
Sunday, March 15, 2020

In a Land Where Less Quilting is Happening -

I am taking time to enjoy THIS more -

Instead of barely taking notice and working right through it.

Yesterday Zoey and I worked at the Quiltville Post Office just until USPS closing time – Order filling will resume on Monday with the work week – but I wanted to enjoy as much of our first weekend together as I could.

We’ve got quite the set up going so far, and it is working very well.

Other than the fact that we had our first “pee in the car” experience – which was bound to happen.

I had a full bin of mail to go out in the van, and we stopped at USPS to drop off the bin on our way to the Quiltville Post Office.  As the story goes, I just left Zoey in the car for “just a minute” while I ran the bin in, and when I came back – there it was – the tell tale dark spot.

Mind you, I HAD walked her three times before we had even gotten in the car – the first two times being productive.  I thought the 3rd time with no action meant that she just didn’t need to go, so off we went.

I am thinking she panicked watching me go into that big building, and wondering if I was leaving her and never coming back.

The car carpet cleaned and Lysol-ed (Thank you pandemic preparedness!) we settled right in to do more order fulfillment.

After a short visit with the cats (Who promptly took to higher ground, albeit with much less hissing, spitting and fanfare) Zoey took up supervisory position:

It seems she likes the bed sideways.

Oh, you are so cute!

Click to Play:

After the USPS closed, we called it a day – and came home.  I had thought to sew – but that whole bit was waylaid by first lunch, and then a run back to the Inn where friends Don & Martha were coming to not only meet Zoey, but to help install the 86 gallon water pressure tank in the cellar.

Or more like – the GUYS would install it, Martha and I would find ourselves sipping tea in the Hen Den with the gas fireplace blazing while Miss Zoey Jo napped at our feet.

(Evidently napping is what not-quite-fully-grown puppies do best!

Getting a lot of nap practice in!

(Oh, I can’t stand it, she is too precious!)

And we are getting crate experience too.

There will be times where she will have to be left alone – and crating is the way that worked for all of our other dogs until they were full grown and able to be trusted to not eat the couch.

We have put her in here for meal times (She knows we are still close by, can see us.) and we had our first “Go away and leave her” moment last evening when we brought Martha and Don with us to the Corner Market Cafe for a quick dinner out, just to see how she would do.

I was a nervous wreck.  We left the TV on because she seems to like watching it. (I never have had a dog that liked to watch TV before!)

She was FINE when we got back.  The only issue seemed to be that she really DID kill the squeaky squirrel, who needed a bit of repair this morning.

I know just how to fix this!

It’s a squirrel Leader & Ender!

(Yes, there is still one row left to go on this quilt top!)

I ended the chain with the squirrel -

And I started feeding that last row on right after it! LOL!

I’m not sure if Squeaky Squirrel can hold up for much more puppy rough housing, but she LOVES this thing.

I bet it’s the head that comes off next.  LOL!

It’s going to be a lazy Sunday here at the Cabin.  More parts are needed to finish the pressure tank install – maybe later this afternoon.

Things are not as insanely crazy here – we just don’t have the big city population centers that add to the chaos of a global pandemic.  Everyone is cautious – but I haven’t seen the hoarding and empty shelves other than the TP Aisle and the cleaning supplies aisle.

The TP thing I can understand.  If you are going to sequester yourself for weeks on end, you’ve got to plan ahead.  But please don’t take more than you really think you’ll need because it doesn’t leave any for anyone else.

As the brand new owner of a retreat house, I can tell you that I went through 30 rolls of toilet paper over the last 2 retreats. Both of these groups stayed longer than 3 nights, it averages out to about 1 1/2 rolls per person per stay.  I consider that average per person.

The Hubster was shocked. But then again, I am the only female in our house and the men don't need paper every time they go. It's women who worry about things like enough toilet paper.

If there is a severe shortage, I'm going to have to ask the ladies for the next retreat to bring their own!  (Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that!)

The shocking thing for me – talking to my sister Mary who lives in Utah – she said the shelves are bare of important things like baby formula.  My heart hurts for the panic of those young mothers trying to make sure that their babies are safe and well fed.  

My only hope is that now that some have bought it ALL – that many will share when they hear of a need.

I’m trying to think with the head of reason – there is always SOME KIND of disaster situation happening several times a year somewhere in some way.  Shouldn’t we all have basics on hand to last us through a few weeks worth of isolation?  I grew up with the habit of “If you need to buy a tube of toothpaste, always buy two and stock one back.”

