
Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Joy, Frustration & A Quilty Box Winner!

This round of happiness came together yesterday.

It's a 10 year old (at least) UFO, folks!

Another conquer thanks to Covid - my UFO bins are SERIOUSLY diminished, and I have changed up the original plans that had projects languishing due to being bored and side-tracked.

My original plan was to do EVERYTHING with Civil War reproduction fabrics (Or at least things that read "old fashioned") but I was bored out of my gourd.

Last fall/winter I pulled the blocks out again determined to do "SOMETHING" with them, and the first something was to spice up the mix by adding in favorite scraps - be they modern, novelty, bright, and a whole round of WOW happened for me.

It's ALL in here!

I mixed in other yellows along with my "Civil Wars" making the mix much happier.  There are bumble bees and scotty dogs in the mix.

Once the center was together - I dove right in to borders.

All of the scrappy reds going with the variety of yellows - even modern ones.  The polka dots are my favorite.  And yes, there are some Christmas reds too.  In it goes!

And all of the hunks and chunks of yellow also played a part to frame the center - and the stars finished into the outside border, calling it done.

My problem came with my over-zealous self being served a bit of humble pie  (a la mode!) when quilting machine issue over quilting machine issue set me back a few paces.

Oh - -the tension was perfect - but the thread kept breaking.

A change of thread - and something happened and the quilting machine had to be restarted.

With the restart, I forgot to check the scale of the quilting design, and it had reverted to a smaller motif.

The stitches were TOO SMALL and there were too many of them to consider removing it from the machine and spending days to pick it out - 

There was a row that was not spaced right and some over-quilting of the previous row happened.

WILL IT SHOW?  Not in a digital photo.  Not on a pattern cover.

But I can use it as an object lesson to remind myself that it's okay not to have it all together all of the time.

I'm going to have to stay with the smaller motif even if it makes the quilt "overly quilted."  Picking all of that out would be too damaging to the fabrics and I don't want to do it.  I really don't.

I gave up about 6pm and headed home - but I am determined to look at it with new eyes this morning.

I was greeted with this bit of crazy Zoey when I walked in the door.  How can I remain frustrated with this bit of happiness & joy?  Click to Play:

She just cracks me up!

I guess all can be made right in my world with the squawk of a rubber chicken!

Also good for what ails me as I bind.

Or try to!

So you want to turn the corner, do you?

Think again!

And since it's Wednesday - let's pull the winner of our April '2021 Quilty Box Gift-Away!

Details of this box are found on the original post.

In search of entry 257!  Who is it?
Deborah DeBerry!!

This box is coming  your way!

Deborah, please reply to the email I sent to the address you provided with your entry and I'll have the folks at Quilty Box get your goodies right out to you.  Congrats!

There is more Gift-Away fun to happen - so stay tuned!
The ice maker saga at Quiltville Inn is ongoing.  I went first thing yesterday to check - no ice.

We are under warranty so the repair guy has been called - we haven't had a call back as to when they can come.

So I am picking up 2 bags of ice at the Stateline gas station at the end of Grassy Creek road on my way and will put that in the freezer.

And I'm about to check if the Lowes in Jefferson has a countertop model that I can keep on the back porch as there is no available counter space in the kitchen for an ice maker.  It might be good to have a back-up.  But it will have to be out on the porch.

12 people can go through a whole lot of ice during the warmer months.  We need ice.

Anything quilty or fun up for your Wednesday ahead?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I am repeating this to myself as I head over to the QPO studio to work on the machine quilting - with too small of a motif - determined to get it done anyway.

Happy Cinco de Mayo to those who celebrate -

I'm thinking taco salads for dinner tonight!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, folks!



Faith (Stevie) Harris said...

As long as it doesn’t get wet, your ice maker should be fine with an added bonus, you won’t heat up your kitchen. We keep ours under the awning on our fifth wheel and have had no problems. Been in use for years.

