
Tuesday, May 04, 2021

A Bit of Barn Quilt Love!

What measures 48'' x 48'' and holds ENDLESS QUILTY FRIEND LOVE?

A barn quilt painted with the star design from our Frolic mystery quilt!

I am thrilled beyond measure that the Texas Girls would not only think of such a thing - but MAKE such a thing - and then personally drive it all the way to Virginia.

It's big, bold, and beautiful!

Stopped in my tracks for the presentation!

Oh my stars -

It's a big FROLIC BLOCK!

And everyone signed it!

This means so much to me -

You girls are SO SNEAKY!

I may be permanently exhausted -

But also eternally happy and grateful!

Speech! Speech!  Let me make a speech!  LOL!

(Good gracious, when did I start to look so much like my grandmother!?)

It took a few days until we could get it hung - But it happened yesterday -

It is perfect here on the back porch!

I love how the aqua around the center star picks up the aqua in the porch ceiling.  

And it is in a place that is safe from the weather, where everyone can enjoy it through the warmer months as we use the porch for meal time a lot during the spring/summer/fall!

Thanks again, ladies - I will think of you every time I look at this outpouring of love.

For those asking how we hung it - We nailed a 1 x 1 slat to the side of the house, hanging the top of the barn quilt on that.  Then we secured the barn quilt to the 1 x 1 with a brad nailer.  

It's very secure - it is not going anywhere.

And I'm glad I read the messages on the back side and got photos of the back - because that puppy is not coming off the wall!

Yesterday evening about 5pm!

The ice maker on the new fridge in the Quiltville Inn kitchen stopped working.  Last week the TN girls picked up a couple of bags of ice on their way in until we could get it fixed.

Quick turn around in between retreats didn't leave much time to sort it out.

The filter light was on, so we thought that might be the thing - we got a new filter, installed it.  Water was running through the ice/water dispenser just fine so we left it to see if there would be ice in the morning.  NADA.

We turned the ice maker on and off from the inside, primed the little arm thing - and still NADA.

That meant we had to unplug the whole deal for 24 hours to see if we could thaw something that was frozen up, and we couldn't do that with retreater's food in the fridge so it had to wait until Sunday evening after everyone had left.

Last evening we went back over to plug it in again and cross our fingers - and that is when we saw this rainbow. BEAUTIFUL!  So maybe rainbows are a good sign that there will be ice this morning.

We shall see - and if there is not, then we have exhausted all options and will be calling a repair guy.

Please let there be ice this morning!

The Quilter's of the Night arrive for retreat tomorrow afternoon and if it isn't working, I'll be headed to purchase more bagged ice.  It's always something, isn't it?

Entries are still coming in for our April Quilty Box Gift-Away, even though it's now MAY! The drawing will happen TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 5th, 2021.  

Get your entry in ON THAT POST and perhaps the random number generator will draw YOU!

Today - fabric cutting for border ideas will be at the top of my agenda - the Rocky Road to Kansas variation quilt that I'm tentatively calling Rocky Road to Grayson was put together yesterday. (Photos to come!) and I have a border idea that will use up more of the yellow leftovers and finish the sashing/cornerstone design at the same time.

Anything fun up for your Tuesday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage applique quilt found in Wichita, Kansas circa 1930s.

Be like a persistent flower...push through that dirt and BLOSSOM!

May the 4th be with you!



Carolyn said...

I'm so glad you have opened up for retreaters. Love the barn quilt, my husband got me one for Christmas but it's not hung yet.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

What an extraordinary gift, that block looks wonderful on your porch.

bee bus said...

Great blog and love you quotes. I share them often. I share your ideas as well.

Carolyn A S said...

Beautiful barn quilt and so thoughtful of the TX ladies. My Tuesday is filled with a guild Zoom meeting which is always fun because we share our Show & Tells. Have a wonderful day!

Linda P. said...

When my ice maker freezes up from over-filling, I use my hair dryer to thaw it out. Usually in about 5 minutes, it's running again. Hope yours is something as simple and fixed!

Unknown said...

Good morning, Love the quilt block, it's just gorgeous!!! The automatic ice makers just don't last, so I got some ice cube trays and make my own! Hope you have a wonderful day!.

Mary Ellen said...

What a meaningful gift! It's beautiful and will be loved for many, many years!

JustGail said...

And that's why I won't have an ice maker in my refrigerator. But I don't use much ice, so the ice cube trays work fine for me. It's a whole different ball game for you and the inn, or those that use lots of ice.

The barn quilt is very pretty, and good for finding a protected place for it. Well done, Texas Girls - on the barn quilt and surprising Bonnie!

Jodi Kleban said...

In the first photo there's a pic of your Bonnie Hunter Quiltville quilt. I would love to see how you did the piecing of the improv letters.

Nancy said...

Bonnie, how odd that the repairman for my ice maker is repairing it right now! It is a relatively new fridge too. Makes the Featherweight even more remarkable for longevity. Where ever did you get the t-shirt....permanently exhausted? I want one! Read you everyday and feel like I live next door to you.

