
Monday, October 12, 2020

Sunday, With Stitches!

"Do we need to go anywhere?" I asked as the rain pounded outside - forcing more leaves to the ground along with the persistent downpour.

"Nope.  We don't need to go anywhere, to do anything, Let's just be home." was the answer.

Oh goodness.  What is a person to do with a free Sunday?

I set an audio book to playing through my sound bar, and began to press and cut.

My Nearly Lemoyne blocks required strips of certain length to be able to cut out enough pieces for each block.

But guess what?  My border units need only half that length, so I was able to dig back into my mess of a 2 1/2'' strip drawer to see what short strips I could clear out.

I found one more strip of the Boo Crew monster neutral! Oh, happy day!

I'm looking at a few more days before I have enough of these units done and can add them to the quilt center, but I'm getting there.

And then there was that short segue into what could be done with that leftover length of Blossom Time border?

Let's just say that there could be something very Christmassy happening "behind the seams!"

Our weather station!

I admit it.  We are kind of geeky when it comes to weather info.  How much rain have we had with this last rain event?

2.94 inches as of this morning!

When I was taking pics of the station on the tall pole the comment of "I will get that pole painted - as soon as it stops raining!" made us both laugh.

It's not too early to start thinking of holiday gifts for your own weather geek.

You can find the Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi Smart Weather Station in the Personal Favorites category of the Quiltville Amazon Affiliate Store

(There is also a link to the Quiltville Amazon Affiliate Store in the right hand side bar of the blog - best viewed from a real computer as it doesn't show up on mobile devices.)

Some features:

  • Allows you to monitor your home and backyard weather conditions with brilliant, easy-to-read LCD color display
  • Wireless all-in-one integrated sensor array measures wind speed/direction, temperature, humidity, rainfall, UV and solar radiation.
  • Supports both imperial and metric units of measure with calibration available
  • Enhanced Wi-Fi connectability option that enables your station to transmit its data wirelessly to the world's largest personal weather station network
  • Pole Mount and 3 x AAA batteries not included

Best furry friends!

Ivy's chin acne has not gone away, even after removing all plastic feed/water bowls and exchanging for either metal or glass.

She will be making a trip to the vet next week to have it checked out - this week is too full with run around stuff!  It's not serious, but she keeps scratching it and it could become infected.

Other things on the home front -

This info is for folks within my area of the NC/VA Highlands, coming from my friend Martha:

This month is National Domestic Violence awareness month.... many agencies are closing (Dobson NC, for example) due to budget shortfalls and yet there is an increase in the need for service. 

The agencies are needing support in the form of money and clothes for women and children.

Personally, I think a child's quilt would be lovely to share, too. 

Martha has been knitting hats and scarves for women and children all year to donate to Grace's Closet in Mt. Airy, NC which serves all of Yadkin Valley. YVEDDI family resource center.

I am on my way to Wallburg today to clean out my closet there, gathering donations of clothing, especially warm items for winter, including jackets, coats, sweaters and other winter gear.

Perhaps there is something local where YOU live that could use some items as we move ever closer to the holiday season?

"Here is my version of your Punkin Patch pattern. I made a long, narrow, stacked version as a banner for my mother's assisted living apartment door.

I try to make sure she has the best decorated door. She loves something handmade. The other residents tend to have cute placards from the dollar store. She's 97!"

I love this Mary Ellen!  Such a great way to share seasonal love with a quilt hanging!

Jan's Punkin Patch Quilt from String Frenzy!

Kitty Approved!

I really am loving seeing all of your autumn quilt shares!

Jan writes:

Hi Bonnie,
This is my second Pumpkin Patch I’ve made.  One for me last year and this one for my Granddaughter.  As you can see it is cat approved by her cat, Luna.  I used one grey for the background fabric.  Not scrappy like mine and I love them both.  Thanks again for the wonderful patterns and idea!  Jan 

Punkin Patch table runner pattern is available in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store for just $5.00 through the month of October! No coupon code needed.

My book String Frenzy contains the full sized Punkin Patch quilt pattern. 

Such a cute one block idea!

This is Hared's Appalachian Autumn mini!

She writes:

"So far I have just made one little leaf to display on a wire stand. I like to have 12" seasonal quilts to display in my home.  Will definitely be making a larger one! Thanks for a gorgeous pattern!"