Doris said...

Someone said earlier that this quilt looks like piƱatas. It really does! Perfect for Cinco de Mayo! I have never made a quilt with a yellow background, but I think I see one in my future. Thank you, Bonnie, for another happy quilt pattern.

AuntieAllyn said...

Goodness, you have such a creative mind. I mean, those yellow pointy blocks are perfectly fine . . . but you come up with such great settings! You inspire me.

stretchmarks said...

Some days you are the windshield and somedays you are the bug! Hang in there! Marilyn Marks

Brenda said...

Currently stalled on my latest quilt project. (Reminded that art quilts are not my thing.) So I'm working on a needlepoint kit that I've had for 40 years. Does that make it vintage?

notolderbetr said...

Your "too much yellow" quilt is wonderful! I could look at it all day. I think you made a good decision to use everything. It's a gorgeous mix-up. Another triumph for you. And another affirmation that finished is better than perfect. Congratulations!

Linda Smith said...

Good to know even a pro can run into issues! Bonnie, you are my guilty pleasure in the morning after breakfast and before I get my day started. Thank you!

Elaine Adair said...

LOVE the different setting for the scrappy RRoad. Just so happens, this is the design (of yours) I am working on and was wanting to be brilliant and think of a different way to set them together. Perhaps I will be brave and come up with my very own setting and come up with an amazing winner like you did! Thank you, as always, for continual inspiration.

Leah said...

Oh! It's so beautiful!

When you've shown blocks in recent weeks, the antique gold yellows somehow gave me the idea that the whole thing would seem more soft and muted. It's so vibrant, though, so bright and lively and sparkling. The red and aqua really punch things up, and the golden yellows give it just the right mellowness for balance.

I'm sorry the quilting was fighting you. You're right, though - none of us will ever notice that. We'll be too busy looking at the color and movement and variety!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on getting that old UFO top together, Bonnie. It's fabulous!!!

Betty the quilter said...

I feel your pain with the longarm :( Been there, done that. It ain't no fun. But, how wonderful you are just going with the flow. And really, once it it quilted, it won't really be all that noticeable to anyone but you. We are most definitely our own worst critics. That quilt will become one of your absolute favs. Can't wait for the pattern to come. There will be a pattern won't there??? Silly dong, they do cheer us up & make everything right in our worlds again. Good luck with the ice thing & have fun with the next group of quilters. WooHoo! Quiltville Inn back in business. Love it for you.

Gail, Enumclaw, WA said...

Yellow is not my favorite color so I would never even consider it for a background but you have me rethinking that perspective. As for today....I have 6 charity quilt tops waiting to be quilted....need to quit procrastinating.....

Sharon in Seattle said...

Bonnie you're awesome!
Quilting machines can be a real challenge sometimes! Great quilt no matter what!

Tracey Honig said...

Perfect quote for the day as I have gone home early feeling under the weather. But first, a little quilting happiness before I try to rest. I love the bright happy scrappy that you have there. The yellow just makes it sing. It is always so nice to "finally" get that project done! I find that the projects that you want to get finished with the most, are the ones that you have the problems with on the quilting machine the most. I LOVE the fur babies yesterday... Zoey girl had me rolling!! Congratulations to the winner! Have a good afternoon!

Gail Topper said...

I love "ZoeyCam"!!!!

Linda K. said...

Love the new quilt in progress! Yellows and reds make a happy quilt.

Sandy Meyer said...

WOW! Bonnie, I love your quilt! It zings and is so happy! The turquoise sashing help with the POP, too. Wonderful! Love the video of Zoey-dearest. And, loved seeing Ivy giving her a kiss and snuggling. Your blog is a wonderful start to my day!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I finished a 20+ year old UFO on Monday. I had set back fabric for the sashing & cornerstones with what would be blocks way back then. When I pulled it out those fabrics were just way to dull and pulled out some brighter ones. Our tastes to change with time!

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