
Friday, January 22, 2021

Small Finishes and Road Trips!

I finished the binding on this little fun thing the other evening.

The whole project too really no time at all - or at least it seams like it because it came from pieces and parts that were already left from other things.

I am loving these little quick finishes in between other larger projects - they just lift my spirits and push me forward!

Yes, there are some big things in the works too - so the small ones I can share are just nice "in-betweeners!"

It may hang.

it may go on a table.

Or the back of a chair.

It may find itself just folded in a basket with other small projects for a spot of color here and there - 

26 '' x 26'' is just about right in the small quilt realm.

The backing -  with unsigned label -

Not sure what I want to call this yet, so I am waiting.

Earlier this week when I first shared this project I was telling you about the backing fabric - 2001 by Mary Koval and how it was inspired by an 1881 fabric.  

I wanted to show you more, so Mary to the rescue!  She dug out some photos for us.

This is the quilt front as it hung in an exhibit in Houston.

Here are close ups of the 1881 original fabric.

Looking at the original quilt - the calendars are the big white squares you see between the design.

May 1881.

Fabric design is SO interesting - and I love how Mary took the calendar idea - and scattered 2001 calendars on her "cheater cloth" fabric - not reproducing the 1881 fabric exactly, but putting her own vision and twist on it.

The other little prints that you see in Mary's version are other fabrics that were in that particular line.  

Thanks, Mary for allowing me to share the originals with my readers!

And I'm so glad I found a great place for this piece of fabric to remain whole and together.

Yesterday was a "Road Trip to Wallburg" day.

I had an appointment in Winston-Salem, and if I am going to be that close, I am going to run by the house and grab another load of STUFF.

Yesterday's load included a few tubs of fabric, and 10 sewing machines.

I am working on emptying the remaining metal shelving units so they can go into the soon-to-be-painted storage room at Quiltville Inn.

I suspect that the sanding will be finished and painting started this weekend!

Also shown rolled up - my Jane Stickle quilt that hung in my basement studio at the Wallburg house.  I'd love to hang it at Quiltville Inn, but it is going to need a good cleaning first!

These two metal shelves remain -

And one more that housed the machines on the other side of the basement.

The shelves will son be holding linens and supplies.

A bin of 30s & 40s to go through -

I know there are long forgotten about fabrics in here!

But possibly the most momentous moment of all - the van made it up to the top of the drive!  CHEERS ALL AROUND!

In true North Carolina/Virginia fashion - the temps in Wallburg//Winston yesterday reached 56.  No coat required!

By the time I got back up to the cabin and was unloading here - it was 37.  So much difference in 100 mile drive and change in elevation.

And yes, the van needs a serious BATH!

It's Friday - the sun is shining here - and I've got that patriotic quilt to get back to today.  I hope to finish the little friendship star cornerstones at least.

What is going on in your world this wonderful day?

Don't forget - it's the LAST DAY to enter this:

It's time for some sweet treats around here!

You've seen me working on this in bits and pieces behind the scenes.

You likely thought all of this red stringing was a Christmas project while we were still in December - but sneak peeks have been happening here and there, and with less than a month until Valentine's Day - 

I thought we best get this show on the road NOW!

Are you ready for some pink and aqua with red all over? 

Then perhaps my new Forever Mine PDF pattern is your next project!

Because we need to keep the good things going, the introductory price for Forever Mine at 25% off the regular price  ($9.00) and will keep it at 25% off through Valentine's Day.  After that, the price reverts to $12.00.

And we are going to gift away a Forever Mine PDF pattern including both the wall quilt/topper and table runner to one lucky winner! 

Not only that - because Valentine's Day is about love, appreciation, friendship and sharing - I'm going to also send a free Forever Mine pattern to the winner's friend of their choosing!

What? You want more?

Irene at Cotton to Quilts will also be sending a Facets of Red fabric roll and a red String Time strip pack to our lucky winner!

As you can see from this photo, she's got fabric rolls in reds, pinks, aqua/turquoise and our much beloved and sought after neutrals available in the Cotton to Quilts online shop. 

The String Time strip packs are just what they sound like - String Time packages come with 180 different 10" long strings of varying widths cut from 20 different fabrics providing variety and convenience!

Grab your pattern, order that fabric - and dive right in!

What are you waiting for?

To be entered to win, head on over to the Gift-Away Post and enter there!  We will be drawing for our winner in tomorrow's post!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Day by day I am finding this to be more true than ever.
My goal is to respond with more kindness than ever before.
In some cases, silence may be the kindest of all.

Enjoy your Friday, everyone!



stretchmarks said...

I'm working on your Blue Skies right now. I'm in blue and yellow nirvana! Marilyn Marks

Mary Ellen said...

I will be working on a paper pieced mini log cabin quilt for my guild's winter challenge. Late afternoon will see me doing a grocery order curbside. No snow here this winter. Yet. I would welcome some.

Phyllis in Pacific Northwest said...

I love those metal shelves, it's what I have all my totes stored on also they sure hold a lot! We have a move planned for our retirement in three years so I am also trying to de stash, and thin down my machines, it's bitter sweet getting rid of some things but happy to see some others enjoy what I have enjoyed too. Today I feel good enough to sew some patriotic blocks together so that's what's on my list.

otherussin said...

And I thought I had a lot of machines at 3! If you needz a home for those '30's fabrics i need some to restore my grandmother's army 30's quilt. Let me know when you can if you're willing color makes no difference as there's everything but black in the quilt.

Louise said...

