
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Frost is on the Pumpkins!

It's like flipping a switch.

We had our first frost on Friday night - this photo was taken over the cabin by drone yesterday morning.

We've passed our peak of color.  There are still beautiful leaves to see, but more and more, the trees are becoming bare.

It's time for spiced cider, for warm bowls of soup and other comfort foods.

Time to don the wool socks, the warmer boots, that extra layer of denim shirt, or sweat shirt or sweater.

It's time for cold noses and red cheeks.

Blooming things can still be found - for just a while yet!

We chose the warmest part of the day and a group of 5 went for a leg stretch along the New River, up Round House road.

You've seen many of these views before, but it always makes me smile when new folks are seeing it with me for the first time.  I love to look at things through their eyes.

I love the conversations full of speculation when it comes to viewing the old abandoned places.

These are the places that tug at my heartstrings too - and I wish I could have a glimpse of just what they were like, who lived there, what were the life experiences - during the time when these houses were homes.

We saw SEVERAL Wooly Bear caterpillars!

Cloudless blue skies and abundant sunshine - perfect for walking down a long and winding dirt road.

Click to Play:

Burbling brooks - I love this sound!

And back at Quiltville Inn, there was still much of THIS going on!

I'm having so much fun with this project - and I know you will too.  

When I asked myself if I wanted to do more - the answer came as "Why not? You are here to sew on something YOU want to sew on."  And let's face it - there is no shortage of variety in the green string bin.

I posted a sneak peek in yesterday's post.  Did you catch it?

Mary's Punkin Patch table runner adaptation!

She writes:

"Made this one to fit my kitchen table. I believe all those flying geese are from another Bonnie quilt? Who knows! They were in my stash!"

Appalachian Autumn by PJDilts 

"I enjoyed making Appalachian Autumn so much. I barely had enough orange strings to make the leaves so went with a plain border, my grays are pretty weak too so I’ll be shopping for grays when I can. 

However after seeing all the great examples from other Quiltvillians I have decided to dig into my reds, browns, yellows and greens to start another one! Thanks Bonnie for another great design!!"

Thanks for sharing your beautiful quilts, ladies!  The PDF patterns for both the Punkin Patch table runner and Appalachian Autumn are available in the Digital Patterns section of the Quiltville Store.

Find the Punkin Patch table runner on sale for just $5.00 through the month of October! No coupon needed! 

The pattern for my full sized Punkin Patch quilt is found in my book, String Frenzy!  If you purchase String Frenzy through the Quiltville Store, you will also receive a bonus PDF of my Hunter’s String Star quilt pattern.

It's currently 34 degrees as I type this post.  We are heading toward a high of 60, so that sounds like a perfect Sunday ahead.

The Muddy Creek Misfits will be packing up and heading home by 3pm this afternoon.  It has been so great having them here.

Loads of after-retreat laundry ahead!  LOVE IT!

How are things shaping up for your Sunday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage star quilt from my collection found in North Carolina.

When Rumi said, “The words we speak become the house we live in,” he meant to say that what we think, say, believe, and feel constructs a single vantage point from which we experience all of life and all of ourselves: the human mind. 

They effect how we see and experience the world we live in and how we view others. It can become a tainted filter through which we view everything. 

Guard your words - the ones you think, speak, hear and read before they take control of everything. It is happening all around us! 

A bit longwinded, but good for a Sunday think! 

Enjoy a lovely Sunday!



Deanna W said...

It is a quiet sewing Sunday around my house. The sky is a ominous dark blues so not sure if it is bringing rain or snow!?!

cityquilter grace said...

yep cool here in MD as well but 80 coming back for a few days this week...

Nancy said...

You might want to check out a YouTube channel from Absolute History. They do several programs that place a historian and two archeologist in reproduction locations where they live for a year using only the tools available during that time frame. Victorian or Edwardian England. They also did a castle one set in the 12th century. Really made me appreciate my modern conveniences.

Charlotte K said...

Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to the reveal if the mystery colors and all the other fun stuff coming.

Anne Hayward said...

