
Saturday, October 17, 2020

Sewing All Day!

How many different greens can one use in string piecing?


And let's face it - the contents of my string bins are overflowing as anything that is "still wide enough to be useful" but not really Scrap User’s System width-worthy usually ends up in my string bins either by color family.

I need to make more string quilts to keep up with the string production!

With the right on time as predicted severe drop in temperatures, along with the addition of strong chilly breezes - this became our late afternoon project - even as retreat was in full swing.

The storm window we were going to order missed another year.  There have been too many other irons in the fire.

Remember the video from our first winter with the retreat house, where the wind was blowing through the kitchen windows and wafting the paper towels??

For 2 years we have "shrink-wrapped" the kitchen window from the inside.  And it really helps.

Zoey Jo, Supervising!

This year - we are seeing if we can do it from the OUTSIDE.  

The ladies in the kitchen said it made a huge difference already.  What we don't know is if the double stick tape that holds the film to the frame will hold through a winter of outside temperatures.

If it doesn't hold - we'll shrink wrap from inside again.

The downside of inside?  It's right over the kitchen sink where spatter happens, and even Windex doesn't do a great job at trying to clean the film.

And since the wind blows from the outside in, there ends up being a lot of debris and dust that accumulates between the window and inside film that you are unable to clean until spring when the temps are warm enough to once again remove the film.

Let's just say that we were ONE DAY SHORT on putting this up as the hairdryer didn't do as great a job in the frigid and blowing breezes outside as it would have if we had done it the previous day when the porch temps were wonderfully warm.

Zoey says "Go on and give them a peek!"

This is part of what I have been working on behind the scenes.  I'm not done yet, but I can show you this corner!

And maybe a bit of this corner, too!

And you will see it all in due time!

I'll be back with the ladies today with a little bit more of sewing up the strings.

I'm having a blast with this one and I know you will too!

She writes:

"Hi Bonnie,  I thought I'd send you a picture of a Mini Pumpkin Patch Runner I'm made for a dear friend of mine, Conie. She mentioned she'd love to have your Pumpkin Patch Runner,  but she only has a very small table.  

While laying in bed the other night,  I got this brain storm to make a Mini for her. Isn't it just CUTE!!! Thanks for all the fun you send Out each and every day!"

I love it, Julie!  These could make really cute placemats, too!

I am loving her fall colored checkerboard in the center along with her warm brown background!  This can be enjoyed all the way through Thanksgiving!

And did you know the Punkin Patch Table Runner pattern is on sale for just $5.00 through the month of October? Hurry!

Marcia has finished her Appalachian Autumn top!

Those greys and vanillas are SO beautiful together!  great job, Marcia!

The PDF patterns for both the Punkin Patch table runner and Appalachian Autumn are available in the Digital Patterns section of the Quiltville Store.

Do you have one you'd like me to share?  Click the envelope icon in the 4 circles found under my signature below. Each of those circles has an embedded link to take you to my other social media spots.

Is there anything quilty happening where you are this beautiful Saturday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Everyday Heroes, we thank you for your extraordinary efforts! 

There are so many folks who have not stopped serving others since this whole Covid journey began, many of whom are going along seemingly unnoticed. 

We see you! We thank you! 

Thank an essential hero today! 

Enjoy your Saturday, everyone!



Vivian W said...

Oh my do I see a tree? Wonder if this will be in time for us to make one BEFORE Black Friday when we will all be awaiting color? Bonnie you amaze me with your talents! Thank you for being so generous and sharing!

Andee Neff said...

Looking forwatd to seeing the Christmas trees! Coubting down to colors reveal. Working on Christmas stockings made from leftover blocks and peices for the honorary grands, srep grands and newest grand.

Anne Hayward said...

Wow those strings and the corners look amazing so far, have a wonderful weekend .
Hope your window treatment see you through the winter.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

celestial said...

3M window film works perfectly on the outside of windows. You must get the kind specifically made for OUTSIDE, instead of inside. I have been using this on my original (1904) living room window for the past 15 years and it works perfectly through Minnesota winters and springs (which, I know you know, are brutal). Do NOT buy Frost King or any of the lesser brands because their adhesive breaks down with little warning. Trim the edges neatly, tighten it up with a hair dryer, and you cannot see it from anywhere except 10 feet up close.

Marci H. said...

I can’t wait to see the whole green tree quilt!! I LOVE the tiny red inside border!!

I’m looking forward to the mystery colors reveal, even though, as usual, my Christmas sewing “To Do” list is too full for me to start until next year 😊
Thank you for working so hard on it every year. I know so many can hardly wait... and I’m amazed at how quickly some of them sew up each step!! It’s so fun to observe even if I’m not sewing on it myself!!

Hope your window stays sealed!!

Marci H.

Helen S. said...

Wow! The green strings have turned into such beautiful trees and borders!

~M said...

Oh dear I forgot Christmas stockings will need to be made in between mystery quilt! Yikes!! New mantra... stay focused!! Cheers! ~M

Ruth's girl said...

Oh, that precious Zoey! How could anyone say "No" to that face. I think she wants to keep the quilt design a secret but covering it up. Thanks for your daily posts.

Patricia said...

could that be snow on that tree? as in a forest of snow covered trees which would be appropriate until the spring thaw? (not that we have one here in florida) i love tree quilts. i wonder why i've never done a string tree quilt. certainly have tons of greens. thanks for the sneak peek (and all the other wonderful things you do for us). patti in florida

Margaret said...

I second this, you are such a special lady to many of us who look forward to your ray of sunshine each day. Thank you, Bonnie!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Love, love, LOVE that sneak peek, Bonnie!!! Could Zoey please move over a bit? I can't WAIT for a better look at this gorgeous string-y quilt!

Unknown said...

Thank you for your wonderful daily inspiration to quilt.

Tina T said...

I have been having a blast making variations of the pumpkin patch table runners! I have a ton of green strips and strings too and can't wait for you to share your newest pattern. And of course there is the much awaited mystery color reveal coming soon. Happy places for sure. Thanks, Bonnie!

Linda K. said...

I just want to say that every Appalachian Autumn and Pumpkin Patch Table Runner you've shown has been beautiful! Bravo to all who have been doing that. Love seeing Zoey everyday.

Sandra Lanter said...

I love your green strip trees....you are soooo clever! Hope this will be available soon.

Julie said...

OH BONNIE! I love the placemat idea using the mini Pumpkin Patch. You are a wonder! Between the scraps for Pumpkins and green scraps for the new scrap quilt, I'll be busy for awhile. Thanks for all you do! Julie

Karen said...

I spy with my little eye watermelon fabric! I have that same fabric....wonder how old it is? I've had it a long time and I'm several years older than you Bonnie. LOL I can't wait to see what it will look like. I LOVE trees. Hope that is a tree...;^)

M Elliott said...

I see a string christmas tree quilt in the making

Marty said...

Oh the joys of a vintage home! I remember that well. I love the stained glass side lights in that kitchen window. I hope it holds for the winter! Love the peek reveal of trees, exciting! And always a 4-legged family member is a must with every post of yours, warms the heart! Happy sewing.

FlinchyShops said...

Dear Bonnie, thank you for sharing your positivity! On the window film, my engineer brother came up with the idea of adding thin strips of wood (? molding) around a window to help hold the film in place. Like, the way a magnet holds paper onto a fridge. It adds an extra layer of security in addition to the adhesive. It’s been a big help at his house. I hope it helps you too. :)

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