
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Sewing Patriotic!

Like many others yesterday. I set all aside and watched history be made.

On Aug. 26, 1920, the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution officially took effect when Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby signed a proclamation certifying its ratification. 

The amendment promised women that their right to vote would "not be denied" on account of sex.

And 100 years later, we have the first ever female Vice President of the United States of America.

This is incredible - for what it can also open for the future.

Throughout history - women have been heralded in top positions from Queen to Prime Minister and more - I can trace that in my mind all the way back to Cleopatra (I see Liz Taylor in her role in my memory!)

In my life time - this is the first time that a woman has held the title of Vice President of the United States of America.

You may disagree on the right woman for this role - but the fact that it is now held by a woman has crashed through that proverbial glass ceiling and lifted our gender higher than it ever has been before.

I am also celebrating a woman of color in this esteemed role. It's about time.

I've been working on "whittling down?"  the many totes and zip-lock bags of left over parts of previous projects.

Yesterday pre-inauguration with the TV on, and patriotic band music playing, I found enough left over parts from my Silver Linings quilt (found in String Frenzy ) to quickly assemble 6 blocks.

I was feeling in the mood for some Red White & Blue.  A runner will do!

Look, Ma!  More grey strings!

Actually, that bucket of grey strings was perfect to string in the greys in our current Grassy Creek Mystery.  I don't think that bucket will ever go away!

Wouldn't this be grand with BLUE instead of grey?

I'm not going to remake the quilt though.  I'm just using up leftovers (That have sat in a zip lock bag for how long now?!)

I can make sashings to bring in the blue!

Lady Liberty fabric is perfect here.

I can pull in the little stars from Dawn's Early Light as cornerstones!

I think this is where I'm headed.

I need more stars!

This is where I left things - 

Triangles are sewn and it was time to come home for dinner - I have an afternoon appointment in Winston-Salem today, so I don't know if I will get back to this until tomorrow.

Once again, the things that we live through are recorded in the stitches - 

I awoke this morning to a freezing rain.  A slushy rain.  but as the day warms up, I'm hopeful that TODAY (After how many days of snow and ice?) will be the day that the van can make it to the top of the steep mountain drive!

And I will celebrate that too.  Because there is joy in little things as well as big ones.

Anything ahead for your Thursday?

It's not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them and grow from them that defines us.
Oklahoma Backroads quilt is found under the Free Patterns tab on my blog.

Have you made one??



Unknown said...

Love this with the blues!

Mary said...

Drive safe to your appointment. Love the Red White and the Blue. LOL on the more Gray strings. All of us that sent you grays a few years ago. Happy Birthday Week! Thinking of you.

quilter746 said...

Reading your blog post as I wait in line with my mom (she’s 91) to get her initial COVID vaccination. It’s a sunny day here in Jacksonville, IL.

Phyllis in Pacific Northwest said...

I've been down with my annual winter cold for the past 4 days, but today I think I'm up to getting back to sewing. Yes Red, White and Blue will be on deck for today. It's the perfect color choice and compliment to support our newly elected President and Vice President! I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who has saved all those eft over little units from past projects!!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Looking forward to a trip to Marshall Dry Goods in Batesville, AR. Illine Smith is a Quiltville Quilter too and we have planned a fun day of a drive to Marshall's, lunch and fellowship. Always good to spend a day with a friend especially if we share the same interest.

Suezq said...

Thank you for your comments. I too watched TV most of the day yesterday, (except for when sewing rows of Grassy Creek together. I made a comment of Unity yesterday. When I was little I had a huge book of Mother Goose Nursery Rimes and kept that book through my kids till the pages fell out. Some of the stories I read over and over again, (like The Tennie, Tiny Woman and the Brenentown Musicians.) Last night, however, I was reminded of the tale of Billy Goat Gruff.

Dalina said...

