
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

The Roar of the Saw–the Call of Spring!

This has been going on here over the past several days -

In between days and nights of rainy deluge -

And I am so excited about this project!

Last summer when we went to Idaho for my brother Scott’s 50th birthday, wetook a side trip to Oregon to visit friends Debbie and Kent. I admired a corner bench they had built into the deck at their cabin and I had mentioned at the time (8 months ago now?) that I would like something like that for our deck – SOME DAY.

Well, this shelter at home thing due to Covid-19 restrictions and the desire to be outside doing SOMETHING has really kicked in around here.

The bench making has commenced!

Emmy Lou isn’t sure what to think about the noise and the mess.

But I love it already!

There is a redwood staining to happen.  And a round propane fire pit/table will be installed – SOON!  I am hoping for VERY SOON!

Summer mornings with my coffee out on the deck are my favorite way to start the day.

It’s still too chilly in the morning yet – not to mention extremely wet today as of yesterday’s pounding thunderstorms and night time torrents.

But this corner is going to get a lot of use!

The humming birds have also come back around so the feeders are up.

We’ve also had trouble with carpenter bees in the past, so have hung some traps – and it seems to be working so far.

There are still bat houses to be made and put in the trees to hopefully keep them from the garage eves -

All of this cabin life stuff – it’s a continual push back of nature.

My view to the east is filling in!

We can pretty much say goodbye to the mountain range view beyond – until leaves fall again in autumn.  

But I also love this curtain of green and it is fun to watch Zoey running and exploring through the trees chasing this, smelling that, jumping and kicking up her heels.  She is in 53 acres of mountain heaven here.

And we are in heaven that she is ours.

MOM!  Turn out the light – it’s time for bed!

She is just exhausted at the end of the day – and sleeps soundly all night.    I don’t know how we ever got along with out her.

She came with me yesterday to the QPO (Quiltville Post Office for those who are new) and supervised the cats Dresden and Lola while I sewed.

My brain feels like this quilt in progress....swirling, churning, a whirlpool of thoughts, feelings - stuffing in emotions.

A friend passed away from a heart attack last week. There was no way to attend her funeral due to Covid-19 and the inability to travel. Her memorial service was live streamed online. 

It's not enough.

Another dear friend and someone I admire greatly is alone in the hospital scheduled for brain surgery this morning. Her family can't be with her, due to Covid-19. Our hopes and prayers and positive thoughts are with her and her family and the medical team at this time. If you are of the praying kind, please keep Jennifer in your thoughts and prayers today.

But that still doesn't feel like enough.

And so we stitch our cares and fears and hurts as well as our hopes and dreams into the pieces we are putting together.

Because where else are we going to put them?

Many have asked for the pattern for this quilt.  I am not offering a pattern yet as I am just beginning to stitch the blocks.

It’s the whole “What came first – the chicken or the egg?” thing.  There WILL be a pattern when the quilt is done.  Thank you for your patient understanding.

This is a traditional block called Snail’s Trail, and I was inspired by an antique quilt I found on my many journeys to antique malls.  There are several versions and variations out there if you head on over and hit up the good old Google Search.

Make the block any size you want it to be.  Graph paper is also your friend.

All I know is right now these blocks have become my solace – something I am doing for myself while working on our Unity Quilt Along on the side.

Did you get your triangles from Part 6 done yet??

The sun is “sort of” out this morning. We are currently sitting at 46f and that looks like the warmest it’s going to get today – temps start decreasing by 3pm and we will be back in the 30s over night.  Brrr.

Hello, May? Where are you??

Another good day to stay in and sew!  What’s up for your Wednesday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Remember - it's only a failure if you fail to keep trying!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!


cityquilter grace said...

and where is summer as well? chilly and rainy here in MD still...lovely blocks...one of my fave patterns...i've done snail's trail small before so maybe bigger blocks are in my future??

Quilting Babcia said...

The only roar of the saw around here is going to be chainsaws cutting more firewood, it's snowing yet again this morning with more in the forecast for the next five days or so.

Carolyn V said...

Advantage of living “in the woods” is that you look outside every time you pass a window and you never know what new and interesting thing will appear today. We actually live in sort of farming area but have seen coyote, wild turkey, bobcat, Pheasant, etc etc.

Cats said...

and out West it's unseasonably warm... the usual "May Gray" had given way to a forecasted 80+ degrees... amazing and so very welcome... stitching is so absolutely therapeutic, , my heart and prayers to all, Cats in Carlsbad CA

Shiloh Nanny said...

I really like your Snail blocks (but I like Zoey more) Sorry for your bad news. Just pet Zoey's head and you'll feel better.

Lisa said...

One of the many things I love about the Internet is the ability to connect and look into another person's world. Writing this from Tel Aviv, Israel, (where we see temperatures like that once every 5 years), self isolating in my apartment working from home. Your views are enchanting to me and I love seeing them no matter what the season! Sometimes I can hardly comprehend how different our surroundings are (10 feet to the left and right of my building are... other buildings). I wouldn't make any changes as I love my life here (10 minute walk to the Mediterranean Sea), but so enjoy your take on life. Stay well!

