
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Just Another Day in the Scrap Mines! (Gift-Away!)

Tending the stash is like tending a garden!

You've got to gather, cultivate, curate, encourage, dream, plan, and sometimes even "pull the weeds" you aren't happy with anymore.

Several months back Accuquilt had a sale on custom Studio dies, and I finally put my money where my wish was and ordered up a giant die that had 2 strips at 1.5'', 2 strips at 2'' and 2 strips at 2 12'' all on one die.

Yesterday was my day to press out a bin of fabric hunks and chunks (Most pieces less than a fat quarter) and pump up my variety in my Scrap User’s System strip drawers.

What you see over the long arm rail here is the result of many hours of sorting, pressing, cutting and hanging by size and color family.

There are even some "weeds" that I bundled up in zip lock bags with the intent of putting them in a big FREE basket for visitors at Quiltville Inn to gather up to enhance their own stashes.

That bin is now empty!

The floor is now clean!

But this is what it looked like as I tuned out the world with the rain pounding outside and listened to an audio book as I worked.

I know, it's hard to tell what's carpet and what's fabric!

Smaller chunks were set aside to become the large corner triangles for my own ongoing Snail's Trail project.  Those triangles are not from a strip size I usually keep on hand - so having a place for them to go and be used up is a bonus.

One thing I always try to keep in mind is "What needs to go?!" and always be on the lookout for patchwork ideas that will use what I already have on hand.

And then I throw in a couple of favorites to make me happy!

The white fabric with black thimbles has been a favorite neutral for a while.  You can see a piece of blue with candies on it - trimmings from my recent patriotic table runner backing.  In it goes!

Other favorites?  The giraffe fabric (Especially after kissing one in Kenya!) and the retro nurse fabric sent to me by my friend Lynn on commemoration of her 40 years in nursing.  That's a milestone!

Where would we be without our healthcare workers right now?  Thank you Lynn!

Mixing in favorite new pieces in with the ones I am wanting to sew down makes it a very happy mix for me.

Those repurposed zippered coverlet totes have come in handy!  I love keeping my growing stacks of blocks in them, and they are clear so I can see what is in each one.

How many blocks do I have?  Maybe only half of what I need.  So I will keep working on this project in between every thing else that is going on.

If I'm going to make a dent in these piles of small parts - this quilt needs to end up king sized!

I have something EXCITING for you!

From the studio floor -

(Did I mention it was raining yesterday?)

Our Forever Mine! kick off sale continues as we get closer to Valentine's Day!

Because we need to keep the good things going, the introductory price for Forever Mine is marked at 25% off the regular price  ($9.00) and I will keep it at 25% off through Valentine's Day.  After that, the price reverts to $12.00.

And we are going to gift away a Forever Mine PDF pattern including both the wall quilt/topper and table runner to one lucky winner! 

Not only that - because Valentine's Day is about love, appreciation, friendship and sharing - I'm going to also send a free Forever Mine pattern to the winner's friend of their choosing!

What? You want more?

The Forever Mine! table runner is included!

And More?

Our winner will also receive:

A gorgeous selection of fat quarters from Mary Koval and Mary’s Quilt Shop!

If you are looking to enhance your stash for your own version of my Forever Mine quilt, check out these gorgeous pinks, reds, aquas and neutrals designed by Mary Koval for Windham fabrics! 

Mary’s Quilt Shop is happy to pull together a hand picked selection of fat quarters for you!

Mary's Quilt Shop is in Bedford, Pennsylvania and they are open by appointment during the time of Covid.

Drop Mary an email at Marysquiltshop@comcast.net to arrange an appointment, or place an order to be shipped to you! 

These fabrics are not available for purchase on her website - so drop her an email for a custom fabric pull, just for you!

If working with reproduction style fabrics makes your heart flutter - add these to your stash today!

So let's do this!

We will draw for our winner (And a friend) on Monday morning, February 1st!

PDF patterns may be won by anyone, but fabric prizes must be shipped to a USA address.  If you are outside of the USA, have the fabric bundle sent to a friend within the USA who can forward it on to you.

