
Monday, January 25, 2021

Small Finishes, Big Happy!

Hello Monday!

It's the LAST Monday we will see in January, and that makes me one happy girl - As much as I am happy to see a new year begin, I am happy to see January go bringing us that much closer to spring.

My weekend was full of short spurts of little things - no real "big chunk of time to really dig in." but I am happy with the things that did get done that clear the path for the things I wish to do this week.

This little ditty measures 26'' x 37''. 

Right now it's resting on the back of my desk chair - but I'm looking forward to Memorial Day and finally being able to enjoy eating on our porch at the cabin - that Blackstone grill cooking up all the yummies. This is a great topper for that porch table.

Red, white and blue is something that stays out for me all the way until Labor Day, 

I know this quilt is just a small 6 blocks - but wouldn't it be great in bed size too?  Just more blocks, more sashings.

A close up shot of the fun sweet treats fabric on the back.

I love an "unexpected" fun back on a quilt. This backing makes me think of picnics and parades, of family gatherings and loads of summer fun.  It's not too early to start dreaming about that, is it?

Will we be able to gather this summer?  One can only dream.  If not this summer - the next?

(This is where I let out a huge sigh and remind myself to keep on keeping on, one day at a time.)

This was my "Phone time with dad" project.

Managing the strip stash is always a constant.  It's like dealing with laundry or making beds, or any of those other things that never stay done.

The blue basket sits on top of a 3 drawer chest next to the cutting table.  And as I find myself in the cutting down process of fat quarters or scraps, strips of various Scrap User's System widths go into this basket until the basket is full.

And then I spend a long phone conversation sorting out the strips by strip width and get them ready to feed back into the Scrap User's System.

There are times a quilt is made out of "scrappy everything" and my drawers here are a rainbow mix, sorted by size only, not color.

At the QPO I'm a bit more organized - because there are quilts where you want to pull color families and size - and digging through rainbow everything is a pain in the neck.  But likewise - un bagging color families to get a good rainbow mix for an "everything goes in" type of quilt is also a pain.

So things at the cabin are "by size only" and my storage drawers at the Quiltville Post office (QPO) are more tidy by color family AND size.

I'm sure I've confused those new folks with this explanation - but this is just what works for me.

the one constant between the two places?  Neutrals are always kept separate.  And I have a good selection of new ones here that I have cut to width from partial fat quarters after cutting out block parts for a current weekend project.

Having new neutrals to sew into projects ALWAYS makes me happy!

Today's rain - melting the remainder of the snow.

I awoke to the sound of rain overhead, pinging on the metal roof of the cabin in the wee small hours.  Boy, does that make for good sleep!

I'm glad I grabbed this shot because as I type this post, my view has completely fogged over.  Warmer temps moving in (hopefully!) have brought the fog to obscure my view.  I always did think that a day cloaked in fog was mysterious and magical.  Like Brigadoon.

Quiltville Inn storage room progress!

All of the mudding and sanding has been done - Most of the clean up has happened as far as all of the dry wall dust on the floor, etc.  

Luckily this room is contained and we were able to keep the sanding dust within the room.  It didn't go all throughout the house.

The trim and doors have been painted.

Next up -  Walls and ceiling!

Hopefully this coming weekend.

And then I'll be ready to move in the shelving units and put everything back in here that is going in here.

Some Saturday Night Love (and bath time) happening here!

These two are so precious together, and I'm so grateful to have them both in my life.  

Today's plan?  It's a typical Monday around here and I'm grateful for a "job" to get out and get to.  For orders to fill, and deadlines to work on, and something to look forward to down the pipeline.

If you take a look at the tabs at the top of the blog - I've worked on those this weekend.

Due to Covid, All of my 2020 international tours were pushed forward into 2021.  Here we are at 2021 and things aren't much better (but getting there) and most of the 2020 and 2021 tours have now been pushed forward into 2022.  I feel safe thinking that we WILL be able to resume travel in 2022.

And if it takes longer than that, it takes what it takes.  I miss travel.  My feet have now been on the ground for a full year. I will not travel again until it is safe to do so.  And that day will come!

I look forward to traveling with you in 2022!

In the mean time - what's happening in your world this last January Monday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Every day is an adventure if you look for little bits of wonder!
Today I will find joy in the abundance of "ordinary" around me.

Care to join me?



colleen said...

Thank you Bonnie K Hunter ❤️πŸ‘΅πŸ»

Anne Hayward said...

Things here have drastically changed over the weekend, we were out of lockdown although we had travel restrictions. But on Saturday cases started again and we have been put back in lockdown. Living on a small island we have gone from 4 active cases on Saturday to 30 scary. Stay safe everyone, love seeing Ivy and Sadie just so cute together.
Stay safe, love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Mary said...

