
Thursday, May 07, 2020

Rainy Days are Meant for Scraps!

The rains came and came -

It’s only the 7th of May and we have had so much rain -

And it made for a cozy afternoon of sewing up the scraps at the Quiltville Post Office.

Total block count is now up to 44 with many more to go.

Stitching this really is the kind of mindless I need right now.  And let’s face it – it’s about time I tackled what was in these bins.  Everywhere I turn around me – here at the QPO, or back home at the cabin sewing room – bags, bins, boxes, totes – overflowing.

In many ways it’s been a walk down memory lane.

“Oh, I remember this piece – it was in that bundle I picked up when I traveled to (fill in the blank) and I used it in the (fill the blank) quilt!”

You can see where Lola liked to be the best – in the bin of the tiniest cut off triangles.

At one point she wanted to be on my lap, but I was using the knee lifter bar to lift the presser foot and it was way too much action for her.  Back in the bin she went.

All while Dresden watched from his tall stack of boxes.

This is what we had been waiting for!

A table/fire pit from Lowes picked up curbside.

The propane flame is lit here, but you can barely see it.  Too much light outside – and if I had thought of it I would have waited for dark.

As it was – we were in between bursts of rain and temps were in the 30s by this point!

But I did catch a little action here.  Click to Play:

So so so nice!  And as temps warm into summer, I can see myself enjoying the heat of this flame in the mornings while enjoying a warm cuppa.

Maybe later evenings with some marshmallows on a camp fork.

The benches will be stained as soon as they dry out from the rain and we’ve got decent temps for working out there.

Last night’s Zoey Play:

She is just so funny – we hope she will always keep someone the puppy side of her.

What one does when one is up at 5am.

Bags, bins, boxes, and totes!

Almost 2 years ago now when my brother Mark was entering his last stages of his life due to brain cancer, a group of students I taught during our Summer Series with Mary’s Quilt Shop in Bedford, Pennsylvania presented me with a wonderful array of blocks, all 6’’ finished in size.

I am not sure what got me digging them out in the early pre-dawn hours this morning, but I just needed to feel the love – could it be this isolation that is starting to wear so thin?

I read all of the names as I laid out the blocks, hoping to make a twin size for one of the beds at Quiltville Inn.

The challenge?  NO LARGE STASH HERE! 

I had enough of the solid robin’s egg blue for the setting squares, but the setting triangles had to be cut from something else.  I chose yellow because the two colors together remind me of blue sky and sunshine.  And I need to feel that warmth right now, both physically, and emotionally.

I hope to start sewing this together today after I get the morning’s round of mail order out to the USPS.

ALL digital patterns in the Quiltville Store are currently 25٪ off using coupon code DIGITAL25.

This coupon code is good for the entire month, but code must be used at time of purchase for the sale price to be in effect. Don't forget to use the code!
No refunds if you forget, okay?

You'll find everything in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store.

Where you will also find the Addicted to Scraps book still at the low low price of $15.99 while lock-down lasts. (June 10th here in Virginia.)

And it comes with a free Wanderlust table runner PDF pattern, so maybe instead of purchasing that one at 25% off in the digital pattern sale, you’d like it for FREE with the purchase of Addicted to Scraps?  No coupon required for the book purchase.

There are several new goodies that have been added as well – so be sure to check out the NEW category!

I think that catches us up to now – how are you coming on Part 6 of our Unity Quilt Along?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Never assume that someone else's opinion is factual. Examine it yourself, and realize that even your own opinion can change!

Feelings aren't facts, either. Dig deeper.

Especially during this crazy time we are living in. Do you really believe everything you read just because someone shared it on social media?

This is a question I keep asking of myself!

Have a wonderful Thursday – get out and move around if you can!


Blencoe Bonny said...

Love love love the setting for the gifted blocks! Thanks for this and all the other inspiration you share in your blog. The closing thoughts are something else I look forward to. Stay well. Zoey antics are uplifting too!

pam said...

I love the blue and yellow! Great choices on those. Love seeking Zoey and her antics. I'm so glad you have her with you during all this. She is such a sweetie. The QPO kitties make me smile.

Leah said...

