enjoy your Saturday!

Judy said...

I live in Michigan and the evenings here have been very chilly, I was camping with some friends a few weeks ago and we decided the evening was a bit chilly so we had a camp fire the next day and it was wonderful, just enough to ward of the chill in the October air. That was the last of our campfires for 2021 also as the camp is now closed. I hope you can get in one more campfire.

Debra said...

Congratulations on the house...hoping it goes through without a problem.
I'm quilting my Cheddar Bow T

Carol M said...

I love quiltmaker magazine. I have been a subscriber since 2016 on auto renewal. I giggle every time I get one in the mail....Love Bonnie's blocks and all of the helps in it.

Kaequilt said...

My husband appreciated Dave's use of the leaf blower! He has found several laternate uses for his, too. The best was blowing a lost bat down the hall and our our back door.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Churn Dash is one of my favorite blocks. Hope you are success with the sale of your house and there are no hiccups.

Pat P said...

I cleaned the fabric off my extra bed that was from last year’s mystery quilt that I was working on. Time to make room for the next mystery quilt.

Leah said...

LOL - I would never have thought of using a leaf blower to coax a fire, but that's genius!

Congrats on the Wallburg house selling so quickly. On to the next thing!

Ratchell TN said...

Oh, love that red singer. If I had it I might have to hire a cook to make my meals for me. Lol! I wouldn’t want to leave it. Love your blog. My one thing today was take inventory of Apt I moved into. What a job, but it is done. Now to plan out what to do next for tomorrow. Love the color combinations on everyone quilt. Look forward to seeing over the rail quilts tomorrow. Ratchell AR.

Cindy said...

LOVE that red Singer!!!! Be still my heart! Love seeing all the beautiful blocks from your guests. So inspiring!

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