
Saturday, October 10, 2020

Life Between the Seams!

This happened yesterday late afternoon. Just a couple of hours of sewing time in between all of the run around errands after lunch, and before heading out again in the evening.

Sometimes productivity just happens in small bursts like that.  But if we add all the small bits of time together, it really adds up!

One final press on this Nearly Lemoyne center and into the waiting game it goes while I decide on what to do for borders.

Such a happy mix of scraps!

There is one side of my brain that says "Just slap something on there and call it done!"

And then the other side that says "Find a way to use up those leftover short strips, there is no time like the present to keep going!"

I figure I'm going to end up somewhere in the middle.  So we shall see.

On the road to Sparta!

Yesterday's afternoon jaunt to the vet takes about 30 minutes - and it was a BEAUTIFUL drive, even though it was a bit overcast.

I love seeing the old barns, the tractors, horses and other livestock and of course the beautiful scenery as colors are changing.

I'm sure at one point this house didn't have a highway running in front of it!

I was trying to capture that gorgeous orange tree, through the filth on my windshield!  Oh well, we are keeping it real here, and you get to see just what I see as I make my way to where I need to go.

Heading back home again - could this be more peaceful?

Little Methodist church -

On the North Carolina side of Grassy Creek Rd.

Autumn all around!

The while squarish building you see straight ahead is the Grassy Creek, NC Post Office.

I love calling this area HOME!

Autumn from the cabin loft!

When we first bought the cabin all I could hear was this inner voice saying "Who wants to wash windows like that?!"

I am so glad I didn't listen to that voice as this wall of windows is my favorite thing about the cabin - Sliding glass doors below, and this view from above.

Speaking of above -

Grassy Creek Rd by drone!

The drone is right above our place - looking east. Seeing these colors from up high has been magical.

Green, gold, orange, red, brown, grey - Mother Nature does it so well, doesn't she?

Mona’s Appalachian Autumn top!

My sweet friend has been busy at the machine in her She Sews Shed!  This is what she has put together.  Isn't it beautiful?  I love how she has interpreted her own color and unit placement to satisfy her own autumn vision.  Wonderful job my friend!

The PDF pattern for Appalachian Autumn is available in the Digital Patterns section of the Quiltville Store.

Christine McClellan's Punkin Patch Quilt from String Frenzy!

Oh, so super cute!

Have you started in on some string pumpkins yet? 

Hunter's String Star by Wenche!

String Frenzy book purchase comes with a free bonus PDF pattern for my Hunter’s String Star quilt!

 Patricia Basche's 
Punkin Patch table runner!

Punkin Patch table runner pattern is available in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store for just $5.00 through the month of October! No coupon code needed.

And I think that brings us here to now!

It's already after 10am.  That morning sleep in was just what I needed.  A late breakfast of homemade waffles starts the day out on a sweet note!

The rain is gently falling here - and I don't mind it. There is time for leisurely sewing ahead, and maybe something will gel with the border ideas for the Nearly Lemoyne quilt.

And if not - that is okay too.  A day of easy puttering is just what is needed for my weekend.

How about yours?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage quilt now residing at Quiltville Inn, a gift from my friend Pat! 

Saturday in the slow lane! A good chunk of sleeping in after much laughter last night. Just what we need to ease on in to a peaceful weekend. 

Lightly raining outside....perfection! 

Enjoy your weekend, folks!



Dk said...

It is suppose to be a beautiful weekend here in Illinois so getting sewing done may be a struggle. Our fall colors are wonderful right now. Our cottonwood is already dropping leaves. Love the colors in the vintage quilt. Have a great weekend.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Not much sleep last night as Delta raged thru Monroe,LA. Granddaughter is in her new dorm room with her Memory Quilt. The fall colors are amazing. I so thank you for sharing.

Leah said...

Your landscape photos are lovely! I really love that big white house that probably didn't have a highway before. Thanks for showing us your piece of autumn.

Auntsister said...

Happy damp Saturday morning! Thank you for the great pumpkin and leaf patterns. My love for fall and its colors is getting a big renewal from your quilt work. Have a great weekend! Christy

Claudia said...

I love that view from your loft! A few trees are starting to turn here in south central Kansas. Yes, I am making string pumpkins for the table runner! Have a great weekend!

Ruth's girl said...

Bonnie, thank you. The quilts in this post are beautiful. And the scenery....amazing. I love October. In Iowa we are really enjoying fall colors and unseasonably warmer weather! I just want to hang on to all of this as long as possible. How true is today's quote! I slept in this morning which is a rare happening, not out of ambition, I think it is an "age related" thing. Blessings on your weekend.

maryofkern said...

