
Friday, March 20, 2020

Things We CAN Do!

Perhaps you have seen this floating around the media.

We are running out of face masks in the medical arena as we fight the Coronavirus.

There is a call from hospitals, clinics and other facilities for handmade masks – and who better to join in than the quilters who have stashes full of fun fabrics.

The only thing I would need to find is the elastic cording that makes the ear loops – but this is when mail order comes in to play.

Someone loves Ohio!

These photos are from The Turban Project website, a link I followed after reading  a plea from Deaconess Hospital at Deaconess.com in Indiana which reads:

We are welcoming fabric masks from our community as we prepare for COVID-19.

Orders for standard/disposable masks are on long back-orders, due to both demand and supply chain issues.  Other hospitals across the country are reporting the same supply concerns.

According to the CDC, fabric masks are a crisis response option when other supplies have been exhausted.

“Prior to modern disposable masks, washable fabric masks were standard use for hospitals,” said Dawn Rogers, MSN, RN, FNP-C, Patient Safety & Infection Prevention Office. 

“We will be able to sterilize these masks and use them repeatedly as needed.  While it’s less than ideal, we want to do our best to protect our staff and patients during this pandemic.”

The pattern is courtesy of The Turban Project.

Use tightly-woven cotton fabric.

Please remember that both women and men in a variety of roles may wear these masks. 

When your masks are complete, please call 812-450-8673 to arrange delivery.

(You will be met in a facility parking lot at a pre-arranged time.)

Collected masks will be immediately sent to laundry/processing to be prepared for use. 

Any surplus masks will be distributed to other organizations in need.

Find the mask PDF instructions HERE.

There are two sizes – adult and child.

And yes, there is a YouTube Video!

Click to Play:

My thought is also - before sending all the masks the Quilting World can make to Indiana, perhaps check with your local hospitals and clinics to see if there is a need there. Help at Home first.

Some areas have not been hit as hard and may be okay on the supply chain.  Others – the need may be so great that they NEED help from outside areas to supply the demand.

I am just passing on information, so please don’t email me about more details – I don’t have answers.  I am just trying to get this word out that there is a need that we can help with.

Also - If anyone has information on other hospitals or organizations that are in need or are gathering masks for distribution  - please leave that information in the comments section below – please don’t email it to me.

Make masks as leaders & Enders!  It’s possible!

And this just in - another article about the need for making masks from Forbes.

I love this – so much hope!

Things are really starting to bloom here!

These bushes are at the end of the drive in front of Quiltville Inn.  And the Dogwood tree in front of the house is showing promise!

Late in the afternoon we took Zoey Jo for a walk along Roundhouse road.

There is something wonderful about walking a country dirt road.

Especially when flowers are blooming along the roadside.

And there are creeks to explore!

Something we were not expecting!  Zoey has ZERO fear of water!  This could prove to be fun when she is old enough and secure enough with us to not run away – playing fetch with balls and frisbees and water.  Sadie Jane wouldn't have anything to do with water at all.

We have found that Zoey Jo cowers if you pick up a stick.  Evidently she has been beaten in her young life.  And that breaks my heart for her – hopefully with time and love and positive reinforcement we can get her past those memories.

She pays such close attention to EVERYTHING!

Always observing.

On this walk we passed the Smith home (Where I met Tom with the retreat girls on our walk and he is the one who said “Oh, YOU’RE the Quilter Lady!” and his three dogs were out in full force behind their electric fence.  Bark Bark Bark – it was a chorus.

Zoey just kept walking – though her fur stood on end a bit.  No barking from her.  GOOD GIRL!  To this date we have only her one very small bark out of her and it was in response to Emmy Lou.

“The Golden Hour.”

When I tell folks that I live in a place called Mouth of Wilson Virginia, I get funny looks and questions

What the heck is a Mouth of Wilson? ⁣ Well, here you have it right in front of you.

Zoey Jo and I walked to the point where Wilson Creek (on the left) flows into and joins the New River. (on the right) This point is THE MOUTH OF WILSON CREEK. Now you know!

It is a beautiful spot and felt much like spring late this afternoon.

Are you finding a way to stretch your legs, get a bit of exercise and some fresh air while you shelter at home?

It's important to be outside even if you can't gather in numbers with friends and family.

Fresh air and sunshine are good for the soul.

So here we are at Friday.

This happened!

Borders are on -

Backing was pieced.

Quilt was mounted in the machine.

The quilting barely started before it was time to go home for dinner.

More quilting will happen today as I prepare my fabrics for Sunday’s Quarantine Quilt Along!  Click to Wednesday’s Post for more info – have we convinced you to join in yet?

And of course in that post you’ll also see that my Addicted to Scraps book is still on DEEP SALE at $15.99 (Retail price is $27.95) to encourage you to dig into your scraps and make good use of this Shelter at Home time we are under.  The sale only goes through March 31st – so don’t delay! (No coupon needed.)

