
Monday, May 03, 2021

Quilt Showing & Sharing with the Scrappy Sisters!

This was the view over the porch rail as evening fell on Saturday -

The sun on the western side of the porch was perfect, and gave all passers-by quite the show!

So many beautiful quilts were brought by the ladies, and it was wonderful to see each one -including many Grassy Creek mystery finishes!  WONDERFUL!

Just think of how many pieces cut  each quilt represents!

All of the hours sewing - most of it virtually together over the past year.

All of the hours quilting and binding!

How many of us have held our sanity together by a thread in the past 15 months?

I know that has been the case for me.  

When life seams to be coming undone in every way possible - the pieces I sew together hold together through it all.  Unless I sew it wrong, of course!

Melissa has been sew busy!! Love it!

And that's not all - these 12 wonderful women have all embarked on a Straits of Mackinac Journey while here at Quiltville Inn.

Blocks, sashings and borders, oh my!

These were the photos of progress taken yesterday while the ladies were beginning to pack up and load their cars - How can the time pass so quickly?

Beautiful fabrics!

And there were many strip swaps happening too to increase variety!

Miss Ruth is SO CUTE!

Even while asking me - "Do you notice something?!"

She sewed the wrong ends together in the center.  OOPS!

Nothing that a short visit with a seam ripper can't fix!

Much better!

I can't wait to see these quilts next visit!

They are ALL so beautiful!

Each one different enough that you can tell - 3 different quilters made these blocks!.

Find the Straits of Mackinac pattern in my book String Frenzy.

I will remember the wonderful walk me had!

And the gorgeous trillium blooming on the hillside!

Saturday night was also meant for this!

Fire pit sitting and s'mores made with fudge stripe cookies.

The perfect amount of chocolate, no crumbling, and much less mess.

Thank you, Scrappy Sisters of Tennessee!

I loved having you visit - and I'll see you next time!

Needless to say - not sewing by ME happened at all over the weekend.  I did get a binding put on and I have started to hand sew it down.

TODAY I have promised myself there will be machine time - I have those Rocky Road to Kansas blocks to set together - and hopefully I can start the assembly on that top today.

But those Cabin Corners blocks are also calling me - what's a girl to do?

How about your weekend?  Did you get some stitching time in?

Entries are still coming in for our April Quilty Box Gift-Away, even though it's now MAY! The drawing will happen on Wednesday, May 5th, 2021.  Get your entry in ON THAT POST and perhaps the random number generator will draw YOU!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage Chinese coins quilt shared by Allison.

We had a huge rain during the middle of the night that soaked the earth and this morning the woods around me are full of new green leaves and abundant birdsong.
There is so much awesomess to this morning all ready!
However you spend your Monday, I hope you take some time to notice the peace and beauty around you and just how awesome it is!⁣



Sandy Holder said...

It was a wonderful long weekend and I had so much fun. I am excited to return in October. Happy sewing.

Janet said...

Was that a purple Trillium flower? Cannot wait til August to have some fun at the Inn.

sue s said...

Trillium is usually our first sign of spring, and we weren't finding any on our walks. Yesterday we found them and they were beautiful! Not red like yours, but white and delicate pink. I love them!
And as a native Michigander I STILL have Straits on my list!

Unknown said...

This weekend was used to press the seams on the back of a butterfly quilt top before adding borders and putting the binding on another finished quilt - still have one side to hand stitch today. Trilliums in bloom here too - love them.

Grandma K said...

I've only had one s'more in my life and wasn't a fan. I may have to try your method.

Leah said...

I'm also a fan of using fudge stripe cookies for s'mores.

Or Oreos. Or Mint Oreos, or Oreos with a Reese's peanut butter cup sandwiched inside.... Oh my. I need a campfire, STAT.

Nannieannie said...

I just discovered what a LAP Quilt is: LOVE, AWESOMENESS & PEACE. A beautiful prayer for each day, a great goal for each day...cut, piece, & bind a lap quilt each day.

Tammie said...

I did get some sewing in this weekend. Thought I had finished a scrappy border for my 2020 temp quilt, but I didn’t double check my seams, and the strips are over an inch too long. So, I’m going back through and measuring each 2 block section to find the ones that are really off, and taking up a little more seam. At least they weren’t short...they would have ended up on the back!!!😂😂. That will teach to check seams every time. It has also been shocking how much better my HST are turning on out on my leader/ender project. Amazing how well things work when you do it the “right” way! Can’t wait to get this quilt off my design wall so I can start on my 2021 version. Still plugging away at the king size split nine patch that will go in our master bedroom. Think it will be my favorite muted color quilt. We’ll see......everyone have a wonderful week! We are hitting 90 degrees in Texas today with about 150% humidity..😫. Way too early for this!

Tracey Honig said...

I put the finishing touches on two projects to be given away in time. Beautiful finishes, ladies! It looks like there was much better reveal weather! I didn't get the "stay at home" time during quarantine like so many as I was an "essential worker" at the time. Looking forward to a much needed break in 17 days!

Julie said...

The quilts over the rail were beautiful! So glad everything is getting back to normal

Ursula said...

Ladies you've made my day. Your energy has travelled far and has brought joy over to my home. Will have a fab day piecing and sewing. Thanks a million.

Brenda Barnes said...

Using Fudge-stripe cookies for smores is BRILLIANT! Definitely a "do" for my summer plans!

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