As always beautiful photos and the video, so wish I could see it for myself. Well maybe one day!
Love the punkin patch and I do believe I may have some of those half square triangles myself lol
So pleased you all had such a lovely retreat.
Safe journeys and stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Tammie said...

I thought we were heading into fall, but in central Texas today we have gusty winds and are supposed to reach 90..😕. It was so nice week before last, but were back To crazy Texas weather now. Love that you still have brave souls wanting to retreat. I know you enjoyed it! Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!

Cheryl said...

Bonnie- Thank you so much for sharing your quilting inspirations and the pictures/videos of your mountain area. Love seeing the scenery, the fur babies, and the drone photos. So glad that quilting groups are able to enjoy retreats as the Inn and that you are able to interact with them. Sounds like you have checked all the boxes for Covid safety precautions! Quilt on!

Leah said...

*eyeballs vintage quilt in last photo*
*eyeballs recycled shirt stash*
*back to the photo*
*back to the stash*

hared said...

Thank you for the wise words. We must each take personal responsibility for our words, because they have real consequences.

Joyful said...

Love your pictures.

Shirleeg said...

Yesterday my Husband and I and our dog Sunny decided to take a leaf peeping drive. We live in Johnson City, Tenn and headed up the interstate and then over to Mouth of Wilson. I had mentioned wanting to see what the Quiltville Inn looks like and also the surrounding area. It was a great ride. The Inn looks beautiful and wonderful scenery around,even the old building on the corner. We saw pumpkins in the field and prety colors on the trees. Coming home was a bit different as we had not planned that out and followed some signs but then put on the GPS which took us through Boone which was a big mistake. Bumper to Bumper traffic heading in and out of Boone and coming from Grandfather Mpuntain which was sold out yesterday. We did get on the Blue Ridge Parkway but headed south and headed home through Newland and Roan Mountain. Despite the traffic it was a nice day out.

TrulyBlessed said...

I had to read up on the wooly bear catapillars. I knew about how thick their coat is and what color it is and what that means, Winter-wise. I did not know that they are Good Luck or for Quiltvillians, Good Fortune! PJDilts rendition of Appalachian Autumn is stunning. I love the colors! Thank you, Bonnie, for sharing your life with us and always giving us something to think about. We love seeing the world through your eyes. Air hugs to all!

Sharon in Seattle said...

Great wisdom, Bonnie, I love Hafiz, and paying attention to our inner dialogue is important. Lotsa love! Thank you!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Your post make me have a desire to do 2 things. Make more quilts and put on my bucket list your neck of the woods to see the same beautiful things you see. Last year I had the privilege of seeing the Smokie Mountains in October, so now I want to see your mountains. LOL

Becky Thomason said...

Had to giggle a little when I read “green string bin”. Immediately brought to mind sitting on the porch snapping “green string beans”. One of my favorite activities as a child on a farm.

Rochelle said...

I envy you your weather. It's 3:30 and 88 degrees F. It's windy so not too hot, but it is pretty and it hasn't rained in about 5 days, all the puddles are drying up. We are GREEN as we had rain daily for more than 3 weeks. Ditches and creeks are still higher than normal. It is a beautiful day. Still had to use A/C in the car, and of course in the house. Waiting anxiously until we get cooler weather. We are happy if in the morning it's in the mid 70's instead of the mid 80's.

The Joyful Quilter said...

MORE green string sewing, Bonnie? What fun!!!

Glenda said...

I love your thinking on this Leah! Recycled shirts lend a vintage quality to so many quilt patterns. I have so many shirts to debone but I have really bad arthritis in my thumb and using scisssors is very painful right now. I'm thinking about getting a good quality electric scissors if there is such a thing.

Lorraine said...

Highs in the 40's lows in the 20's. Welcome to Wisconsin. Send some warmth my way!.

GaMema said...

Glenda, there are electric scissors...new and vintage....however, I debone my shirts with my rotary cutter. Works great for me.

Cindy said...

Is there an actual pattern for the "vintage star" at the end of your post or should I just try to figure it out!?

Martha said...

Ooh! Thank you for the information about Absolute History. I plan on exploring it.

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