It also comes with a free PDF download of my Wanderlust Table Runner pattern.  (A $10.00 value!)

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage nine patch quilt shared by Katie.

Just because something is difficult doesn't mean you shouldn't try. It just means you should try harder!

Some results just take longer, but it's worth it!

Have a wonderful Friday, everyone – however you spend it!


KB Hansen said...

I love seeing and reading about your Zoey Jo! She’s a wonderful addition to your world!

Julbug67 said...

When we rescued our puppy, she didn’t bark. She spent her first 11 months of her life in a shelter. I think she discovered that barking did no good while she was in the there. After a short time she found her bark. She’s kinda comical when she barks. It’s with her entire body!

BB said...

Providence and Deaconess hospitals are asking for masks. Visit their websites for more info. Also, Chemo Buddies:3700 Bellemeade, Suite 118, Evansville IN 47714 (that's where to send the masks). Put your sewing pants on, girls - we've been training for this!

Ann said...

Oh yes Zoey is a puppy! Our girl is 12 months old and still very much a puppy. She acts a lot like Zoey. She loves to bark! and very loud! Mini was a tiny dog so her bark was not loud. Lily is very talkative and complains when she wants you to play.

Marti said...

I'm joining in on Sunday!! I sent out all the information to my Guild Members as well! Love seeing pics of Joey Jo! Keep on quilting and smiling!!

PatR said...

Bonnie, I was curious about which fabric(s) would be optimal and whether there might be a type of interfacing that could enhance the masks' protective properties. My internet search literally took me into the weeds. I read about pore sizes, different types of weaves, etc. Is it possible that you have some contacts within the textile industry that could weigh in on the ultimate fabric choice and the possible use of a type of interfacing or a different fabric with certain characteristics to line the masks? I only know that N-95 masks are made of polymers and required to have very tiny pores to prohibit the passage of viruses. Just trying to discover the ultimate solution that will offer the most protection. Thanks

Farm Quilter said...

I made a face mask for me to use around my dad last week. I don't need it for that any more as he went to heaven on Wednesday, so I'll use it for when I have to go out. I'll check with my local hospitals and see if they need any.

Unknown said...

I love the idea of being able to help with the whole face mask dilema! I came across this chart yesterday while trying to figure out if they were worth making. I would have NEVER thought of using vacuum sweeper bags, but it does make sense!

lvkwilt said...

We rescured a dog years ago who just wouldn't bark at anything...until the neighbor with a beard came over. Evidently, he didn't like people with beards. Anyway, we finally figured out it was because he didn't feel any ownership of his new home. Once he felt our house was his house, the barking commenced. She may surprise you!

Jitka said...

I am now engaged a lot making face masks as we have in the country govermental decree that everybody has to wear face mask when being in the public area. I sew more then 50 pieces for my family members and colleagues. Various design quilting fabric used :-).

WeedyMama said...

This was in my email from Kathy McNeil, of WA state.

Kathy McNeil Art Quilts kathy@kathymcneilquilts.com via rainpos.com
Thu, Mar 19, 12:44 PM (1 day ago)
to me

Hi dear friends.

What a troubled time we are living through. My oldest daughter is the assistant manager of the hospitalist team at my old hospital. Hospitals in Seattle and around the country are begging for people to make masks. Many hospitals have already run out: see guidelines below.

“Prior to modern disposable masks, washable fabric masks were standard use for hospitals,” said Dawn Rogers, MSN, RN, FNP-C, Patient Safety & Infection Prevention Office in a release to media. “We will be able to sterilize these masks and use them repeatedly as needed. While it’s less than ideal, we want to do our best to protect our staff and patients during this pandemic.”

In their instructions, the hospital asked:

Use tightly-woven cotton fabric.
Please remember that both women and men in a variety of roles may wear these masks.
When your masks are complete, please call 812-450-8673 in Seattle to arrange delivery. (You will be met in a facility parking lot at a pre-arranged time.) PLEASE CHECK WITH HOSPITALS in your area.
Collected masks will be immediately sent to laundry/processing to be prepared for use.
Any surplus masks will be distributed to other organizations in need.
I used 11.5 x 9" piece of tight cotton fabric. Batiks would be good.
1.Fold sides 1/4 and iron...then another 1/4' sew shut
2.Now fold bottom as above, iron and pin.
3.Cut a 4 inch piece of piece of pipe cleaner and place inside the top fold. Pin at both ends to hold pipe cleaner in the middle.
4.Now add 1/4" elastic strips.
5.Bigger heads -14" for top strap - 8 " for bottom.
Smaller heads - 11.5 top strap - 7' for bottom.
Sew bottom and top fold and secure elastic with a stitched seam.

There will be no one to take care of us if we don't protect our first responders.

