
Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Cinco de Mayo and More!

This morning? Rain.  Temps back in the 50s. But yesterday?


As in, “Let’s take the dog to work day – and then take a long afternoon hike up Round House Road again.”

Things are changing by the day here.  Grass is taller – I no longer trust walking into the McMillan family cemetery because there just might be snakes sunning themselves on those warm granite stones soaking up the sun.

So we decided to walk a bit further to see if we could make it to the hunter’s cabin that was a bit more down the road toward the state park.

The cattle are evidently as interested in Zoey Jo as she is with them!

Let’s just not get any closer, okay?

Delicate little wild flowers are sprouting up everywhere.

I love the sound of rushing roadside rivulets.

Spring is definitely happening in these hills!

And work is really happening at the Round House!

A whole bunch of land has been cleared around the house since we walked last week. 

I can’t wait to see what this place will become!

The old out building is coming down as well -

We did make it to the hunter’s cabin – not sure how much further it is up the road from the cemetery – maybe a mile?  I will have to track it next time so I know. 

But both Zoey and I were so pooped out by the time we got back to the cabin that it was a 2 hour nap for both of us.  Sunshine can wear a body out!

But there is nothing that a treat won’t perk up!

And the honey-do’s continue!

Hooray!  Pan-demic mess solved!

I love this roll out shelving so much.  What a difference it makes to keeping things easy to reach and organized.

And yes – there are more projects under way.  I can’t wait to show you – but there is one more installation that has to happen before I can get good pics.

My plans for yesterday afternoon were to sew the next phase of our Unity Quilt Along – or at least get started on it, but that didn’t happen.

I can say that through this whole Covid-19 lock down one thing has returned – my sleep patterns have been MUCH IMPROVED!  There is less stress and overload on my brain, and even naps are no longer a GUILTY pleasure – just a pleasurable necessity.  I am listening to my body.

And I am hoping that things never go back to the way they were before all of this came crashing down.  The word NO needs to be more at the forefront of my vocabulary.

Being a people pleaser has its pitfalls.  But this next phase when this is over is to continue to take care of myself and my family FIRST.  I am practicing the “No, sorry.” so I will be ready to use it when I need to.

Today – I’ll head out to the QPO to get some stuff done there – and since it is supposed to rain all day, there won’t be a hike.  I’ll get that sewing in.

Are you taking advantage of our 25% off all digital patterns sale good through the month of May?

To celebrate the beauty of May I am putting all digital patterns in the Quiltville Store at 25٪ off using coupon code DIGITAL25.

This coupon code is good for the entire month, but code must be used at time of purchase for the sale price to be in effect. Don't forget to use the code!

No refunds if you forget, okay?

You'll find everything in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store.

Where you will also find the Addicted to Scraps book still at the low low price of $15.99 while lock-down lasts. (June 10th here in Virginia.)

And it comes with a free Wanderlust table runner PDF pattern, so maybe instead of purchasing that one at 25% off in the digital pattern sale, you’d like it for FREE with the purchase of Addicted to Scraps?  No coupon required for the book purchase.

And don’t forget to check out the NEW category!  I have added some really fun things to the store that you’ve got to check out.

Are you working on Unity today?  Or another project?  What is going on in your corner of the world for this day?

Considering the fact that it is Cinco de Mayo – and Taco Tuesday all in one!  (Guess what’s for dinner?!) 

But really – how much do you know about Cinco de Mayo and would you like to learn more?  Click to Play:

There is always time to learn something new.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

All of the struggles. All of the dreams, hopes, trials, joys, fears, excitement, disappointment, trying again, striving, succeeding.

There are no short cuts.

It took everything to get you where you are now. And this journey has more in store!

How many of us are yelling "Plot Twist!" with all that is happening right now?

Wishing you a good day, everyone -


BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

We are celebrating Taco Tuesday/Cinco De Mayo and our son coming over with his family to cut his Dad's hair.

Ruth's girl said...

Love Zoey's smile as she is anticipating her treat!

Jo Kramer said...

Good for you Bonnie. I'm practicing my "No" too.

Mad quilter said...

Things have changed, some for the better, others not so good. I now order groceries on line so no impulse purchases like at the checkout. Saving lots of money doing this but sure miss little treats.

I have a notepad I love, at the top it says “STOP Me before I Volunteer”. Not that I’ve stopped volunteering it has given me pause to think first.

In the Augusta Georgia area we skipped spring and have gone on to summer. I planted three tomato and one pepper plants. Earlier than usual and they already need cages plus have blooms.

Stay safe.

sewingca said...

Thank you for the lesson on Cinco de Mayo. I didn't know. My Irish/West Virginia roots didn't cover that! Love, Caroline

Sharon in Seattle said...

I recently learned the "yes, no, yes" way of saying no.
For example, 'gee, that sounds nice (yes), I'm so sorry I can't (no), but I'm sure you'll have a great time (yes)'. I don't feel so bad about saying no that way.
Remember: we don't have to give a reason. That just invites discussion or argument.
Taking charge of my life! Big love everyone!!

Kerry said...

LOL @ Zoey's face! Scooby snack yeah, whoohoo! Loved seeing the round house too.

Donna Endresen said...

Bonnie- I love the slide out for your baking pans. I have a cabinet like that next to the fridge. Sometimes things get stuck in wrong, you can't get others in, when you know they all go in. I need a slide out. Where did you get it, Lowes's, or did you order it? Thanks! Warm and in the 50's (OK, warm for AK!), a few sprinkles yesterday. Otherwise Sunshine! Soldotna and Kenai both hit 60 today!

Kasilof, AK

Janet of MN said...

You must learn to say 'no' for your own well being.
We have pretty much quit watching the news and guess what - there is no pandemic. Those we know are behaving and healthy, so that's all that matters.

Gwen Malinowski said...

Sharon, I just love your response. I'm going to steal it (if you don't mind). I also need to remember that most of those people who want to make me feel guilty for saying no are only trying to manipulate me into to saying yes. It's time to take control for me.

Our Homeplace said...

The expression on Zoey's face is so cute!

Jennifer Rauch said...

Ohboy do I relate! Someone I ONCE volunteered to help 2 years ago, but really wanted all the accolades for herself became a lesson in "workaround" to get my "assignments" done, is a bit of a manipulator. Sooo, this year she said "You'd be perfect to work on this project. . . and I said "No, thank you." Another day, in front of one of the organizers, she said "I'm counting on you & hubby to work _______" and I said more strongly "We won't be doing that. I have no interest in that project" Her comment: "Oh no. I think I'm going to cry!" I walked away w/o further comment. Irony of it all? COVID sidelined the whole thing! Got a morning laugh @ Zoey's face as you offered a treat!

Tina K said...

The answer is, "No, I couldn't possibly, but thank you for thinking of me." Enough said. No room for them to guilt/force you into whatever they want.

Charlie d said...

Yesterday, cinco de Maio and Taco Tuesday was also a special date for us. After 14 months, we finally went to settlement on our house. Your sew-alongs have kept me going.

Barbara D said...

Love to see sweet furbabies' faces. Zooey sure does nothing by halves, does she?? More mask making for me, then some machine quilting. Too many unquilted tops on hand, lol. Happy May!!

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