
Friday, April 05, 2019

The NEED to just SEW! (Quilt-Cam TONIGHT!)

I spent yesterday HERE!

In the Quilting Quarters at Quiltville Inn – where I could lay out a quilt in progress with no danger of Sadie the Wonder Dog block surfing across the floor and messing up a pretty intense lay-out of very small blocks.

The fire place flickered.  Breezes blew outside – but all was warm and cozy within.

This space is cavernous.  It needs design walls to absorb the echo.  But I smiled to myself imagining the hum of 12 machines, the  sounds of voices to come.  The walls ringing with laughter.

I stitched HERE!  In the bay window.

After all of that table arranging, I pushed tables aside and rearranged them for a solo retreat day for myself. 

My main objective was to be watching for the UPS truck that was bringing me the sewing chairs, and also the mattress-in-a-box I had ordered. I watched Big Brown Truck pull up outside in the drive, and had quite a good chat with the man-in-brown who brought things up to the porch for me so I could carry them in.

We still await a box spring, but it should be delivered today.  THINGS ARE COMING TOGETHER!

One corner assembled – but so much more to go.

No pattern available yet – this is likely publication down the pipeline, so stay tuned. The quilt comes first, the pattern writing comes second.  I just love two color quilts with a wide variety of fabrics, don’t you? 

And yes – there is some blue millennium y2k fabric in here as well.  It’s an archive of many of the blues and neutrals that have come through my life over the past 30 years of patchwork and quilting.

Who are YOU looking at??

I pre-recorded this little video yesterday with an announcement for Quilt-Cam via Facebook Live tonight.  8pm Eastern. This is what things were like off the back porch when I arrived at the Inn yesterday.  Click to Play:

See you tonight!  8pm Eastern!

When there is a sale, it’s time to buy a sink!

We are gearing up to continue on with the kitchen/bath remodel at the cabin.  The 20 year old white enamel sink with chips has got to go.

New granite counter tops have also been chosen to replace the 20 year old formica in the kitchen and the baths. So we also added bathroom faucets to our exciting evening out to Lowes.

We knew we were going to need to do this when we purchased the cabin, but as with everything else – all in good time, one thing at a time.

This also happened while I was in Louisiana!

It’s a belated birthday gift – something I’ve wanted but we never had time for.  We replaced the shelves with roll out baskets.  SO much easier than bending down to dig into the way-back of a cupboard.

Everything at my fingertips.  AWESOME!

I am heading out through the rain in a couple of hours.  I’ll be making my way down toward Mooresville, NC to pick up the remainder of Melinda’s old patio furniture and then turning the van home to Wallburg where I’ll catch up on a bit of mail order and be ready for Quilt-Cam this evening.

If you miss it, it will be embedded in tomorrow’s blog so you can catch up then.

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Vintage baskets quilt found in North Carolina.

We all have days where we don't feel like it.

Sometimes, the simple act of starting is all I need to get me in the groove!

Just start, and the inspiration will find you!


Pam Dempsey said...

Love, love, love the winter blues quilt, looking forward to making one someday :)

cityquilter grace said...

oh you will LOVE those roll out baskets in years to come! very pretty blue scrappy...

Gwen said...

Thought of you yesterday as I picked up a leasder/ender fabric ...it was a Y2K fabric. So you're not the only one!

Terri said...

My Grandma used to say "Begun is half done". JUST GET STARTED. That's the hard part. I truly believe that. Once I get going I wonder why was I putting that off - it wasn't so difficult.

Leah said...

Your blue/cream quilt is so timeless - instant classic. Lovely!

Phyllis said...

Since I grew up on a farm those cows are a familiar sight. So nice to see that you're also getting new things for the cabin and those roll out shelves will be so nice. Aren't sales great!! Will join on Quilt-Cam tonight.

Kay said...

Loving today's post - from the cows, to the roll out baskets (makes life so much easier), to the beautiful blues/cream quilt. I know Quiltville Inn is your dream (come true) and yet because you are letting us join in through your blog posts, it's a dream (come true) for us, too. You brighten my day every day. Thank you

Anne Hayward said...

The blues quilt is beautiful I love the layout you have picked.
Your roll out baskets are such a fabulous idea indeed to look and see if I can find some as I’m finding it increasingly difficult to get things out of my bottom cupboards.
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Kerry said...

Wow that quilt looks so light compared with the unsewn blocks! Super!
Yep, we have cows behind and to the side of us so we get the mooooos and down below the slope we have lambs and ewes baaaaing! Love it! Love it more when it's sunny though! Your view from the bay is super - lucky peeps who get to stay in future! :D

P.M.T. said...

Hello Bonnie. I have enjoyed watching the process of Quiltville Inn. It has been so interesting. I do, however, have a confession to make. I suddenly found myself hoping you would not finish so that we, the readers, can continue enjoying this journey!! Its been so much fun, I hate for it to end..... LOL

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