I love the idea of being able to switch out small quilts with each month or season.  What a fun idea for even left over blocks!

Now we need to know where to find this little stand?

You will find the pattern for Appalachian Autumn in the Digital Patterns section of the Quiltville Store.

Do you have photos of Punkin Patch or Appalachian Autumn that you'd like to share?  Click the Envelope button found below my signature to email me.  Each circle has a link to my other social media channels.  Click away and you're there!

And with that - this girl is hitting the road, North Carolina bound.  I should be back by dinner time, but it is likely a day where no machine sewing happens - and who knows if I'll even feel like handwork tonight.

How about your Monday??

I thought we needed a little funny bone tickling for our week ahead -

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage quilt now residing at Quiltville Inn-a gift from my friend Pat. 

Do we give up all hope of redeeming this year? LOL! 

Have a terrific Monday, folks.



Elle said...

Shelters and services are definitely in dire need. I called our biggest one Thursday. Yes, they needed 30 quilts immediately. They had 12 emergency rescues in a single week including 39 children :-( I contacted 2 friends and we did it. I had 26 and the others had 15 and 6. I thought the donation coordinator would cry. They have a few left for coming admissions.

Please, do what you can for those escaping abusive situations. They are higher risk w/Covid than they've ever been.

Blessings to all this Monday morning.

Judy S said...

The quilt stand id avaible at Connecting Threads.

Cats said...

ha ha ha! Not looking for "redemption" -- have reached Acceptance and making the best of it... now, working on a masked up, social distancing, 'thank you' meeting for my quilting group! The challenge of this "thing" is bringing out some really creative moves! Thank you for all you continue to do for the quilters of the world... Cats in Carlsbad CA ... hope Ivy's chin clears soon.

Valerie said...

Good morning, Bonnie. I Googled "wire mini quilt block stand" and found the exact stand is at Connecting Threads, but there are many others with a variety of "fancy" finishes there and at Amazon as well as directly from some of the wire-making companies. Hared's block is beautiful and having a new for each month is a good idea.

Anne Hayward said...

So sad these places are closing when they are needed more than ever.
Love your two little cuddle buddies, they look so cute together.
These beautiful punkin patch quilt and runners are absolutely gorgeous and the wonderful Appalachian block on the stand there really are some very talented people around.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xx

Betty the quilter said...

safe travels Bonnie. Pa. is having that rain today. And happy day I have a quilt in the frame. That little table stand can be purchased from Ackfeld wire.com They have the cutest frames, big & small. Our quilt guild donates kids quilts to a couple of domestic violence shelters. Very worthwhile cause

Janice Edwards said...

As I was reading the blog post I thought ooooh that stand is cute-where’d she get that? Ha ha next line or so was those exact thoughts too! Quilters think alike! Yeah!

DB said...

Strange Thanksgiving Day in Canada this year.
Beautiful fall weather and limited visiting.

Donna W said...

Wow....You had an inch more than us in NE TN. It's amazing how much rain has fallen this year.
A tip about Ivy's acne...my vet had me use Stridex pads on my cat, Morgan's chin. It worked great! He didn't have any adverse affects from it. Let me know if Ivy gets athletes foot....been there done that with Morgan too...
~ Donna

acoelke said...

Blessings on you and your friends. You shared so much love with those who need it most.

Mary Ellen said...

I love the one block display idea. If anyone has a source for a similar stand, please share.

qltrmimsy said...

Bonnie, look for the wire stand for the mini quilt at https://www.ackfeldwire.com/. Love the quilts!

Diane said...

My first cat had chin acne, and switching to a glass bowl for her food and another for her water fixed it, but I also washed them every day till the acne went away. Hope what helped my cat will help Lola.

hared said...

Bonnie, the wire hanger comes from Connecting Threads. Sorry I did not put my name on the email, fighting the wi-fi to get it sent yesterday!
--Gina in Missouri

JMOT said...