The only thing I will be short on is fresh stuff like fruits and veggies if for any reason I was unable to get them -

Part of my conversation with Martha yesterday over tea in the Hen Den is how every generation before us has had to deal with a “Big Thing” like this.  Whether it was the 1918 flu, World War I, the Depression and dust bowl years, World War II and rationing, the Korean War, Viet Nam.

I even remember the gas shortages of the 1970s.  My friend Rhonda and I at age 16 would be PAID by her mom to take the car and sit in long gas lines to fill it up.  She’d give us enough money to drive through Jack in the Box to pick up lunch – we’d sit in the long car line, eat our food, talk about boys, and play backgammon while listening to our favorite radio station.  Sometimes it took 2 hours or more to get gas for the car.

Every generation has had their SOMETHING. Yes, this one could be bad. But we can choose to not add to the severity by being smarter instead of panicky.

I am using this time for a bit of spring cleaning of both my house and my mind.  For some reevaluation of things that I once thought were important, that maybe no longer are.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage quilt shared by Kevin the Quilter.

It's always good to slow down, reevaluate, reconnect, recharge, and re-emerge with new sense of purpose and direction.

We need time to filter out the unimportant, to focus on what really matters, and make personal changes for the better.

Yes - the world has gone crazy - but we can fight about it and laugh about it or we can use the time constructively to check in with ourselves.

Are we really on the path to where we want to be?

Are we putting our effort into the things that really matter?

Have a peaceful Sunday, everyone!


Quilter Kathy said...

What a beautiful blog post Bonnie... appreciate you being the voice of reason, wellness and hopefulness!

Cats said...

LOL, we always have/had a "back-up" in the pantry and when that mayo or last can of beans was used, it went on the grocery list. God Bless you and the exhaustion of Zoey!! Such a nice choice! Happy Spring.. Cats in Carlsbad, CA

Mary said...

Happy to see Zoey Jo is settling in. Yea for learning to be in the Crate during dinner. The hissing cat video was entertaining. Turning on my Peaceful music.

JMOT said...

Well spoken, Bonnie! Thank you. I grew up in Mormon country (they're supposed to keep a 3 to 6 month supply of canned goods, "just in case") in a family that lived on a farm in the Depression, so also stockpiled staples and canned meat and veggies for the winter. With the addition of a chest freezer, stockpiling got even easier. I've been trying to unlearn that and now... it's all coming back! Didn't need much at the store Friday, but strange to be making bread because I literally can't buy it.

Pam Dempsey said...

LOL -squirrel leader & ender !!!! You are such a good mama fixing her toy :) It is so sad about the hoarding and now shortages. I sure hope we all don't run out of thread .....chaos!

Lori Wasserman said...

Our beagle girl eats the animal toys in minutes! It's a supervised activity now so we don't have to worry about a blocked intestine

Our girl likes her crate -- we cover it with a blanket at night or if we leave. Dogs are den animals, and in the first days after we rescued her, she liked dark, cozy spaces. The blanket and crate create that for her.

Glad you're enjoying the down time!

Sara said...

Great post. I also remember a bit of panic buying right after 9-11. There were lines at the gas stations to top off tanks. And the grocery stores were busy for a few days until folks calmed down. Practical preparations sure are different than panic buying and hoarding.

Mary Ellen said...

As Cats mentioned, I usually have a backup of most used items and a small magnetic white board on the fridge to note needed items. I was up and out early this morning, just after 8 AM, for a run to the local grocery store. I need a toilet paper. I wasn't quite out but it was getting close. The store had a couple of dozen packages spread over several brands. I took two small packages because it's just me at home and this should last me now until the craziness subsides.

Nikki said...

I love Zoey's expressive ears when you talk to her.

Mida said...

We always have extra food in the house -- for us and our dog. In California it was for earthquake preparedness, here in Ohio it's for weather emergencies. For us it's just a common sense thing. Love your "new puppy" adventures -- she's adorable!!

Shiloh Nanny said...

We're falling in love with Zoey too. It's like Sadie reincarnated with dark hair.

QuiddityRox said...

**sigh** Zoey Jo is part of you recharging! Good for you.

Judymc said...

Yes, I remember being in elementary school with the polio epidemic a very real threat in the early 1950's. We still went to school, church, played outside with friends,etc. Just parents that had worried expressions on their faces. The fact is, I've really only known about five people that had polio from that horrible time. Hope that will be true with this pandemic. We will get through this just as we all survived the other scary times. BTW, Zoey is so cute! The squirrel reminds me of roadkill! Lol

priscilla said...

Your words are comforting as I or may not (!) let my imagination get out of control...:( I know this will pass but when I was at the market yesterday, I couldn't believe the scare I got. The meat counter was almost totally empty, NO fresh fish, NO rice or canned beans...totally unnerving. Please keep your optimistic words coming!!!