I just LOVE the way the Nearly Lemoyne quilt is coming together, can't wait for the pattern.
The weather here in Oregon is about the same as there, looking more like quilt weather every day.
Hope Jason is enjoying his trip across the states, wish hubby & I were younger and could do that.
Take care, stay safe, best to all.

"Bee" said...

Light rain outside and sewing machine purring inside......Beautiful picture I see for your day!!

Rootie said...

Thanks for the scenic tour during this time of no travel and confinement. Do you have a dash cam?

Bonnie said...

Thank you for the tour! Fall colors in California are not as much but lovely. Cool, no rain yet and we really need it.

AimeeH said...

I love the stars! You are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing so much about your daily life. I have always wanted to see an east coast fall and love the updates! I view my stash so differently since discovering your blog.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Nice job on your latest scrappy quilt top, Bonnie. Mona and the other quilters did a great job on their own Bonnie originals, too!

Mary said...

We have temps in the 80's. Just slight breeze to blow the leaves around. It like a snow storm with leaves falling off all the trees. Happy weekend. Hope something geks for the border. I saw some fun tilework in Des Moines this week. Any pictures of tiles in your computer?

Pat said...

Your area is so beautiful Bonnie! The cabin view is fabulous. Beautiful quilts. ❤️

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie- It is Great to see the changing of your colors, there. Thank You for sharing. Our Fall colors are leaving, as the winds blow our beautiful Golds, browns, oranges and a few reds away. But they were those colors more than a month ago. We had a beautiful Fall day today. It was 26 on my back deck this morning, and back down to 32 now.

No sewing today for me. I had helper over, so moved some sod, snaked the cord under the green house for the heater, to keep the tomatoes and peppers from freezing. everything else is done in there. Also filled sand bags, finished laying typar in High Tunnel area. In Other words, Fall things in Preparing the outside landscape for winter. Tomorrow, I get to sew. I had a quilt class Friday, started the Trellis Quilt; and start the planning, cutting for a carry on travel bag next week. I also had three serging classes over the last week and a half. Now I am comfortable using my new (1 yr old) 5 thread electronic serger!

Happy Fall Everyone!

Kasilof, AK
Where the mornings are crisp, afternoons sunny and warm, back to cool and crisp in the evening.

lynn said...

Good morning. We are celebrating our Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend. Our family enjoyed turkey yesterday, always a favourite served with all the trimmings. Enjoyed my visit with you today

Jackie Durrant said...

Hello Bonnie and all your follower friends, I somehow chanced upon your blog last week and have been enjoying reading all that you do and seeing the wonderful countryside in which you live. We don't have quite the same colour explosion here in my part of England but I too love seeing the barns as one of my favourite TV shows is Barnwood Builders though the current series available here is a couple of years behind you. It is certainly inspiring seeing all your lovely quilts.

Linda K. said...

Here in Central Illinois the fall colors are starting to be brilliant. May be our favorite time of year. Today will be our annual popcorn shelling with the grandkids and daughter and son in law. Hubby raises popcorn and we use an old fashioned corn sheller hooked to an engine to shell it. Makes for a fun day. No sewing but memories today.

Anne Hayward said...

You truly live in the most beautiful area, I love seeing all the amazing pictures you post.
Your nearly Lemoyne is really gorgeous, I love all the beautiful colours you have included.
It’s also wonderful to see the different interpretations of your quilts, they all look beautiful.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xx

Deb E said...

Love the Nearly Lemoyne! Do you possibly have scraps that you can make the oblong (slanted) strips all the way around? That would be striking. Enjoy your Sunday!
Deb E / CA

Gramcamper said...

I love how you always appreciate the beauty of nature around you. Some people let life get too busy to enjoy those simple, free gifts of beauty. Also appreciate your sharing those colors. I live in FL, and we do not have Fall. I miss Fall - do not miss winter.

Kathleen Q said...

Love your Lemoyne star quilt! Looks gorgeous. Loved the photos of the autumn colors near you. Nothing like this in California. I did a trip last fall in the northern New England to see the colors and family then to Tennessee for a wedding with the beautiful colors through the windows of the church in the background of the couple getting married.

Julia said...

Your photo ‘autumn from the cabin loft’ ISVs just begging to become a quilt! Lovely!

Karen Wheeler said...

Such amazing beauty all around us. Your blog is wonderful.

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