
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Baking While it Rains -

It's raining.  It's pouring.  It continued through the night pounding on the metal roof above the cabin -

Which has to be just about my favorite sound in the world.

Also a favorite - Iced pumpkin drop cookies - a perfect way to warm the cabin with the yummy fragrant aromas of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves.

I will always go for a spice cookie before I grab anything chocolate and these moist little morsels do not disappoint .

I posted this recipe originally last May - during that first episode of Google Photos messing with the embedded URLs that posted my photos to the blog.

After the second episode last month - I am now resorting to needing to be online using only the blogger software, also a Google product - but I swear my photos will NEVER go missing again.

Glazed Pumpkin Cookies Recipe:

  • 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour (I use gluten free flour)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ½ teaspoon ground cloves
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup butter, softened
  • 1 ½ cups white sugar
  • 1 cup canned pumpkin puree
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups confectioners' sugar
  • 3 tablespoons milk
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, ground cloves, and salt; set aside.

In a medium bowl, cream together the 1/2 cup of butter and white sugar. Add pumpkin, egg, and 1 teaspoon vanilla to butter mixture, and beat until creamy. 

Mix in dry ingredients. Drop on cookie sheet by tablespoonfuls.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven. Cool cookies, then drizzle glaze with fork.

I baked the cookies for 17 minutes in my gas oven at this elevation. You may need less or more, but these cookies should stay soft and moist, not hard.

To Make Glaze: 

Combine confectioners' sugar, milk, 1 tablespoon melted butter, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Add milk as needed, to achieve drizzling consistency. 

Store in an air-tight container to prevent them from drying out.  They will be GONE GONE GONE in no time.

And yes, I will add this recipe to the recipes tab at the top of the blog for future reference.  You are going to want to make these more than once.

And the NEXT time I make them – I’m going to just double the recipe and use the whole 15oz can of pumpkin at once.  The icing easily makes enough for a double batch.  Having made a single batch last night, I am now left with a half can of pumpkin, and a half batch of leftover icing.  I figure I can always freeze half of a double batch, or gift them away through the holidays.

In other words, double the recipe (except for the icing - it is already double!) and bake big, or don't bake at all!

With all of the rain that is falling, we took a little drive over to Quiltville Inn to check out how the new gutters are performing.

They are doing a great job, but some of the joins were leaking in ways they shouldn't be, so the gutter guys will be getting another call on Monday.  There is no better way to see if the job is working, than watching it rain and seeing what happens.

Rainy evenings are perfect for cozy hand stitching!

I ended up home alone and solo last evening for a few hours, so it was a nuked plate of fridge findings for dinner (I love leftovers!) and a guilty pleasure of binge-watching Last Tango in Halifax on Netflix.

I'm not sure what it is about other dysfunctional (but mostly trying hard to love one another) families that I get a kick out of.

Maybe because life is that way.  It's messy.  It's heartfelt.  There is NO SUCH THING as a perfect family, and this one with all of its twists and turns just tickles my funny bone as the characters continue to try to do better and love each other no matter what.

My quilting callouses on my right thumb and left index "under" finger will attest to the amount of watching and stitching I did last night!

More cutting - borders await!

I played with some border ideas yesterday afternoon.  I came up with a couple of rejects, and then tweaked it to make it do what I think will work.

I don't know about you - but some things just need to be worked out in fabric and thread by trial and error.  No computer quilt software can really tell you what it is going to look like in full scale.

I'm excited to get these units cut out and kitted up (I need about 40 sets) and then more sewing can happen.

Appalachian Autumn photos are still coming in!  This is Maureen's.

She writes:

I had the pleasure of meeting you several years back when our quilt guild, NSQG, Arlington Heights, IL, hosted you for a lecture and workshops.

I absolutely fell in love with your Appalachian Autumn quilt. All I needed to do was purchase a few more greys and I was on my way to piecing this stunning quilt!

Attached are a few photos I thought you would enjoy!  It’s all quilted.. just need to put on the binding!

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful finishes with me.

*Side Bar*  those little circles beneath my signature below?  Each circle has a link corresponding to the icon within the circle.  To email me a photo of your finished project, click the envelope circle below!

Kim's Punkin Patch Quilt from String Frenzy !