Have a wonderful day Bonnie. It's nice to see someone with more sewing machines than me. Hugs.

Nance in Reno said...

Learned the George Carlin rule of idiot's in 1st year of law school: Never argue with idiots. They bring down to their level and then beat you up with experience.

Christine said...

Happy Birthday for tomorrow. Hope you have a great day.

Christine from Ontario.

cityquilter grace said...

quick finishes are such a shot in the arm...very cute!

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

Would love to dive into that tub of 30-40's fabrics with you! What fun will you have from the possibilities in there!

Linda in NJ said...

I just love the little fun thing quilt!! colors are so happy, I am just amazed at how fast you knock these quilts out! I know you've been making them for a long time, so it's second nature to you. :) I so want to make one, but have no idea where or how to start!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Rhonda said...

Oh how I enjoy reading your blog each day. Your trips to town to the city to your home away from home, back at the cabin and Inn, your daily life. It's almost like reading a novel. All tied together by all of our love of quilting. One small chapter a day. Love the new Forever Mine little quilt, darling.
Your thought for the day reminds me of my own saying.
'Don't feed the fire unless you want it to keep going or make bigger'. The older I get the more profound I find this to be. Feeding it nothing helps it to dwindle to nothing. Sent with love and admiration.

Judy said...

I am on a finish week, I have done two finishes this week and it feels so good. Both were bindings that were giving me issues but I finally got them figured out and finished. The third one which is going to be a longer finish as it is in the putting together stage and also giving me problems. I don't like the way the pattern calls for it to be put together and want to do 1/2 sq triangles around each square. I have finally figured it out for this project as one of the blocks calls for corner stones so I know what size the 1/2 sq triangles will finish at but not all patterns will be this way. I was wondering if you or any of your readers know of a formula or chart for determining various sizes needed for future reference when I don't have a corner stone as a guide. I hope I am clear on what I am trying to say as I posted this on fb and have gotten a few replies that I have no idea what they are trying to say which makes me think my post is about as clear as mud. thank you for any direction in which I can find this out for future 1/2 sq triangles.

Mary said...

Got my Frolic back from the Quilt Shop yesterday. Binding happening later tonight.
Had to Quilt by Check since I left my BETSY at home while I'm in Nebraska. I'll share it later on the Quiltville page. Got my T-Shirt and Frolic Mug too.

MissPat said...

I really needed to see your daily quote 2 days ago before I responded to someone on your IG post who wanted you to stick to quilting. I usually know better and just move on, but didn't and it's been bugging me for 2 days. Time to "Let it go". So I sewed some string blocks today.

Bonnie said...

I loved the van full of machines! You win! I have 11 total. 3 modern, 2 1960 about, 2 feather weights, 1 hand crank, 3 treadal. Opps more than I thought. Haha! Oh my word! Happy Birthday, sending germ free hugs, Bonnie in California

Sherry said...

I've been working on a paper pieced mini and a Civil War Sampler. But I'm having issues with both of my machines. I might buy a new one if I ever get my stimulus check. It would probably cost more to get the others fixed than to buy an inexpensive new machine. At least I have acquired a small stash before I became a senior on a fixed income. I've been thinking of names for your crumb quilt. I've been calling it Crumb Mash-up. You're welcome to the name if you like it.

Lesley Gilbert said...

My daughter is researching my Mothers family tree and so far gone back about 350 years. My Mothers Mum & Dad were both born March & April 1881 so it was a lovely moment when you first shared the photo with the 1881 calendar - brought a smile to my face - thank you :)

Kim said...

LOL!! That is a priceless quote!

mpv61 said...

Seeing your little quilt made me think, "I should use striped bindings!" What a fantastic look that is. I love the backing fabric and the story behind it.

I'm working on quilting a "Now that you're 64" quilt for my oldest sibling and when I've done that I will go on to a Quilt of Valor I left a year or two ago at the basted stage (and binding ready). Why did I get it THAT far, but didn't take a few days to finish it?

I've never seen a corner shelf unit for that sort of metal shelves -- I've learned something new today! :)

Unknown said...

Have the happiest of birthdays🎂🥂🍾

Julia said...

I’m ready to start sewing the half square triangles for my Appalachian Autumn borders—I was interrupted just before Thanksgiving, and only got back to it this week.

Karen said...

Well Lady Bonnie...you inspired me to go thru my bins of scraps. I'm getting them better organized as far as size. I love it. So much fun finding something "Wow...I didn't know I had that!" LOL Your the best dear friend. Have a great weekend.

Nancy said...

When I first looked at the picture of your quilt. I thought wow you out another boarder on it and marveled at the stripe used twice. Then I realized as I read further that I was looking at the back and the front. It's beautiful. Thank you for stretching my view of the world.

cojujo said...

Would anyone have an idea of how I can turn my Unity Quilt into one for a King Bed? I am new at this quilting and been going very slowly, you might say I am savoring every step! Enjoying it greatly, but while it is still square (I haven't added the flying geese at top and bottom) I need an idea of how to make it bigger without just adding plain borders although I am willing to do some of that too. Couldn't find another place to ask this.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie

Stephanie said...

I know I have a lot of fabric yardage and scraps too precious to throw out, but I have decided I have nothing compared to Bonnie. Love reading your blog! Thanks.

Suzanne said...

I am working on a small flag quilt to commemorate the innauguration. It's good to do something small and quick once in awhile; you get to enjoy all the steps of the quilt making process without waiting too long to get to each one! Loved your small finishes!

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