It's a Major Snow Day here. I'll be making a binding for my Frolic I just got back from the Quilter at Fabric Bash. I had to Quilt by Check. Gotta do a couple of Embroidery Labels while I'm on Snow watch. It's a Hot Cocoa & Toast with my Homemade Bread day. My Grassy Creek Mug is waiting to be used. Maybe a few more Blocks can be prepared for Grassy Creek. Slowly adding to my part sets and Blocks.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Thunder and rain today here in Arkansas. My plans are to get myself organized for an upcoming (very small) retreat in Cedar Hill, Texas. Projects to take, clothes to pack and food to cook for hubby.

Lilac Joan said...

Thank you for the mention of Brigadoon. I saw this in a movie theater as a teenager (had to wait years to see it again). I immediately fell in love with all things Scottish!

Deanna W said...

Going through scraps too...starting a new quilt with a couple of friends doing their versions! Should be fun.

Marti said...

So. Cal desert woke to snow this morning!!! It is down right cold! I'm 20 miles from Palm Springs to give you perspective. Waiting for it to slide off the dish so I can get TV!

Jennie said...

I will be finishing up Part 4 on my Grassy Creek and moving on to Part 5. I love the pictures of your pets...they love each other! Weather here is warm today. Will reach 75 and a bit humid in sunny Florida today.

Judy in Michigan said...

Where do those 2 doors in the new storage room go? I assume one goes into the hall but the other door?? Thanks. Hope you had a nice birthday weekend.

Susie H said...

OMG! I love the video with the cat bathing the dog. So Sweet!

Loraine said...

My strips are by size not by color except for those strings projects of yours that I did with. Greens and reds.

"Bee" said...

Oh those precious "fur babies"!!!
I love seeing them together:):):)
Have a great day, Bonnie.

cindythequilter said...

I cleaned and vacuumed in the sewing room and hope to get back to the borders for Grassy Creek. Love your two fur babies together.

Andresa said...

My scrap user system is being organized by color and size. You've helped me expand my scrappy boundaries, but I'm not yet at "anything goes" color combining. Tonight, in fact every night this week, will be cutting fabrics for Forever Mine and Winter Blues. My DH has requested orange for the Winter Blues pattern, and it's not a color I've ever used much. Fortunately, three shops in my region had a shop hop this weekend so we were able to get all the orange I should need to make the top.

Dianne said...

Its snowing here in Illinois.. Anywhere from 4-9 inches expected with 35-40 mph winds. A possibility of ice too. We'll do a remote school day if its a snow day tomorrow. Our school district teachers and staff received our first vaccine shot today.

Tmb said...

Thank you for your unfailing generosity while coping with the covid impact to your business,

Sharon said...

I miss you traveling to your thrift stores,! I love to see what you find. I can’t wait until you can go againπŸ˜‚

Kerry said...

I love the mutual grooming that cats do. I'm glad we humans don't do cleaning with our tongues - ewwww!
Same old same old, perpetual lockdown here. But summer is coming I keep telling myself! The camellias are in flower already, so are the crocuses (snowdrops are only just appearing - very late!) and the daffodils are shooting up with buds. Happy signs.

Busy Lizzie's Pink Patch said...

Thank you for the bathing video. Love it. 😍😍😍

PatchworkMom said...

I dug into my blue scraps last weekend. And made an entire quilt top using less than a yard of “new” whitish neutrals. It didn’t make a dent. Now I’m cutting and sewing a second and third quilt front from the same blues....
It’s winter on the east coast of Canada, less snow than usual.
Thanks for all the lovely patterns.

Carmen M. said...

What a fun surprise this morning Thank You!!

JMOT said...

Picked up a full car load of fabric for charity sewing two weeks ago. Finally sent the last 5 boxes out USPS today to the last of 29 people and groups to get fabric from it. Much thanks to the lady that donated the fabric and thanks to God for all the people doing wonderful things with the fabric, but oh, so glad to be done!! (Well, nearly - I found two names I'd missed on the list and put together one more bundle for one of them if they will get back to me)

Susabella said...

Looks like you are moving along. I finished up the top of Grassy Creek. We call it done, quilted is Done & bound and labeled is DONE. I’m done. I always learn something new when I make your quilts, this time I learned that I Hate string piecing! I did all of it, but it was not fun. I love the quilt now, so I’m happy I stuck with it.

lynn said...

It was sweet seeing the two fur family members and the grooming process. We have a part time pup who lives with us half time while our granddaughter does her long shift schedule in ICU. He is such a treat and we love him greatly. Spring, ah yes, something always looked forward to, a time of rebirth.

Lainey said...

The last Monday in January has gone and so has January 26, Australia Day. This is the day when we all go to the beach or set up a family picnic or barbecue and join with family and friends commemorating the day of first landing in Australia.Back to work and school now and hopefully a happier and healthier new year for all. Travel is still limited to within Australia but we are able to travel interstate now so the limitations and restrictions have definite been working. Love to Bonnie and your 2 girls from my big fur baby.

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