You just amaze me Bonnie at how you can pick up scrap blocks and find a way to put them together to make something so beautiful. That is one of the things I love about reading your blogs! Have a great day, we are supposed to be in the upper 50's today with the nasty stuff coming back for the weekend.

Turid said...

We were on TV all day for this historical moment. And we're so happy for you and for the world.

Sara said...

I was also glued to the inaugural reporting yesterday, and in awe that a woman was finally in that role of VP. History in the making. Also - I love those little friendship stars you are using as cornerstones.

jshipp said...

An Inauguration Day quilt to memorialize an important moment in history.

janequiltsslowly said...

I was so thrilled with the prospect of a woman in high office in America! We got a double dose of freedom and progress because she is also a woman of color. I love how you sew history into your quilts! Also a wonderful thing to use up those bits and pieces that you have squirmed away from past projects.

Karen said...

Things may appear different than they are.
I am happy to report that I finished your 2020 mystery on 1-20-2021. (Weird that that number goes both ways, backward and forwards)
I love how the mystery quilt turned out. Thank you. My sister will love it.

hared said...

Celebrating firsts and new starts!

Gina in Missouri

maryannie said...

Given that an African-American woman could not vote until the Voting Rights act was passed in 1965, yesterday truly was an moment of significance and hope.

Sherry said...

I love your red, white & blue blocks! Hope you're finally able to get up your driveway.

Jodi Kleban said...

I love the two quilts in today's blog! You are sooo creative. Be safe!

Bridget said...

My mother hopes she can see a woman president in her life time. She is in her 80s. I hope mom does too! Her mother was never even able to vote for a woman president! Whee! progress.

Tracey Honig said...

I love the way you take something from one quilt and turn it into a completely different project! I might have to do that red, white, and blue. Hopefully there will be a pattern out on it soon!! ;) The weather keeps flip-flopping back and forth here in South Texas. But I will take the cool as long as we can get it! Have a great weekend!!

lindyloo said...

Just had to tell you...I finally checked out Mod American Vintage. After a long "conversation" with him, he's making me a longer handled ripper with my set. I told him I heard about him here and said I hoped you drummed up some extra business for him. He said that was a crazy rush, and he is still filling backorders. People have no idea what kind of impact you and your followers can have on their businesses! You are so good at spreading the love around!

Marion said...

I too was glued to my set, I was watching from my home (being the good girl that I am) here in my National Capital of Ottawa. We haven’t had too much freezing rain up here and although we did get a couple of significant snowfalls before Christmas, it all disappeared. We didn’t have our first winter storm until after the New Year and we now have plenty. History was definitely made yesterday and in many ways it was about time. I am going to have to buy the pattern for this year’s mystery.

amyb said...

Hi Bonnie, you might like the podcast “Amended” by a history professor friend of mine.

Virginia said...

I totally agree: It's just awesome to have a woman in the White House and the new Vice President of the United States!!!

Peg Sullivan said...

I too sat glued to tv watching one of the greatest moments in our nations history. As a Nurse, I felt for many years an advocate for women, then with students of color a desire to assist them to rise, and I can truly say, I helped. A beautiful Wednesday in America!
No matter your politics, that few hours in history shall remain in our hearts and minds of what America truly is capable of not that other.
Peace to us all.

Nann said...

I worked on Grassy Creek border blocks as we watched the inauguration. We were thrilled and hope-filled [to imitate the rousing rhyme scheme of Amanda Gorman].

ceblakeney said...

It was a great Inauguration Day, and I think your friendship stars are the perfect symbol for tying the Silver Linings blocks together. Friendship stars are one of my absolute fave blocks and particularly meaningful in this challenging time.

Judy said...

I feel this weeks inauguration was one of the nicest I have ever seen. Even among all the chaos these past months everything was first class. I among many others really enjoyed the poem the young lady wrote, such talent and I am so glad as the day and evening events went on she was recognized for her talent by the media and through all the attention she was getting she was so humble. I hope she goes far.

QuiltGranma said...

That is a beautiful quilt! I will have to order that book!

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