Dorothy said...

All triangles done — in fact I got on such a roll that I have 317 of them 😂🥰. I’m ready for Monday. Thank you so much for doing this for all of us. The bench is wonderful!! Have a blessed day and ear scratches for Zoey Jo.

Ruth's girl said...

I admire your bench and the fact that this is a successful do it yourself project. I am praying for Jennifer, and sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. We lost a dear friend of my husbands due to IPF several days ago and they did not hold a memorial service because of Covid 19. It is so hard if we can't have contact with friends/family during a time of loss. This is a time when faith sustains us. Thank you, thank you for your daily blogs! Zoey looks all done in, bless her heart! She is definitely special.

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

While out walking with my sister and her dog this morning, we came across two deer. Wrigley had a fine time chasing them across the field until we called her back. She wouldn't have hurt them but it helped burn a little of her extra energy off.

Loretta McGinn said...

I love your porch benches, Bonnie. What a nice idea.

Loretta McGinn

Gale said...

Summer is here - in the desert of Southern California! It is already over 100 every day, much too early for such temperatures. Makes us weary as to what the real summer will be.

Jean said...

Bonnie, so sorry for the loss of your friend. It's a hard time... prayers going out to the family and all who are feeling at a loss at this time. And also for your friend going thru surgery. Your quote is very appropriate. Thank you for all you do, your blog is a comfort and company to so many. Take care and enjoy that beautiful new seating.

Carla Fiedler said...

The bench looks lovely and your Snail's Trail is coming along nicely. Thanks for keeping us inspired!

Loraine said...

Its 56 in the St.Louis region right now, so I planted flowers in my flower bed.

Tammie said...

I’ll take the cold over the high 80’s and 90’s with high humidity that we’ve had this week! I’m not ready for those summer temps yet!

Carol Muzio said...

92 degrees here at my house today in southern California. thank goodness for a/c and our sewing rooms. working on my goosey blocks. Prayers to everyone who have lost loved ones and friends in these strange times we are having. stay positive and be safe and well everyone. <3

Valerie said...

Cold and rain are difficult to fathom here in Phoenix where it will be 105 degrees F today and tomorrow. Summer hit fast and hard! I understand your whirling, swirling feelings. I wonder when it will feel safe to visit my 90-year-old dad again, let alone hug him, though I am grateful he is safe and healthy so far.

Elaine Nemeth said...

Love the snail trails quilt
Check with the National bat conservatory for the right color paint to use on your houses in your area. Love their house plans too. Get batie. Lol

Sherrill said...

You are both talented, productive people and together you get a LOT accomplished..LOVE that bench! And love the snails trails blocks; it's going to be yet another beauty!!

Mctoppass said...

Oh Bonnie what you need is a good hug today. Since you can't get a real one just snuggle up with Zoey - she's sure to help you feel better. Many years ago my dad built me a sitting bench on our little deck. Our daughter lives in that little house now and gets to enjoy the sitting bench. Keep your chin up Bonnie - this too shall pass. Thank you for your posts.

Stevie said...

Today we were at 92, I cannot imagine what real summer will be. Love the pictures of Zoey and the puppy ways.

Anne Hayward said...

I sorry about your two friends and I pray Jennifer’s surgery goes well and she makes a full recovery.
Your snail trail blocks look beautiful in all their scrappy glory such happy blocks.
I love your corner bench at your cabin such a wonderful idea, will you make cushions for it?
I love how ZoeyJo Is developing she is such a cutie pie and I can see from you pictures and messages that she brings a lot of joy into your life.
Stay safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Alicia Key said...

Love that you're enjoying Zoey Jo. We feel that same way about all 8 of our canines! (we live on a farm in southern OK)

lcarlson said...

Thank you for all the prayers for Jennifer. Her mom is my sweet dear friend. They are the ones that got me into quilting. Thank you for your daily blogs. I'm really enjoying the Unity Quilt. All those triangles last night kept my mind off of worrying about Jennifer.

radars grammy said...

Good Morning.
Praying for your friend and condolences for the loss of your other friend.
The bench is beautiful. another "restful" spot.
Sewing is my therapy and I am thankful for this hobby during the quarantine.
Keep smiling there are better days ahead.
Prayers and hugs
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and quilting content.

Shirley said...

Love the bench.......and Zoey

Carol Nye said...

Snow predicted here, in the Adirondacks, for the weekend. My time is divided between cooking 21 meals every week and volunteering at a local greenhouse. I need to go to my happy place, a.k.a., my sewing room!

ceblakeney said...

A scrap quilt is the absolute perfect metaphor/symbol for life in general, including the life we are experiencing now. The Snail's Trail, which could wind ever outward forever, depending on how many rounds you choose to add, is a perfect base. There is a simple math-y approach to the block at http://www.frugalquilting.com/snails_trail_quilt_block.htm which could be useful in executing a scrap version.

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