
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Quilters are EVERYWHERE!

Quilter Drive-By Hello!

How fun is it to post that you are going somewhere to do something – quite in the proverbial “middle of nowhere” (Or middle of heaven-on-earth as I prefer!) to find that two fabulous ladies that I have met before in previous workshops conspired to get in the car and come find me?  I LOVED THIS!

“We are quilters!” They said – as I glanced up from my phone, my meager signal still connected to the wifi beaming from Mojo’s coffee house next door while we waited for our shuttle van to take Lori and myself and our bikes up to White Top Station for our 17 mile biking adventure. (Heck that is a long run-on sentence if there ever was one!)

I was pulled out of my reverie and so surprised that they would take the time to come say hello!  SO NICE!

“How was it?” they said.  “Oh, we are just waiting to go!”

In the few minutes we had before we loaded onto the shuttle van, they told me of some must-see quilt shop stops in near by Abingdon, and also of some antique mall adventures in both Abingdon and Bristol – and I can’t WAIT to go.  Perhaps we’ll also have to arrange a date to meet for lunch.  They are only about an hour’s drive from Quiltville Inn.

Thanks, ladies for coming out to surprise me and say hello!  You made my day start off with a smile!

Loading up for the shuttle!

You can tell  by the clouds that we had an “iffy” day ahead.  But we thought we would take this window of opportunity – our last day before Lori left for home in Oregon.  We knew we didn’t want to hike – our legs were tired from 3 days of climbing mountains and playing with the ponies and enjoying the creeks, rivers and waterfalls. 

Tired legs?  No problemo!  Let’s BIKE 17 MILES INSTEAD!

And the sun was out by the time we reached White Top Station!

The hard part of this journey is the ride back UP to White Top Station – It’s about half-way between Mouth of Wilson and Damascus – but the van had to be left in Damascus so we could get our bikes, and it would be there when we returned from our ride.  LOADS of winding roads were driven or ridden upon this day.

All things white and “steeple-y!”

Lori loved the quaint little churches that dot the southwestern Virginia hillsides.  I do too!  There are steeples EVERYWHERE.  “Steeple-y” became our buzz word.  “Man, Virginia is very Steeple-y!”  “Yes, yes it is!”

Selfie as we hit the Virginia Creeper Trail!

Crossing our first trestle.

I love the whole rails to trails idea -

Beware of very unfriendly feral cats!  LOL!

Anyone need lodging for the night?

We thought the placement of this sign was hilarious – talk about IRONY!

The first couple of miles are downhill – coasting much of the way.

And then things were fairly flat – no uphill pedaling.

My legs were grateful!

The Appalachian Trail comes through here, joining with the Virginia Creeper Trail!

Lori’s photo for #AmericanWomenWhoHike

This spot was so gorgeous!  Click to Play:

And I know even these videos and photos can't do this beautiful corner of Virginia any kind of justice. This is something I want to do again and again!

I loved it – every pedal pushing minute!

We loved this barn with a simple Ohio Star block.

It advertises a Septic Service!  #thisisappalachia

Back “Home” with dinner out in little Jefferson, NC.

We took Lori up to the top of Mt Jefferson to the overlook so she could get her last  vista of this little corner of the NC/VA border.  I just love how the green is slowly creeping in!  Back home here in Wallburg, all of the trees have new leaves.  It’s 100 miles away, but lower elevation, and a bit further south.  Funny how that can make a difference with the leafing out and blossoming of trees.

Watching the moon rise over the mountains behind Quiltville Inn.

I dropped Lori off yesterday afternoon in Greensboro for her flight home.  I’m sure she will be sleeping in a bit today as her flight took her from Greensboro to Dulles to San Francisco to Redmond, Oregon – and then she had a drive home which wasn’t going to get her to her front door until something like 2am West Coast Time.  Yeah.  She was getting to bed about the same time I was getting up this morning!

Today’s job is to catch up on book orders that came in over the past few days that we were in Virginia.

Tonight – I am hoping to dig back in to those red strings for the project I left behind when I left!

Which reminds me – did you enter to win on Yesterday’s  String Frenzy Gift-Away post for the end of my Blog Tour?  Be sure to enter HERE.

And with that – I am drawing this morning for the winner of our Quiltmaker Bundle Gift-Away!
Who is entry number 2396?

Linda B!

Linda, I’ve sent you an email.  Please reply with your mailing address and I will get your goodies right out to you! 

Thank you everyone for participating!

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Vintage single wedding ring or crown of thorns quilt found in Kentucky.

It's always easier to blame others. But when it comes down to it our successes or failures are entirely our own.

Don't let your emotional reactions rule you!

Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone!

1 comment:

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

I deleted a bunch of GOOD comments when trying to delete the bad ones...oops! But at least we have a clean slate! BYE BYE SPAMMERS!

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