Alice said...

I am really enjoying the squirrel leader and ender! Alice Woodring

Tammie said...

It’s so exciting to see your happy posts of your new furry friend! Sadie would be glad you brought another pup into your life to love. As for spring cleaning, I have been doing that for a month....going through every room, closet, and shelf, and decluttering. If it isn’t needed, used, or necessary for decor, it’s leaving! Sale worth things are going to Facebook marketplace...others are going to goodwill. The funniest thing has been the brawl over my cross-stitch materials. There had to be 50 people the first day reply to the ad and wanting to come get it now! I can’t imagine the stampede for the quilt stash if it ever has to be de-stashed..😂😂. You and Zoey Jo have a wonderful day!

Phyllis said...

I do remember those gas lines. Had two small children and worked so it was a true anxiety feeling to wait and hope there was still gas left to get the ration that was allowed. Just love that Zoey and can tell that you are delighted as well.

Billie said...

Very sensible post. Enjoyed it. My dogs love their squeaker toys also! I have one dog named Zoey and she is 12 years! Thanks so much for all you do for us, mystery quilts and everything ( like messages of encouragement).

ccooper said...

Better get a backup squeaky squirrel for Zoey Sue!

Billie said...

Enjoyed your post! I have a dog named Zoey who is 12 yrs. My dogs love their squeaker toys also. Went to dollar store last night at 6 and they were closed due to being out of toilet paper and such. And I didn't want tp or anything like that. Thanks for your work for all of us!

Densews said...

ZoeyJo is a really cute puppy dog. Bet you didn't think you would become an ER for damaged toy squirrels. A new concept for Leaders and enders lol. Enjoy your day with Zoey. Love reading about her escapades.

Elisabeth K. said...

Thanks for your words today! Enjoy your Sunday and don't forget to do a little sewing!

ALICIA said...

Tambien estoy en casa, saliendo dos veces por caminos vacios para poder pasear a Patch y yo hacer un poco de caminata. Controlan todo, por donde vas, no hacer grupos, me parece normal porque es la única forma de que el virus avance más. Siempre sigo el blog, pero ahora me hace compañía, me hace pensar y ayuda a pasar todo este tiempo.
Sigo con las labores, eso ayuda mucho, tengo por terminar los bordes de la última colcha, me costó mucho hacerla y la deje para otro momento. Esta tarde ya casi me preparaba para seguir, cuando me ha llegado el aviso de mi grupo de "pacheras", así nos llamamos, que había que preparar mascarillas porque en el hospital las estaban terminando y no llegaban más. Ahora estamos todo el grupo preparandolas, esperamos poder subirlas el martes antes que se las terminen.
Entre unas cosas y otras, no queda tiempo para aburrirse.
Me encanta Zoey Jo, poco a poco los gatos la iran aceptando, es preciosa.
Gracias por hacer mis días mas entretenidos. Un saludo

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Having extra on hand of the things we use has always been a way of life. When I was growing up out in the country my mom always had extras on hand too so I guess I learned it from her. Needless to say I was not one of those panicking because the shelves on the TP aisle were bare.....even here in our local itty bitty store. I would have liked to get ONE bottle of hand sanitizer but that didn't happen.

Linda Witherow said...

We are on a cruise ship that was 5 days on its way to Europe. Then we got up the next morning and realized we were going the wrong way! 5 days back to Miami. Many people had canceled their trip, so we are enjoying the days at sea with no one in board sick or exposed to anything!
Plenty of toilet paper and plenty of wine!
Tuesday we will drive home to an empty refrigerator since we had planned to be away for 37 days.
I guess I'll have unexpected time for quilting!
Linda Witherow

marg said...

Zoey Jo is adorable, when I lost my last dog I thought that was it, I was too old for another. I lasted 2 months and came home with a 7week old Cavoodle. My trick for getting through that chewing stage is Citronella Oil, a little dab on anything I didn't want chewed and it stayed safe. How is Zoey Jo with electrical leads, my last dog chewed on one and blacked the whole house, luckily she wasn't hurt. Thanks for all that you do for everyone who loves quilting, you got me through a very low point in my life.

Charlene4899 said...

Don’t you know that all sewers would share their last spool of thread. That’s the kind of people we are.

Unknown said...

Love the picture of Zoey asleep on the quilt! Such a cute girl!

Tilly Titewad said...

Love Zoey Jo! Our two Aussies (Australian Shepherds) had separation anxieties but they learned quickly that we were coming back. And they both ate their soft squeaky toys. I would take them into the sewing room and make them lay down while I performed surgery on their toys. Then they got their reward for being good in my sewing room. It was good training. Ditto the short stays in the crate when we had to leave them home, until they were old enough to leave them uncaged in the house alone. It will be fun watching Zoey Jo grow up.