I love how she included a couple of white pumpkins, and a purple one - and one orange one has a jack o lantern face bound to make anyone smile!

My own Punkin Patch construction from 2 years ago!

 This is Barbara's Punkin Patch table runner!

Punkin Patch table runner pattern is available in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store for just $5.00 through the month of October! No coupon code needed.

To those who made it through Hurricane Delta - I hope you are safe and warm and whole with minimal damage if any.

It's time to ease on in to this Lazy Sunday ahead - cut some more pieces, sew some up.

I've already decided on Instant Pot creamy garlic chicken thighs with mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner.  It's definitely a "comfort food" kind of day out there.

What are you planning on cooking today? I need some ideas for the rest of the week ahead!

You know what they say....Go on and kill⁣ them with kindness 'cause you just can't kill them! 

Quilt from the International Quilt Study Center in Lincoln, NE!  

There is just SOMETHING about red and cheddar that makes my heart sing!⁣

Enjoy your peaceful Sunday, everyone!



Mary Ellen said...

I love Kim's version of Punkin' Patch with white and purple pumpkins and a Jack o' Lantern. Wish I had thought of it! Creamy Garlic Chicken Thighs sounds yummy. I might need to make that! Thanks for sharing.

Mary said...

The hubby put a beef roast and Potatoes in the Crockpot. It makes the house smell yummy after we get back from our Church meeting. I make those soft yummy cookies and add chocolate chips. Yummiest on a cool night. Frosted Sugar cookies for dessert today. We grew some white pumpkins, didn’t know they were called Gjost pumpkins.

Brenda said...

Pork loin sheet pan dinner - pork loin, butternut squash, apples. I put pork loin on the grocery list expecting the usual package of two 1 1/2 pound pieces. My husband (who will say, if asked, that he doesn't like pork) came home with a 9 pound pork loin. Lots of pork loin roasts, a couple of dinners of monster stuffed 'chops' in the future. And maybe some breaded pork tenderloin sandwiches.

TheEclecticAbuela said...

These are my favorite pumpkin cookies. The recipe came out in the '80s on the back of a pumpkin can. I mix up the goodies inside. Over the years I've used chocolate chips (white and dark), butterscotch chips, peanut butter chips, nuts, raisins, craisins, dates, candy-coated chocolates, coconut, even the dried fruit used in fruitcake, and pretty much anything else I thought might be good. They stay soft and chewy after baking, but, they don't last long!

Now, I'm hungry! :)

Serves: 30 cookies

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup old fashioned oats
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp salt
1 cup butter, softened
¾ cup firmly packed brown sugar
¾ cup sugar
1 egg
1½ tsp vanilla extract
1 cup canned pumpkin
1 cup candy coated chocolates
1 cup raisins, optional
1 cup chopped walnuts, optional


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
In medium bowl, combine flour, oats, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. Set aside.
In large bowl, cream butter and sugars with handheld mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla.
Alternate additions of dry ingredients and pumpkin to the butter mixture, mixing well after each addition.
Fold chocolates, raisins, nuts (and/or other stuff!) into the cookie dough.
For each cookie, drop about 3 tbsp dough on baking sheet. Cookies spread quite a bit, so be sure to space them several inches apart.
Bake 20 minutes or until cookies are lightly browned.

Anne Hayward said...

Kim’s version is cute love how she’s added her personality to it. Thank you for the cookie recipe they look so tasty, I might just have to give them a try. Well I’m doing a roast I have a rolled and stuffed piece of pork with crackling , so I’ll pop in some roast potatoes and some lovely broccoli. Enjoy your lovely chicken thighs they sure sound tasty.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xx

Laurier said...

Last Tango in Halifax is one of my favorite TV shows. Sometimes I laugh at their antics, other times I cringe at their decisions. All because it's just like our lives, sometimes funny, other times cringeworthy but worth it. Cold front coming to Texas tomorrow, so Pumpkin Spice cookies will be baking. Thanks .

Pat said...

Both the pumpkin and icing can be frozen until the next time you make the cookies. The icing may need to thinned out a bit after thawing.

Holly Burch said...

DH has opted for pork loin roast tonight too. Paula Dean's recipe is always a winner here and her roasting time is always perfect, right to the minute.