Oh, you're right. The aqua and yellow make a lovely setting for that fun assortment of blocks. That will look so great on a bed in the Inn. Maybe someday some of the ladies who gifted the blocks will get the chance to retreat at the Inn and see their blocks in action.

Today's softly faded vintage quilt photo is lovely. Soft blue, pink and green.... so pretty.

Lucie said...

Love your latest quilt project- the yellow and blue are so cheerful. Enjoy the new deck bench and fire feature. Awesome

Barbara D said...

the bright blue and yellow to set the blocks is wonderful....cheery and lets those blocks shine. Such a fine gift, and memory keeper

Cathy said...

Bonnie, What a beautiful quilt you have...I love the way you think...needing to feel love...blocks gifted to you...need blue skies and sunshine...blue setting squares and yellow setting triangles. Such a happy quilt it will be. Feeling your joy in what you love to do. Hang in there.

Kay said...

Oh this quilt is so fabulous! A bright colorful setting full of love. And speaking of love - Zoey play is such a treat for me, and the butt in the air makes me chuckle. Y'all will get so much enjoyment from your deck - finished "honey-do" tasks give so much satisfaction. Take Good Care

Fisgig2 said...

The blue and yellow just work, don't they?

Evy en Petra said...

Hi Bonnie,
Love the blue and yellow together.
The second lay-out looks great. The 2 birds placed together, facing like lovebirds.... brilliant!

Unknown said...

love the fire pit and the bench

Kerry said...

Lovely setting for the quilt. Laughed at the animal antics of all fur babies. Hubby has his eye on a fire pit. He'll just have to make do with the odd bonfire for now! LOL!

Anne Hayward said...

Your fire pit looks so lovely with those gorgeous benches your hubby made.
Those gorgeous gifted blocks look really nice set against that blue and yellow this will be a really happy memory quilt.
Thank you for sharing ZoeyJo’s fun with her toys she really is a delightful girl and she is such a happy pup and a great addition to your lovely family
Keep safe
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Beth said...

Bonnie, I have the same impulse these days. I find myself making a quilt top because the fabric reminds me of Easter at my grandmother's. A few days later I'm piecing blocks because the Cotton + Steel remind me of when my sister and I were in high school, listening to music and enduring some teasing from our grandmother and her sister and my dad's cousins about the silly lyrics ("Wake Me Up Before You Go Go?"). I'm not making any "cute" quilts these days--everything is meaningful to me, and I think that is a result of the times in which I'm making these quilts.

Linda K. said...

I agree! The yellow with those gifted blocks is wonderful. I think we all need to feel the love right now. I love your pics of the cats and dog. Ours are all gone and we miss them but starting over. Good to live you through yours.

Susie H said...

I believe everything I read on social media right here on your blog! Lol! That beautiful blue & yellow DO remind me of blue skies and sunshine. Have a wonderful day!

Barb Johnson said...

I think that one of those blocks from Bedford may be from me. I took one of the classes - Wanderlust, maybe? And I remember that your brother was very ill, and that we were all worried for you and praying for both you and him. I know that I made a block, but to tell you the truth, I don't recall what pattern that I used. I'm glad to know that these blocks will be used and will be wrapping you in warmth and love as you remember your brother.

Mary O said...

That is a really HAPPY quilt with great memories for you. Thank you for sharing.

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie: Can you send me your address there? I have something to send you. I love your quilt; and I love the aqua and yellow together. Zoey Jo is all puppy. It seems most dogs like those flat animals w/ the squeakers in them, only to kill the squeakers, if nothing else!

I love the benches on your deck and even the propane fire pit. I didn't think I would want a firepit, and especially on the deck, but the more I look at them, maybe I will put one on the front deck. Are they secured in one place, how does the propane work w/ the pit, a line to it, or a cylinder in it, etc. I guess I will have to check them out when I can get to Anchorage and Lowes. Now, I am busy trying to get things going for the garden, putting in a Greenhouse, a new shed, etc. The busyness of Alaskan summers, w/out all the tourists this year.

Stay safe, and Healthy. Happy Mother's Day, stay warm w/ the coming snow storm!

Kasilof, AK
Where we shall have sun and clouds, and temps in the 60's the next few days.

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