Always In Stitches said...

Oddly enough I spent the day making face masks. Mostly for our use and friends use. Even though Ashe County has had no COVID so far there are lots of people from all over coming here for safety. Which puts us at risk. So for my friends and family I am making masks.

Tracey Honig said...

What a beautiful way to use your scraps! I never would have thought of making them! Totally loving that purple border on the shoo-flies! And I hope that you will enjoy your new puppy and she learns to trust y’all! Happy quilting and stay safe!

Ruth said...

As Bonnie states, The Turban Project masks are made in adult and child sizes, with flannel being on the inside against the skin. They use 1/4" flat elastic sewn into the corners with right sides together first, then turned right sides out. It's a very easy pattern, and I'm sure we can all make these easily. The video is only a few minutes long, and she sews an entire mask. I'm off to look for flannel!

khowardquilts said...

Here is a group that is also a place to share about masks. Different hospitals may want slightly different styles. A member there has done a pattern with bias tape ties instead of elastic. Started by Elizabeth Townsend Gard of Just Wanna Quilt. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2255629811405276/

khowardquilts said...

Shared link with a group I am in.

Astrid Reflux said...

Cambridge University did a study on different fabrics and how effective they are at catching both bacteria and viruses (which are much smaller.), as reported here: https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/best-materials-make-diy-face-mask-virus/
- 100% cotton tshirt material or pillowcase material is the best combination of prevention + breathability
- other fabrics are better at catching viruses and bacteria but make it harder to breathe
- doubling fabric does little to increase efficacy of mask, just makes breathing harder
They show all the results in the article but so far I have not found a corroborating article anywhere in the literature from Cambridge (might not have access to it, though - if they realize this is circulating I bet they post something soon.)

ksscr.oneill said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. You have my deepest sympathy.

Katherine said...

Appreciate you posting the video, Bonnie. If I can find the elastic, I need to make 40 of these masks ASAP for my offices (I am retired but my pediatric practice is in immediate need of these).

Carol Nye said...

I was going to work on shopping totes, today, but face masks might be a better idea!
Continue to show nothing but love to Zoey and she will come to understand that her world with you, is safe. Our little Violet was abused at some point in her life. Mostly verbal abuse, I think. I have learned to NEVER yell at her! She loves her Mama, almost as much as her Papa, who she bonded with at the kennel!

Barbara D said...

So happy to see your shares of adventures with your new furbaby. Zoey was so lucky you saw her photo and rescued her, and you were so lucky to find such a great new friend. Having fun meself quilting in place.

pbrenner said...

I've seen messages in my areas that our fire/ems departments would love some of these as well. Elastic is getting hard to come by, but bias binding (packaged or home made) works great as ties and helps them be more adjustable. This site has some information on how much protection different materials give. Cotton does pretty well (obviously not medical grade), and I've seen that interfacings are being used as an additional breathable layer. https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/best-materials-make-diy-face-mask-virus/

Susan T in Manchaca said...

We have doctors' office in the Austin, Texas, area wanting masks. They said that all masks are being diverted to the hospitals, so they can't get masks. One guideline from the CDC was to use bandanas! So, quilters can come up with something as good or better than bandanas!!

Glenda said...

So sorry for your loss. Just lost my husband two months ago.

Tamara said...

Thank you for posting this. Yes please check for local need of masks first. Our first responders have requested face masks due to a severe shortage. My local quilt shop put out the call yesterday.
I love seeing Zoey Jo's antics. puts a smile on my face. Love all you do Bonnie Thanks again

JeanGB said...

What about making ties instead of elastic? Fitting different heads would be better.
Also everything has to be washable and have the ability to be sterilized. Making these take time and and it's a wonderful thing to do - just want that time to be fruitful

Judy said...

I am thinking of making one for myself in case I do need to go out and think I will put iron on interfacing between the layers of fabric. I noticed in the article to use a very tight woven fabric and am thinking interfacing will make it an even tighter weave. I don't plan on going anywhere except for maybe a walk but think it won't hurt to have one on hand as a just in case. Thank you to the person who posted the instructions.

Shari Z said...

Hi Ruth. As a former nurse (who started when we still used cotton scrubs and masks), I am thinking the flannel would not only be hot but also retain more moisture. I have seen mixed ideas on its merits, but here in the south it would definitely not be a plus in a month or so. Our group is also making masks!

Anne Hayward said...

Love that ZoeyJo and the cats are getting used to each other, hopefully in time they will become friends.love the pictures of your hikes with her and I’m sure the stick thing will become a distant forgotten memory. She is in a loving forever home now and is flourishing.
Thanks for the link to the masks and will check if our local hospital can use any .
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

LSG Industrial & Office Products, Inc. said...

Thank you for sharing the wonderful things you do Zoey. Big help to many of us!
3-Ply Disposable Face Mask

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