
Friday, April 12, 2019

Gonna Win this Wild & Goosey!

Wild & Goosey, Upgraded!

Yesterday I received the following email from Karen with an exciting opportunity -  not only for me, but for you!

Last April you gave us permission to use your Wild and Goosey block for our raffle quilt. NSQG is celebrating it's 40th anniversary this year. The name of our quilt show "Time Flies" reflects how quickly those 40 years have gone by. The flying geese in your Wild and Goosey block from "Addicted to Scraps" certainly represents that movement of time. 
We thought you would enjoy seeing the quilt we created with your block. We would love for you to share the quilt with your quilting community via your blog or other media. If anyone would like to purchase tickets to win the quilt, they can be directed through this link https://nsqg.club/2019-raffle-quilt-wild-and-goosey/.
As a token of our appreciation for sharing your talent with us, we have filed out 13 raffle tickets in your name (check out the picture!) 
Thanks again for your generosity.  Personally I loved the opportunity to work with your block in creating this quilt. 

Karen Snell

Oh my word – this setting!

The applique in the two opposite corners brings to mind everything I am loving about spring unfolding right now.  And the QUILTING?!  Whoooooooo!

And did you read in her email that you, too have the opportunity to purchase tickets for this lovely Wild & Goosey variation?

Of course, you know that one of THESE tickets is going to be the winner -

Pick me, pick me, pick me!

I am laughing hysterically at how they filled in each name space. LOL!  Oh, you guys!  You are so much fun!

Seriously – this is an absolutely fabulous donation quilt.  Order up tickets – do the same for your friends – buy tickets in their names – pay it forward.  Spread the scrappy love.

And if you want to make your OWN Wild & Goosey quilt, you’ll find the printed foundations (Yes, it’s paper pieced!) in my book  Addicted to Scraps.

Our String Frenzy Bundle Gift-Away as part of the String Frenzy Blog Tour is still ongoing!  Did you enter to win ON THAT POST? Drawing to happen SUNDAY MORNING!

Thank you so much, Karen.  Your email made my whole week!

Lori’s Last Day (Wednesday morning)

Lori is the new owner of an Accuquilt GO, and I grabbed the opportunity to share with her a couple of nifty tricks using my Studio.

Processing four-patches right-sides-together and ready to sew!

She is working on a shared swap project with a couple of quilty friends, and the block includes four-patches.  She was about to have her mind blown with how fast you can pre-match and sub-cut units!

I’ve shared this info before, but until you see it done and witness how fast it is, it might not stick in your memory bank.

After sewing her strip sets (Yes, we measured and made sure her seam allowance was giving her the desired size result BEFORE sewing ALL the strip sets!) and pressing them, we cut them in half, and juxtaposed them “light on dark, dark on light” so seams would nest within each pair.

The “white” lines you see across my die are placement guidelines to keep things straight.  I drew them with a ruler and a silver sharpie so I knew I was cross cutting straight – we don’t want diamonds or parallelograms!

Each row is 3 sets high – the longest row resulted 18 four-patches ready to sew.

The whole tray?  About 60 four-patches ready to sew.

Processed in about 10 seconds with a crank of the handle.

Ready to send them through the machine.

Remember when sewing four-patches to send them DARK SQUARE ON TOP FIRST.  You want the top seam allowance pointing UP toward the needle (See the one closest to the strip next to the presser foot.) This will help nest those seams tighter together.  The feed dogs will be working in your favor instead of against you.

I think she was as excited as I am about quick and accurate sub-cutting and the possibilities of using her new Accuquilt Go for more than simple strip cutting.

And yesterday I fell down the rabbit hole a bit myself!

I discovered that Accuquilt Studio dies are currently Buy One Get One Free using code STUDIOBOGO!

One for the cabin, one for Quiltville Inn! Multi strip board! 

3/4", 1'', 1 1/2'', 2'' Total Scrap Annihilation! The 3/4” and 1” go right into the string bin department, and the 1 1/2’’ and 2’’ go to Scrap User’s System.

This die is on back order, but I can wait.

I also ordered a couple of die racks and some new plastic overlays. Love my Studio. With the amount of fabric I process, the GO would not be big enough for me, and I don’t want/need an electric one. (GO BIG)

Lola soaking up the morning sun!

Yesterday was a day of book order fulfillment – everything is out the door as this morning I start my own SPRING BREAK.  

Sadie and I are headed back to Virginia.  I am meeting someone for a drop off of goodies at Quiltville Inn at noon, and my plan is to sew sew sew through the week.

I’ve also got the kitchen remodel folks coming to create the template for the granite counter tops at the cabin, and I hope for some exploring time with friends, enjoying the beautiful mountains as much as I can.

It’s pretty crazy, I know – the mountains used to be our “getaway” but home was here in Wallburg.  Little by little our lives are changing and the Wallburg house is becoming the interim “weigh station” as our lives make the shift to eventually find ourselves residing in Virginia full time.  

The Hubster and I still travel for business, and the Wallburg house is only 25 minutes from our airport.  We can easily live in both places for now – but there will come a time when we will no longer need the Wallburg house.

And then there is the whole “WHAT TO DO WITH ALL THE STUFF?” question.

Emmy Lou on the vintage H quilt.

All of the home decor stuff – well most of it – will be used to decorate Quiltville Inn.  (Hence my disclaimer of “You don’t need to downsize, just buy a bigger house!”) And quilts can be switched around on beds and actually USED and enjoyed by many instead of sitting in stacks in my closet.

I pulled this one out last evening as it is still too cool to sleep under just ONE quilt, but the electric blanket is no longer wanted nor desired – so a second quilt that felt like spring was just the ticket for the top layer.

This quilt is circa 1930s -

I love the simple quilting texture of straight lines.

The binding is machine applied and top stitched – the corners are lapped, not mitered.  I love how it was a “Just get it on there and get it done!” kind of job.

Beautiful dogwoods on this morning’s walk!

It is so amazing to me how Spring can be in full force here a mere 100 miles away from where the cabin is in Virginia - slightly southeast. Trees have leaves, everything is blooming, but higher elevations and 100 miles to the northwest is close to 2 weeks behind in the spring department.

Will the dogwood in front of Quiltville Inn be blooming by Easter?  We shall see!

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Look deeper, praise and uplift others more, criticize less, and remember that HOW you say something is often more important than WHAT you say.

Watch the results unfold!

In into the weekend we go!

1 comment:

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I deleted a bunch of GOOD comments when trying to delete the bad ones...oops! But at least we have a clean slate! BYE BYE SPAMMERS!

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