
Monday, March 16, 2020

Sewing on a Sunday Afternoon -

I finished the webbing part of assembly for Shoo Fly Shoo yesterday!

It wasn’t a feat for the faint of heart! 

I set 192 4’’ finished blocks with 1 1/2’’ x 4 1/2’’ cut colored sashings and 1 1/2’’  neutral cornerstones.  (Yes, I’ve mentioned this before, but if ai don’t put it in each post, someone is going to comment asking what size and how many!)

The best part?  All of those neutral cornerstones were already for me to grab from my 1 1/2’’ squares box – the sashings were ready to cut from my abundance of 1 1/2’’ strips in my Scrap User’s System.  It works!  I just had to lay those out and cut them to length, and am so happy about the short strips that have found purpose here.

If you don’t know what webbing a quilt means – click the tips & techniques tab at the top of the blog. You’ll find info there.  It’s a way to chain assemble a quilt top to the point where all rows are completed all the way across, and all rows are held to each other in order by the chaining threads between the rows.  It’s the only way to go with a quilt that has sashing and cornerstones – if I press the seams in each row toward the sashings, the entire quilt will nest as I sew the rows together.

Zoey Jo was not impressed by this whole ordeal!

The top – completely webbed!

Now for the cross-seaming!

These little blocks have been so fun!

See the chaining threads between the rows?

The chaining threads may be left in place – they aren’t hurting anything.  The only time I would clip the chaining threads is if I were to press a seam open, or spin a seam as in a four-patch.  This isn’t happening with this quilt.

Have you ever had short seams on things like these narrow sashings and cornerstones start to come apart before you want them to?  Simply by leaving the chaining threads in place, these junctions will stay tight and nothing will pop open while joining rows to each other.  Dual purpose.

And yes – I assembled this all in one piece – as far as I could go until 8pm arrived and it was time to stop and settle in with some handwork for the night.

There are 9 seams left to finish the center – and then I can add borders.

This combo is floating my boat right now.

The inner border needs to be darker than neutral, but lighter than the colored sashings so that it doesn’t over power them, or take over.  The outer border?  What’s not to love about a deep lovely purple?

I would love to have this quilt in the quilting machine this week if possible – my go-to size has been roughly 70 X 90 because it will fit a Quiltville Inn bed perfectly with enough drop to cover the box springs and rails.

And yes – there are more blocks – more than 100 of them.  So I am looking at making a second bed-sized quilt for the Inn with an alternate setting.  Perhaps with scrappy 4 1/2’’ squares for a quicker finish, and a great way to use up some charm packs that have been languishing around.

Emmy Lou Lou, still hiding out away from Zoey.

They are still on the outs -

And all Zoey wants to do is play!

The TV watching continues -

And this is so funny – I was in my chair – Dave was on the couch.  She wanted to be as close as she could be to both of us so she laid across both arms of the couch/chair.  Oh honey, that doesn’t look comfy – not at all!

And then miracle of miracles -

Zoey Jo took herself to the open door of her crate, crawled in and promptly passed out.  All on her own.  With no prompting!

I was able to get some hand quilting stitches in while we continued to watch whatever it was that I wasn’t really paying attention to. (That happens a lot around here when I am stitching!)

I have no idea what her previous life was like.  I don’t know how she ended up in the shelter.  We are learning more and more about her as she learns more and more about us.

Open crate, contentedly sleeping belly-up!

So here we are at Monday.  I am headed into the QPO to crank out some mail order.  So many of you have ordered the Addicted to Scraps book at the sale price of $15.99 while we practice “Social Distancing” and happily play with our fabrics! (Isn’t this what every quilter dreamed of?)

If you want to know what quilts are found in the Addicted to Scraps Book, click the BOOKS tab at the top of the blog.  With each book cover image is a link to view the quilts in each book. 

This sale lasts through 3/31/2020

And comes with a free PDF download for my Wanderlust Table Runner pattern!

A $10.00 value.

Quilters will be extremely good at putting “Social Distancing” in practice over the next couple of weeks – we have projects to start, and to finish!  We have online groups to solo-retreat with.  We will come through this thing okay.

I am trying to avoid too much Facebook news feed watching.  I find photos of empty store shelves to be more than discouraging.  It’s panic inducing.

I’m planning on getting creative with the food that is in my freezer – and I will do what I can to not run in panic mode.

Creativity calms the heart and occupies the mind when things seem to be running out of our control.

What are you doing during this time of stepping away from the world? 

Is there anything you are finding helpful?

if you are an Audible member – we just noticed this morning that there is a 2-for-1 sale going on, and you might want to check it out and find some good audio books to listen to while you stitch.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage applique quilt shared by Sue in Michigan.

Our sense of humor is one our most important defenses! Life is so much better when we find we can laugh at ourselves through difficult situations along the way!

Let your giggle out!

Wishing you a wonderful Monday -


Quilter Kathy said...

A brilliant and inspiring post as always!
That Shoo Fly quilt is top shelf complicated for construction... so many little pieces to organize and put through the machine... truly amazing!
And we are enjoying news of puppy Zoey and so happy you found her... love the photo of her trying to touch both of her humans at the same time!! So adorable!

DebW said...