Valerie said...

I was getting ready to put chicken thighs in the crockpot for chicken and dumplings, but creamy garlic thighs sound pretty good too! It's still hot and sunny here in Phoenix, but reading about everyone else's cool, rainy weather helps me get in the autumn mood. Love Kim's version of Pumpkin Patch -- so fun!!

Rhonda said...

Such a yummy time of the year, both in colors and food. I just cooked a couple of pork roasts in the insta pot. So nice and tender. I use the meat/stew button and with both roasts I bump the time up to 80 minutes. I buy the roasts at costco which are packaged with 4 together. I cook two at a time (about 5 lbs.) and season with beef broth and salt and pepper. One roast is used with a meal of vegetables and potatoes and gravy the second for sandwiches. So easy and good. Also hard boiled eggs are perfect in the insta pot. Love your blog! Love your Quilts!!

Unknown said...

Chicken and cornbread dressing that I made and froze last week. Perfect for a rainy Sunday. And an apple pie for dessert. And maybe a little bit of quilting before the Seahawks game.

Myrtle said...

Since I have a rainy afternoon of spray basting four quilt tops out in the garage, I will have a super simple dinner of teriyaki chicken made in the instant pot.

Boneless chicken thighs, cut into strips or chunks
4 green onions, roughly chopped
3 or 4 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
3/4 cup of teriyaki sauce or marinade (I use Yoshida's from Costco)

Throw everything into the Instant Pot and cook on LOW pressure for 8 minutes. Quick release the pressure when finished. If you want the sauce thicker, turn Instant Pot back on to saute, mix 1 TBLS of cornstarch with one TBLS of water and add to pot. Stir continuously until it's as thick as you want it. Serve over rice with sliced green onions and sesame seeds for garnish (optional).

Thanks, Bonnie, for all the quilty inspiration and your beautiful creativity so freely shared. You're a gem!

Bella said...

It's a 'leftover Sunday' in our house - either meatloaf of some of the big pot of chili that I made a couple of days ago. Fall weather always brings on a hankering for chili.

Connie said...

Sausage lasagne soup (with real Italian sausage) from recipe I just found on All Recipes. Hope it turns out as good as it sounds!

CindyD said...

We are having homemade macaroni and cheese with spinach and grape tomatoes mixed in before baking. The Dutch apple pie for dessert is in the oven right now!

Violet said...

I recall reading somewhere that either you or your husband eat gluten free. My husband has Celiac disease. Do you substitute a GF flour mix for the regular flour? And do they turn out okay?

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Pork loin roast for supper. One of the grocery stores in one of the larger towns nearby had them for $1.59lb so I got four. Cut them in half. Should be enough for 2 or 3 meals for two of us. Might have roast squash for a side if I can find a good one from the garden. Some have been kind of green inside though they look ripe on the outside.

Lisa said...

Hi Bonnie I bought the Appalachian Autumn pattern and was so excited to make it, fall is my favorite season. But I am recovering from Covid 19, got it at my work. I have asthma but doctors and nurses are so happy I am not in the hospital. I love all the pictures you have been sharing of the fall and pumpkin quilts. Great job everyone they are all gorgeous. As soon as I am better I will make my Appalachian quilt.
Thanks for all you do for all of us.
Saying prayers for the hurricane victims. Have a great Sunday

Shonnie said...

This is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, and we're having our feast tonight! Roast turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, carrot & turnip, broccoli salad, and homemade rolls, followed by both pumpkin and dutch apple pies. Yum!

Gail Topper said...

Had planned to have a Reuben sandwich (corned beef, swiss cheese, saurkraut and Russian dressing on rye/pumpernickle bread) but decided to cook recently purchased chicken rather than freezing it. Chicken cut to 'finger' size pieces, dipped in flour, egg/milk mixture, then grated parmesean cheese, fried in olive oil. I like to add garlic sprinkled in with the cheese. I use an electric fry pan with just enough oil to cover bottom of pan. Calories? Probably a LOT! But it's not something I do for myself very often. Rain day deserves yummy stuff ♥

Soapstone Quilts said...

Made our first pot of chili today with a side of cornbread. It was just cool enough outside to really feel like a “chili” kind of day.