And with that, it's time to kick Tuesday into gear!

More fabric sorting, pressing, cutting, anyone?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Just one more thing that can stop you in your tracks and halter progress!
Chances are, others aren't thinking what you think they are thinking and what they are thinking likely isn't about you.
And even is it is about you - does it really matter?

Just keep being you!



Connie said...

I've been cutting neutral strips for my scrappy version of Winter Blues and for the sashing I'm doing for the Easy Breezy blocks. Planning to work on them at my next retreat.

Pam said...

Bonnie-thank you so much for all your give aways! My question-can we enter more than once? Have a great day!

Mary said...

Digging out from the Snowfall yesterday. Our Church Visitors Centers are closed still but walks and pathways need to be cleared. Love the scraps on the rail. Great quote today. Thanks to you and Mary K. Hope I have a friend if I don't win this myself.lol

Nancy said...

Oh Miss Mary those are beautiful fabrics! I hope to be able to stop out your way soon. And, I need to find that studio die! I have always wish for something like that.

Phyllis in Pacific Northwest said...

I thought about that die cutter when it was on sale, but I already have each individual strip size cutter, did it really save you a lot of time. I love your strip holding spot, I never thought of using my longarm table for that, great idea!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

No. Duplicate entries are deleted along with the original entry. Enter once, or not at all. Thank you!

otherussin said...

What yummy colors Mary has.
I like to store my unfinished squares or planned fabric pieces for a particular quilt in those zippered bags too. Practical and you don't have to play hunt the thimble when ready to get started making the squares or finishing the quilt.

cityquilter grace said...

lol...scrap mines are way more fun than salt mines....fantastic giveaway....cannot travel to PA yet but mary's shop is on my list!

Leah said...

I love your phrase, "put my money where my wish was." Your custom die was a brilliant idea. You're going to get a ton of use out of that.

So many fun prints in your Snail's Trail blocks - that neutral nurse fabric is so cute!

Pam said...

Got it! Love that rule!! Thanks!!

Colleen Shaughency said...

Reading your blog is a bright spot in my day. I am still cleaning up after a catastrophe in my basement which is where all my sewing supplies are stored. I know I will get back to sewing someday so seeing your posts give me hope and inspiration.

Chris Vanderkamp said...

Ive been using Accuquilt dies to bust some scrappy pieces of fabric down too. I went all the way down to 1 1/2 in squares. Love your snails trail blocks. Thats one i haven't tried yet. I think you have inspired me. (;

smilingwoman said...

I love this newest pattern! Can’t wait to start it!

smilingwoman said...

I love this newest quilt pattern! Can’t wait to start it!

Laurier said...

Today I used my Accuquilt to cut pink squares for Forever Mine. The first will be a mini for our guild charity auction. Then a wall hanging for me. Love this pattern. Thanks Bonnie

Andresa said...

Well, that explains why I didn't win on Saturday! LOL... I couldn't remember for sure if I had entered already so I probably did enter twice.

Tracey Honig said...

We started out rough this morning, but the day smoothed out and warmed up. I am longing for the days when I can spend digging in my bin and cutting for scrap quilts. Summer can't come fast enough! I love Accuquilt too, but my main concern was the number of dies you have to have. I gifted myself a Creative Grids Stripology ruler where I can rotary cut whatever size strips i need. It is a lifesaver!! I do have a few dies in the popular sizes, but for strips, that ruler has saved my life!

kwiltnkats said...

Thanks Bonnie for a chance to win! Sandi

Jacqueline said...

I also gifted myself the XL stripology ruler and I must say it is a game changer for sure! So glad I finally purchased one!

Nann said...

What a wonderful giveaway, Bonnie! I am ALWAYS amazed at what you produce from your stash. You continue to encourage and inspire me -- and so many others!

Karen said...

yep, me too. oh well.

marilou north said...

This is a great giveaway! I love the reproduction fabrics, you have a unique way of keeping us all in anticipation of the next quilt to view you are working on and share your journey with us. Thanks!

zolaquilts said...

Will you show pictures of your custom die (2 strips at 1.5 inches, etc) in action when you get it?

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