I'm actually finding encouragement from seeing the small town groups offering to care for one another with needs. Childcare for those healthcare/first responders & those that MUST work. Supply drop-off for those that are in most risk of being out, etc.
There is good out there... we just have to look for it... and be part of the light shining hope.
Like your posts that bring smiles! Thank you!

Judy S said...

Love your shoo fly quilt. I am doing a blue and white version but just may have to do another after seeing this one. We had an empty stores event here. Reporting on it just causes more panic. I have a couple more things to get and then I won't need to leave the house. Many things are closing in Michigan even are local libraries but mine has a ton of downloads including audiobooks which I am big fan of. I am putting my tax dollars to use. The state wide system of borrowing between libraries is shut down but through digital I can access more audiobooks then I could listen to in several years.

Leah said...

LOL. I'm enjoying the Zoey updates so much. What a character! Seems like you found yourself a keeper. :)

hared said...

Zoey seems to be very smart! So happy for you all!

Charlotte M. said...

Thank you for being here and sharing what you are doing to dtay busy and calm. It truly helps to read about that.

Just Sayin Sew said...

I do audio books from my library website all the time as I stitch. Love them! I agree that listening to a book while quilting is awesome. And you can do it with your library for free!

Maria S said...

I love following your updates on Zoey, especially it this time of all negative news in the feed. Take care from Maria from Sweden.

Nikki said...

I love a happy, feeling safe doggy that lies on their back, so heartwarming. I would love to bring my little rescue pup over for a play day with Zoey, but I am being a good world citizen and have implemented my own social distancing. Let's all enjoy our sewing time. XXOOO

JMOT said...

I'm busy cleaning (made spaces for all three adults in our household to "Social distance" from each other if needed and/or add my almost 98 year old mother to our household from Memory Care if they have to close) and cooking and freezing meals. Just made a batch of sauted and pureed onion/carrot/celery soup base for split pea, bean or lentil soup, as my guys swear they "Hate" all three veggies but love soups with them if they can't see them! ;>)!!

Kelley P. said...

Zoey Jo is adorable! I could just reach out and scritch her belly! I just may have to get your book that is on sale so I don't go stir crazy with this cancelling of life as we know it! Might as well laugh as cry, my mother always said! Love today's quote, very appropriate! Also, I may have to get an audible account, as I have read (or listened to) about all of my preferred genre thru my library! I love to listen to audio books while stitching! Oh Yeah - Bonnie, is That your dining room table that Emmy Lou is hiding under - Beautiful! I would love to see the whole table!

Miss Eva said...

I've been listening to free audio books on U-tube, mostly Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie and Ruth Rendell. I LOVE audio books.

Lilac Joan said...

I will be listening to Beethoven on youtube and starting a new quilt called "corona" (pattern pieces of eight. No panic here.

Susan In Texas said...

How many hours did it take you to get the webbing all done? I'm curious, because I'm really slow at that! LOL

Dorothy said...

Zoey Jo sleeping tummy up=I am home, I am loved, I am safe. She is adorable

Ruth said...

If you have a library card you may be able to borrow audible books on your computer. Then you can listen while you sew.

iamaquilter2 said...

I have been cleaning out my fabric stash, refolding and weeding out. I notice that I have a lot of old fabric but I still like it. Time to start cutting up and making quilts. Thank you as always for your encouragement Bonnie. Happy quilting.

Mary Ellen said...

I just really really enjoy the info on Zoey. A win win for owner and dog alike. I am puttering around in the sewing room, picking up this and that to work on and try to get something finished. We may be in this for the long haul as I am seeing now that schools perhaps may not open again this calendar year, not just this school year.

JeanGB said...

Was thinking about your TP issue and the Inn. You have a sales tax number,right? You could get your supplies from a place like Cisco which is a business supply company. And they bring it to you. I don't know if it's cheaper but it might be more available.

Unknown said...

I am loving your SHOO FLY quilt. Will you be publishing a pattern for it?

Odysset Girl said...

Thanks for your humor and insight into the current situation. I'm enjoying staying home and working on all those UFOs I keep promising myself to finish. Pulled out an old scrappy center made about 4 years ago. Made blocks to go around to make it bigger and am working on finishing it this week with borders. Trying to keep up with current BOMs--one from LQS and Afternoon Delight on The Quilt Show. Starting month 2 today so only one month behind. :)

Unknown said...

Lucky me, I bought Paper towels and TP before the run started, so have been limiting the trips to town. We are both happy to remain at home since we retired in 2005. With computers to play with and sewing room to quiltin and reading to do, we are at ease. I admire all the energy you have Bonnie; I read and sigh a bit, at 78 years old, I have put myself in the slow land. I am making the Frolic mystery. Enjoying the journal and ordered four more mystery quilts to do. No shortage of things to do here in Hartford, Mo.

Kathy K said...

Loving the puppy antics. We have always had (whether it be adopted or found) dogs. My favorite breed - unknown, but loved just as much! Just took our 14 year old now down to 62 lbs dog to the vet yesterday. It's hard to see her aging, but she's not in any pain, and we will continue to love her as long as she isn't. Her unconditional love and companionship is absolutely priceless! We are fortunate to have a 5/6 year old lover as well who will move up someday from the rank of Princess to Queen and another four legged family member will come to join us. We also have a cat, but he came into a dog but cat friendly home, and has never felt threatened. He is the King!

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