Susan Torrens said...

Another Canadian, but we are having our meal on Monday! Since it is just DH and I this year, we are having our turkey, with dressing, cranberry sauce, turnip apple casserole, and whatever green veggie strikes our fancy tomorrow.
Just wanted to thank you for brightening my days - I've been following you online since the late 90's, and you feel like a good friend. Thanks for sharing your quilting and your life with all of us!

Bev said...

I am making a large batch of tamales today! A couple for our dinner and many for the freezer. Some for my daughter next week. This is usually a Christmas eve project but we need some now!

Jennifer said...

Love those pork loin sales. hubby cooked one in the wood smoker and froze it. Now we have made vegetable beef soup using the shredded pork and have enough to add bar b que sauce and to make cuban sandwhiches.

Jacqueline said...

Sauerkraut and sausage with mashed potatoes on my radar this week.

Rae McKee said...

I grow pie pumpkins on my garden fence. Super easy to grown and bake. Pkg. and freeze for delicious fresh pumpkin taste all wintering chili, soup and baked goods. Thanks for the cookie recipe. Also as a gluten free baker I make and freeze for warming "appleumpkin" pies and pumpkin muffins.

Dianne Holder said...

I just love my Pumpkin Quilt. It is one of my favorites

dorothy said...

Give Zoe a tblsp of pumpkin with her kibble for a special treat. Our dogs love it!

momhulk said...

Grilled steaks with mixture of potatoes, zucchini, and red bell peppers baked in the oven at 400 for an hour. Season with garlic, salt, black pepper, paprika and 1/4c. Olive oil.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the recipe for the pumpkin cookies. I can almost smell them baking and can't wait to try them. I like to make a double recipe then freeze half the cookie dough and bake it later. Your quilts are so lovely and I have Unity started through clue 2. Hope to pick it back up soon. You are so generous to share your talent with us. Happy Quilting.

Janet S. said...

I eat gluten free and have found that Bob's Red Mill GF 1 to 1 Baking flour or Krusteaz 1:1 substitutes well. I have used these successfully in Bonnie's pumpkin cookie recipe. An all purpose GF flour mix does not work well, but I use it for flouring chicken.

Dorothy Cole said...

I made Hearty Chicken stew with butternut squash and quinoa, a recipe by the Cookin‘ Canuck. One of my favorites.

Suzanne C said...

We smoked a brisket, I made a batch of pinto beans and we had brisket tacos for dinner. Leftovers tomorrow brisket/beans/cornbread. Will probably freeze most of the rest of the meat.

Linda K. said...

Hubby smoked 2 small pork shoulder roasts (that weren't done in time for dinner with daughter--so she ran to town and got some pulled pork--LOL), so I'm pretty sure we're having smoked pork shoulder all week in one form or another!!

Michelle said...

Use leftover pumpkin to make dog treats for Zoey.
3/4 cup pumpkin
1 egg, slightly beaten
1/4 cup shredded carrots
1 cup whole wheat flour

Mix ingredients and roll into small balls. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30-35 minutes. Store in refrigerator as these don't keep well otherwise. My dog loves them.

I am loving all of the fall quilts especially the pumpkin ones.

Unknown said...

I recently made a Kielbasa Sauerkraut Soup (by ClosetCooking - cooking in a closet sized kitchen). Hearty soup, added salt not necessary. Not a soup I would fix often, but we enjoyed it.

bcarlf said...

I enjoyed Last Tango in Halifax so much that I watch reruns every time I see one come up. If that doesn't show us that we all are just human and no one of us is perfect, I don't know what does. I became very attached to some of the characters. They seem very real to me, with all their drama and desperation and seeking love and loyalty and standing by loved ones, even in very bad times. It is a very consuming story about life! And how wonderful that you get to quilt while keeping up with their antics!

Irene said...

Thank you for the cookie recipe. It sounds delicious. I grew my own pie pumpkins this year. I baked one and served it like winter squash with some butter. It was very good. I loved the pumpkin quilt with the 2 white pumpkins and the carved smiling pumpkin. It's Monday and I'll be cooking Oso Buco for dinner tonight with some rice and carrots cooked along with the Oso Buco.

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