
Saturday, April 06, 2019

String Frenzy Blog Tour & A Quilt-Cam Evening!

Something GREAT is happening today

More than one thing.

Life gangs up on us that way from time to time!

My String FrenzBlog Tour is FINALLY happening this weekend and into next week.

String Frenzy was officially released in December, right smack dab in the middle of the holidays.  My January was busy with Japan, February had me in Arizona and Texas, and well, you know how my March has been!

I suggested SPRING BREAK for our little jaunt around blog land, as my feet are on the ground and I’m not juggling travel and workshops and lectures while participating.  WE CAN DO THIS!

Silver Linings from String Frenzy!

C&T Publishing has pulled together a great line-up of folks who will be sharing their thoughts on my new book – perhaps some tips, tidbits and tricks and what inspires THEM when it comes to string quilts!

It all stars right HERE on the C&T Blog with yesterday’s kick-off post. 

Head on over to see what THEY have to say – at the bottom of the list of blog stops there is a link for you to enter C&T’s giveaway.  Don’t miss it!  You’ve got to read it to find it, and enter.

Geese on a String from String Frenzy!

The rest of the line up:

Saturday, 4/6: Pat Sloan at ilovetomakequilts.com
Monday, 4/8: Susan Arnold at quiltfabrication.com
Tuesday, 4/9: Bernie Kringel at needleandfoot.com
Wednesday, 4/10: Bonnie Hunter (Me!) Right HERE at quiltville.blogspot.com (And yes, I’ll be hosting my own String Frenzy Gift-Away that day – don’t miss it!)

Did you know that when you order your copy of String Frenzy from the Quiltville Store you get it at a discounted price AND, you receive a free PDF pattern for my Hunter’s String Star direct to your inbox at purchase? 

An $8.00 value not available anywhere else! (And I will sign your copy!)

And while you are at it - grab an Essential Triangle Tool - marked 20% off in the Quiltville Store, and you are going to want it to help with all of the half-square triangles in the quilts found in String Frenzy.

View the entire trunk show of String Frenzy quilts HERE.

Celebrating the Strings with last night’s Quilt-Cam!

Even after finishing my own Hunter’s String Star in red and neutral I had WAY too many red strings left over.  

I also dug into my “less-loved” stash and found some old and outdated Christmas prints and others to add new life to the dregs of the red bin.  

See how I tackle it in our Quilt-Cam via Facebook Live session from last night!  

Click to Play:

Are you ready to start digging into your own strings?

A word of warning – just like the proverbial “Potato chip – can’t eat just one!” The spiraling into string quilt obsession is a fast and furious slippery slope!  

There is no turning back – and your scraps will thank you for it!

Yesterday morning:

The foggy Blue Ridge Parkway as I headed down to Davidson, NC!

Melinda shared her Diamond Tile quilt top with me!

I love that she used such beautiful blue and white fabrics in her version – it does look like Delft Tiles!  GORGEOUS!

I love what this van can haul!

After picking up the remainder of Melinda’s old patio furniture set – two rockers and two dining chairs – I headed down the road to IKEA and finally picked up four Billy Bookcases for the Quiltville Inn library that will line one wall of the dining room.  I plan on securing them to the wall as the floors are not all that level. LOL!  But it will be great to get the books out of boxes and bags and up off the floor and on to shelves for the inspiration of our future retreating guests!

This morning I am on my way to Greensboro to pick up a friend from the airport – and take her BACK to Virginia with me to enjoy the mountains, some hiking, some sewing, and several days of friend time together.

Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Vintage string quilt found in North Carolina.

As busy as we all are, it is so important to leave enough time for your own creativity.

Happy Saturday, friends!

Say yes to yourself!


sue s said...

Love those Billy bookcases! We just set up 4 of our own last week. Like you, I can't wait to get the books off the floor and tables! Have fun with your friend.

Mary said...

I had to Google Billy bookcases. I wonder which friend you are getting at the Airport? You have so many Friends. Have a great Breaktime. It is needed. I have taken a break to do some shuffling of furniture and 'stuff' in my Quilt Zone. The clutter isn't helping my MOJO like it used to. Getting old, turning into my mom and Grandma.

dorothy said...

Love Melinda's Diamond tile quilt! We now all know why you drive a van, you are a ninja furniture mover! Have a good visit with your friend!

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Melinda's quilt is beautiful. Blue is my fav color and while at a retreat this week at the 4H Center in Arkansas all of my door prizes had blue fabric including a fat quarter bundle. JOY!!!! My year of the blue.

Robin from Leavenworth WA said...

And the Rest of us Mary.
One step at a time!as one strip at a time!

Kay said...

Love the quote and the quote quilt. Melinda's quilt is gorgeous! I can hear the "happy" in your voice as you ell us about your friend coming to visit. I'm on my way to Texas and squeezing in as many quick "hug visits" as I can manage in between our scheduled events (of course, those events include lots of hugs). Enjoy your time with your friend and family.

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