
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Getting It Together!

Slow but steady gets the job done!

Yesterday turned out to be a frazzle of getting mail order out the door in time to be ready for an important Skype call with someone special!

Yes it was recorded, and when it plays, where it plays – I’ll let you know.

How incredibly unbelievable is it that International Quilting Day also happens during the time we are all on “Shelter at Home” status, and actually CAN participate in International Quilting Day?  And continue it into the week beyond?

As stated previously – Quilters have been preparing for this kind of quilting pandemic for decades – bring it on! (All said tongue in cheek – this is no laughing matter and we are doing what we can to stay safe, protect others while we protect ourselves, and quilt to keep our sanity in check and our spirits positive.)

And since I had the laptop all set up -

Connected to the router by hard wiring -

Camera ready to go live -

We did!

Click to Play:

We talked about many things from  new puppies to projects at hand – a little bit of discussion on webbing this top and continuing on with Leaders & Enders. (Click to the Tips & Techniques tab to know more about webbing and the Leaders & Enders process!)

There were many fun shares – This one from Donna Lynn:

She finished her last year’s Jewel Box Stars Leader & Ender challenge!

Where does yours stand?

Did you finish?

Alkay86 (no name)

What a lovely Garlic Knots top finish!

She writes: “Hi Bonnie, just finished my 3rd Garlic Knots quilt, this one without borders. Great use of scraps. It is my first attempt at free-motion quilting on a longarm.”

Great job!

Meineke is quilting her Allietare!

She writes: “ Hi Bonnie, I am in the process of quilting Allietare. It’s slow going, now that the kids are home. I can do 2 rows per evening. It’ll be done the day after tomorrow.
My machine is having a rough time with the thicker seams, I really need to install my spoon foot.
Kind regards,
Mieneke from the Netherlands “

Quilts with many small pieces have many seams!  But it is worth it!

Beautiful quilt, Meineke!

Jenny is getting her Frolic binding on!

She writes: “Yeah......jenny from ca, live cam time. Just finished frolic quilt last night! Thank you for all you do. Happy happy!

We really had a great time.

And no – I didn’t QUITE get all the seams finished.  There are 3 left to do, and so I will do those today and start getting borders on.

I’m so very CLOSE to being done!

I want to get this finished so that I am ready for Gudrun’s Quarantine Quilt Along!  Check YESTERDAY’S POST for more info.  Are you in?

Zoey Jo pulling Dad up the hill -

(I was standing at the top!)

Recorded yesterday: Click to Play -

Quiltville Quote of the Day

It's never too late to recognize the need to change our habits and reactions. Start NOW.

Is there ever going to be any better time than now?

However you spend it – have a wonderful Thursday, everyone!


Unknown said...

Thank you for all you do. I am looking forward to the quarenteenen quilt on Sunday. I hope I have that day off but more than likely not. I will however make this quilt one way or another. I've already picked out the fabric. A bit brighter colors for me because I need happy colors right now... Too much negativity outside the home. Thank you for bringing Sunshine to my day.

Happy Stitching,


Lilac Joan said...

Love the sashing of all different colors on your quilt and Donna Lynn's. It really sparkles.

Re your quilt quote:
Just return from a trip to the grocery store and every one is smiling and being very kind. There are positives in our world.

Sara said...

I really love how this quilt is turning out. Thanks for sharing this pattern with us.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Thank you Bonnie for always having lovely and uplifting posts. Your "bring it on! comment made me laugh. I'm still working on Frolic - stitching the blocks into rows and I'm just loving this beautiful quilt and the process.

Rose C said...

Bonnie---Check out the dog breed "SHOLLIE". It is a cross between a German Shepherd & a Border Collie. My daughter had one that looked exactly like Zoey. (unfortunately he was hit by a car & died last summer) He was a "Herder" and would not only herd people, cats & chickens, but also rocks & pieces of firewood!! Love reading your blog everyday! Rose in Southern Oregon

Love Of Quilts said...

That little pup doesn't know how lucky he was to get rescued by you. Another lovely quilt. I have just posted my Frolic on my blog.

Quiltnut said...

Bonnie - thank you for sharing Shoo Fly Shoo - I am working on Blossom Time blocks - currently on #100.
I would like to set these on point but don't know to figure the cutting triangles. Sometime - could you give us an inservice? Thank you.

Dalina said...

I am working on my Jewel Box Star trying to get it finished.

Sally Langston Warren said...

Bonnie has an excellent tutorial on this under the Tips and Techniques tab at the top of her blog. It is called “On-Point Settings”.

Shelnjohanne said...

I couldn’t figure how to post a picture during quilt am, watching on iPad where the pictures are! But my project was also from leader ender but the scrappy jewel box star. Finished ! Made two window quilts with my Blueish shoofly blocks , looked good all the cold dark days this past winter in our blue living room. Thank you for the added enthusiasm about the Quarantine quiltalong. Big pieces easy sewing and done .

Linda K. said...

I'm ready for the quilt along. I need to go to her site and watch a review of the Stripology ruler. I bought one at guild but the lady didn't describe how to use it very well. Really looking forward to it. Hubby won't be able to say "Let's go . . . . " and mess up my sew day!

Cindy said...

Can't get enough of your Shoofly quilt!!!! I could stare at the fabrics for days! May have to try a few in diff sizes to see what I like. Love the black iron - my fav.ever. Thanks for always being the bright spot in our day!!!! And I am seeing much positivity coming from the crisis as well. Silver linings! Zoey is the best!

B. J. In Virginia said...

I heard Gov. Cuomo this morning suggest that the garment industry not make clothing, but masks and gowns! Does anyone have a good pattern for masks? Quilters would jump on this project immediately. We don't have to send them to New York, but could make them for our health care workers. Are there any guidelines for the best way to make them?

Quiltnut said...

Thank you - after I posted my question, I did find it. I should have looked there first - knowing that Bonnie provides answers for so much. Thanks again.

QuiltGranma said...

As I watch this quilt-cam you make me nervous, as you talk to the camera, looking into the camera and at the same time hearing your foot on the machine pedal sewing, while not looking at what you are doing. YIKES! when my mind wanders and I do that I really go off the accurate 1/4" seams!

Rita Anne Hope-Haverman said...

Love your tee shirt! Go Omaha; I am living the good life there. Great quilt cam. Thanks.

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