Bonnie, I'm not a vet, but our cat was into scratching herself silly. The vet actually gave her a steroid shot once, which was only a temporary fix. What we found finally worked was to find her grain free food. She seems to do fine on Science Diet Senior dry cat food (she's 16, so that wouldn't be right for young Ivy) supplemented with the ONE flavor of her favorite moist cat food that is grain free. Once my husband decided to try another flavor for "variety" (a concept much more important to humans than cats!!) and she started scratching again - that flavor had grain in it, so back to the original one!! She now has a tiny permanent bare spot on her chin, but her neck and ears have fur again. You might try grain free for a week or two and see if it helps Ivy. You'd only be out some time if it didn't.

dln said...

Ackfeld Manufacturing, https://www.ackfeldwire.com/ , has a large selection of hangers, stands and other fabric holders.

Farm Quilter said...

Connecting Threads.

Lakegaldonna said...

Hi Bonnie, thanks for all you do for us out here.

We too are geeks and have just about the same weather station from ambient.
Use it multiple time a day, well look at it. I love seeing the info when we aren't there.(2 houses)

Judy said...

The stand is from Ackfield.com They have a variety of them for mini quilts and I have purchased several for myself and as gifts. I love the way Zoe and Ivy are best of friends. Do they do any thing with out one another except when you take Zoe places that Ivy can't go.

Fran Sancroft said...

Thank you Bonnie for all you do for us.
Well, we are celebrating Thanksgiving here in Canada...But, I am alone with Max Cat and we are chatting with the family electronically, not leaving anything to chance. Our C19 numbers are up in Canada, so we are deep in the Second wave!
Sewing Hexies and knitting for shelters.. All from my stash!.. Stay safe & well everyone!

Christine said...

That is where I got mine - hangers and stands of every description.

Blencoe Bonny said...

Bonnie, EVERY day I check your posts, am so thankful for the community and your personal uplifting blog! I adopted Jack in March as a birthday gift to ME, but have so enjoyed the posts with Zoey Jo and Ivy! Considering adding a kitty! Thank you Bonnie for helping your friends stay grounded and healthy during these times. Thank you Bonnie.

Kathleen Fields said...

If we're not supposed to pronounce the "l" in salmon, then why is it there...LOL!

Anonymous said...

At a quilt retreat in the White Mountains of AZ. I grab a handful of older Quiltmaker magazines to put on the table in our little sitting area. Much to my surprise one of them is the Sept/Oct 2017 issue with Pumkin' Patch pattern in it.

Linda said...

I look forward to reading your blog every morning. And enjoy seeing everyone's quilts!

Linda K. said...

Funny you had the quote about salmon! My 16 year old grandson pronounces it sal mon just to torment me! He's a bugger.

I love stitching said...

Good morning,

I bought that same 12inch stand in my local Quilt shop it was expensive but I have always wanted one and now I get to change out blocks monthly it stra on my lelwer fireplace mantel ( when not being used). 😁

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

Hi Bonnie, TRY EARBUDS! I too listen to audio books as I sew. Have a couple hundred books in my "library" so far over the past 2 years. Yep, Audible loves me.... I tried listening through speakers, but found as I sewed that I didn't hear every word and wound up backing up to catch what I missed. So, I tried using earbuds and they work great. I don't miss a word as I'm stitching away. Also if there happens to be a movie I'd like to see (translate that to listen to as I'm stitching), I'll use the earbuds for that too. Otherwise I'd have to turn the TV or audio book up so loud my neighbors would be able to hear it too...across the street. So if you ever get frustrated with a narrator who speaks softly, try earbuds. I'm a faithful reader of your blog every morning...It's like a quick visit with an old friend. Well really, since you don't know me, it's more like I'm a big fan enjoying my favorite TV show. Love reading about your family, your fabulous quilts, and the antics of your furry babies. All the best to you!

Sandy Miller said...

I loved your quote for the day. I'm originally from Washington state and I always had to tell people you don't pronounce the "l". But in 2020 I say go ahead. I look forward everyday to your thoughts and inspiration.

Dianne B said...

A Rainey day????? What is it? I live in New Mexico and we don't have Rainey days. :(

Unknown said...

My married name is Salmon. And is pronounced sal mon. Over our 46 years of marriage its been mispronounced alot of different ways but when qsked how to spell it I say 'like the fish'. LOL Love?your blog Bonnie thanks for sharing.

JustCallMeElle said...

Here is a link for a similar stand: https://www.35thavesewandvac.com/6in-x-6in-scalloped-single-standhttps://www.35thavesewandvac.com/6in-x-6in-scalloped-single-stand

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