Karen said...

I've lived in my apartment almost 6 years and have had the ice maker replaced 3 times! They just don't last! My maintenance man calls it "job security"!

otherussin said...

The Texas ladies did a great job on your barn quilt! Such fun they're having great addition to your porch decor. Thanks for sharing it.

Christy said...

Spending the week with my family on Oahu, staying on the west side. No quilting for me this week but maybe a hunt for fabric!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

It is so fun to see what these retreaters have done and are doing. Really it seems that COVID has brought out the quilter in these ladies. I love love all the finishes. The Quilt Block they brought was so thoughtful and beautiful. You are so blessed with quilters that care for you it makes the ones who have caused you grief seem so insignificant in comparison. Let the good guys win!!!!

Jen said...

So incredibly thoughtful! It's beautiful. I need that shirt!

Lisa said...

The barn quilts sign is beautiful and a wonderful gift! I hope you still have some help cleaning the Inn between retreaters. Enjoy your week.

Carol R. said...

The icemaker on our fridge gave up making ice about year 5; probably self defense from the over usage by our young grandsons. Five years later, it started working again - startling us with strange noises coming from the kitchen. That lasted about a week. About FIFTEEN years later, it started again! Another short visit that we were not prepared for ( I had taken the 'bucket' out so ice cubes were falling on frozen food packages). It won't happen again because I had to replace the fridge this past Nov.. LOVE the barn quilt!

Terri said...

And also with you. Thank you. My ice maker is not working either. Poo.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Lots of love reflected in this post, and a rainbow to top it off; doesn’t get much better than that. Fingers crossed for ice cubes!

Grandma K said...

I painted a barn quilt a few years ago in a guild workshop. Haven't hung it yet, but maybe this year it will happen. Love the shirt. Could use one for my daughter that is a teacher. An exhausting job.

Linda Garcia said...

I distinctly remember the day I looked in the mirror and said to myself, I have turned into my mother.....LOL!

Tracey Honig said...

Oh, wow!! Such a thoughtful gift! And it looks awesome on your backporch. Rainbows are a sign of good luck. I hope things work out with your icemaker. Nothing exciting for me today, unless I can sneak in some time in my sewing room this evening to get some cleaning done before I can start my new projects.

vkh6210 said...

What a lovely gift. Love the barn quilt. So pretty. If your refrigerator brand is a Samsung, chances are you DO need a repair man. After the snow and ice in February, the repairman finally got to come fix mine--an hour job took 3-4. Bad freeze up. He had to take the icemaker out in pieces. After I saw all the pieces I couldn't believe how patient he was. I would have been throwing things. We thought our refrigerator was the one without the removable ice drawer so until it quit making ice we didn't realize what a big problem we had created by not calling for repairs sooner. Best of luck.

Dawn Central Valley, California said...

Bonnie, love the beautiful barn quilt block. What a thoughtful heartfelt treasure those lovely ladies created and you so very deserving of such a lovely gift. Thinking of all who will view it and enjoy the warmth it radiates. For my birthday my son gave me a painting class wherein we each painted a similar treasure. I chose Lemoyne Star block and he chose Golden Gate Bridge to paint for his family room. We joined a group of twenty other students and painted well into the evening under guidance of several instructors. Completed Lemoyne Star block came home with me that night and hangs over my garage for all to enjoy driving up River Drive. Thanks so much for sharing "everything" with us! PS: my ice maker has been wonderfully active for past nine years. Hope yours regains consciousness tomorrow!

queenmumkim said...

The barn quilt is perfect on your porch, what a thoughtful gift.

Charlie d said...

Thanks for bringing us along on your quilty journey and it is SO exciting to have yur groups back. Regarding the barn quilt block and the signatures showing, would it possible to use a photo, reduce it and make it permanent on a metal plaque, attaching it beside the barn quilt?

Kris Jacobson said...

Hey Bonnie, This is Kris Jacobson, the one that won BlockBase in your drawing. I just wanted to tell you how great EQ is. I have had EQ since the beginning. I don't use it to design a lot of quilts but I like to try out fabrics and colors on quilts I plan on making. I downloaded blockbase but I could not get it to connect with EQ. I tried to update EQ and it won't let me. So I contacted EQ. They found out that over the years I have had three email addresses and passwords. They combined everything and I was able to reload my EQ and get it connected to blockbase. Since I was on a roll I had another add on program that was on a CD and my new computor would not read it. Again I contacted EQ and they created a download so that I could add the program to my EQ. They are great.
Thank you so much for the gift. It has gotten me back to using EQ again.

Kateman said...

So darn cool! What a wonderful way to honor you, bonnie!!!!

Alice said...

That is certainly a beautiful barn quilt in a beautiful spot! But I have to comment on your wondering when you started looking like your grandmother. Kind of scarey isn't it? You spend years looking like yourself and then one day every time you look in the mirror there is...(for me it is my mother.) Alice Woodring

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