Anne Hayward said...

Such a sweat girl, ZoeyJo has definable found the best forever home she could have imagined . So happy she is settling in so well with you.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Farm Quilter said...

Zoey Jo is adorable! Rescuing animals is a rewarding challenge and the only way new dogs and cats come into my life. My Walmart was out of milk and flour yesterday, along with the TP, tissues, and cleaning supplies of all sorts. Definitely weird. Some people are over-reacting and others are very flippant. I'm trying to stay in the middle, prepared and not going anywhere I don't have to go. Since I'm also taking care of a friend who just had her hip replaced (as well as my 98 year old father), I'm happy to stay home the rest of the time! Love how the cats are accepting Zoey...probably because she is ignoring them for the most part.

Sherry said...

Zoey is a cutie! She looks like a frisbee girl to me. Years ago we had a dog that was a champion frisbee catcher....she loved chasing a frisbee and would fly through the air to catch it!!

MaryKup said...

We too have gotten a new puppy after losing our 15 year old cocker in December. Turns out our new puppy was born the same day that our Einstein passed away. I have forgotten how much work a new puppy is. It, however, has been fun. She is so cute. She is driving our 10 year old Shih Tzu nuts and the only saving grace, right now anyway, this that Leia and jump on the couch to get away from the puppy, but i suspect shortly that will not be true.

spacer said...

Sanitizing my house means my spring cleaning will mostly be done although looking out my windows I'm seeing white stuff coming down.

Sewquilty said...

To pass the time, I decided to do Garlic knots with a Benartex Jelly Roll I got at Christmas. I haven't done any sewing for a couple of years as I haven't had access to my beautiful sewing machine collection and stash. I recently found 2 Singer 99k's at Goodwill and Frankinstien a working machine from the two.
I have to launder fabric (allergic to the sizing). I was expecting some fabric loss, but come on! About 30% of my 2 1/2" strips are less than 1 3/4"! Is all pre-packed fabric this poor of quality?!
If I ever buy another pre-pack I will expect to have to use it for a string quilt!
Darn!!! I was really looking forward to sewing and quilting while we wait this out. Guess I'll have to find another project.🤪

mpv61 said...

I bought a couple of containers of Lower-Sodium V8 juice so I can have a little bit of vegetables when my veggies run out. :)

Unknown said...

As always common sense wins out. Your words are so true. Zoey is looking very happy and she's so darn cute!

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie: It seems that Zoey Jo is adjusting well. Maybe time for weathertech seat protectors?

I know what you mean about people panicking and buying things out in the stores. In AK it is TP, claeaning supplies, hand sanitizer, etc. I too grew up learning to stockpile/buy ahead. I have three full bathrooms, and I keep two pkgs of mega roll's toilet paper in each one. If it comes to a long sequester period or not being able to get to town in the winter, their is little chance that I will run out of things like TP, Kleenex, paper towels, napkins, etc. Plus I have two freezers (only one is full) and two fridges (again, only one is full). Plus I have a walk in Pantry. I can share if my neighbors run out (There is only one other one here at the time). Being AK, we have to live this way, but many people are panicking and going bezerk here, too!

Kasilof, AK
Where the weather is pleasant (mid 20's and sunshine). Lots of snow yet. Spring is still more than a month away for us.

Linda K. said...

Great blog. My house has always had an extra just like yours. I think I got it from my grandma. Usually just need milk, bread and produce. Freezer is full and I could always bake bread if I have to.

tealeafquilts said...

Two months seems to be the time to wait. We lost a border collie suddenly and were devastated. In a house that always had a dog, two months later we had 2 dachshunds from Pet Welfare. One is still with us along with a pit bull mix. We had to put the other doxie down about 2 weeks ago. She had major health problems form the day we got her but she was with us for about 7 years and had a good home. I'm enjoying seeing Zoey Jo settle in. She is cute.

Gram999 said...

Our lab loves TV. He barks when people fight or shoot guns. He barks at animals. I don’t think he want to eat them. I think he wants them to come and play. We don’t leave it on when we leave. I love hearing about all of your animals. Thanks for your blog and sharing your expertise. I’m pretty sure it was your blog that got me interested n quilting.

Lisa T said...

I love you leave the tv on for Zoey Jo! My daughter has set up a Netflix account just for my grand dogs. Apparently what they like to watch was totally different from her and their shows were messing up her watch list. Ha! Apparently the dogs like nature shows and my daughter does not. She says the girls are much happier when she has to leave if the tv is on.

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