
Saturday, April 13, 2019

All Roads Lead to Virginia!

This happened yesterday!

I was on the road by 10am – arriving at Quiltville Inn just before noon.

I was expecting a drop-off of some “sewing room goodies” from Denise in Charlotte – but while I waited, I MADE THE BED!

This might not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but to see this coming together – my heart does a little leap of joy with each little improvement.

While Lori and I were on our way from the Greensboro NC airport on our drive to Virginia when she arrived just a week ago (How can a week fly by so fast?!) the box spring and “bed in a box” mattress arrived from Amazon, and The Hubster set to work on assembly.

To tell you the truth, I think he just really wanted to see how fast that mattress would expand itself! LOL!

I picked up mattress pad, sheets, pillows and grabbed quilts from home over the past couple of days – Sheets are washed, dried and on the bed.

I am SO happy to see so many quilts coming out of my closet ready to be USED.

Wanna notice something funny?  Take a look at the dresser to the right – under the two legs closest to you you will see double-stacked furniture movers.  The other legs don’t require any.  This is what was needed to level the dresser due to the slope of the floor. LOL. If you drop a marble anywhere, it is going to ROLL.

Plans for this room: I am still planning on being on the road once a month, either for a teaching venue or an international travel trip.  My plan is to offer Quiltville Inn to other instructors who would like to host their own teaching retreats while I am out of town.  If an instructor brings 12 of their own folks – the instructor gets room 4.

My “Nearly Insane” quilt on top of
“Carolina Christmas” from Scraps & Shirttails II.

Irish Chain pillow, a gift from my friend Jen!

If I am out of town, my friend Mona has offered to be the designated retreat Mama to make sure that everything is going along swimmingly.  She will also be able to stay over since she lives an hour away.  Especially helpful during bad weather season.

If I am staying, I also have a place to stay and play with the retreaters.  In the winter months there are times when my van won’t make it up the steep drive to the cabin.

This is also the Quiltville Inn “OFFICE SPACE” and my computer will be in here, supplies will be stored in here, etc.  Consider it a glorified “Owner’s Closet.”

Yesterday afternoon it was the right size for both Sadie and I to take a nap after moving some precious cargo from Mike’s rig to the porch, and then from the porch into the house:

Holy Moly, Denise!

Many months ago Denise emailed me offering up a Janome machine she wasn’t using for the Inn, and I gladly accepted.  But my road has not taken me down South of Charlotte and she was still holding on to it for me. (Truth be told I was feeling kind of bad about it, but have plans on heading down that way at the END of April –)

It turns out that her cabinet builder lives up here near Independence, Virginia!  She asked if he could bring the machine “AND A FEW OTHER THINGS” to me – and she introduced Mike and me to each other through email.

When Mike, Mike’s brother Ken, and Ken’s wife Bev pulled up – I knew I was in for a treat. And so were they.  I invited them all in for a tour as Mike and his wife are remodeling an 1890s farmhouse of their own.

Bev and Ken live right up the road – within a few miles of the Inn and we got along like wildfire.  She has mad plans to introduce me to other folks in the area so we can really settle in.  Yahooo!  

And when I looked in the back of Mike’s rig – OOOOH MY.

Boxes of books, videos, supplies, extra rulers, notions, tools – and not just one but THREE Janome machines!


This will be so helpful for folks who may be flying in, or as loaner machines should anyone’s machine throw a whammy. (Or if someone forgets their cord/foot pedal – it happens more often than you think!)  Denise, I can’t thank you enough.  This is a jackpot of Quilty Goodness and I am still without words.

My afternoon of quilt assembly.

Yes, Sadie did some block surfing – bless her!

She doesn’t look too guilty!

Yesterday some storms also blew through.  And when I say BLEW THROUGH – I mean it. 

When we arrived at the cabin to spend the night, I found this:


Someone forgot to close the umbrella when leaving!

Chairs were knocked over, and so was the table..but wait -

Where is the glass center to the table top?

In a thousand million bazillion safety glass cubes.

On the stairs, the stone walkway, the grass.

I bet that was quite the crash!

Which brings to mind the question: “If a glass table top falls and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

I am just hoping we can get a replacement glass to fit the table center.  And you can double bet that umbrellas will not be left unattended in the future.

(My first thought was bears – but no – this was storm related.)

My goal this weekend is to see those blue blocks off of the floor in the Quilting Quarters and  turned into a top ready for borders.  It’s kind of a rainy yucky day, and that is the perfect way to spend it.

I’m sure Sadie will be supervising from behind closed eyelids.  She is good at that.

Today is also your LAST opportunity to get your entry in on my String Frenzy Blog Tour Bundle Gift-Away!  Click on over to THAT POST and enter.  Drawing happens in tomorrow morning’s post!

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Take a good look at your recent roadblocks. Be stronger and more persistent than they are! What is holding you up? Push through it!

Star Struck quilt shared by a student during workshops in Michigan. Free pattern from the Free Patterns TabHave you made one?

Have a great weekend, friends!


Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I deleted a bunch of GOOD comments when trying to delete the bad ones...oops! But at least we have a clean slate! BYE BYE SPAMMERS!

Shirleyf said...

I laughed when I read about the slanted floor. Years ago, we lived in an apartment. The building was old and the kitchen floor was slanted. My young son used to line up his little cars on one side of the kitchen and race them to the other side. It kept him occupied for hours!

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