
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

With Christmas Red and Snow White -


Some red and white piecing has been going on!

Well, maybe the tan ones are dirty snow? LOL!

All of our snow is gone after this weekend's round of heavy rain, and a few days of temps in the 50s.  I hope that is the last I see of that white stuff for a while.

My favorite size of half-square triangle just happens to be the Bonus Unit size –measuring 2’’ and finishing at 1 1/2’’.  It’s the PERFECT size for loads of triangle punch.  They are not too big, not too small, and easily made with 2’’ strips from the Scrap User’s System so it is easy to pull in loads of variety – the more the merrier!

I had stitched these on a previous round of night time sewing, but they’ve sat for a while as my evenings have been hijacked of late.

My promise to myself of studio time meant that I could move on to my next step – simply sew these to neutral 2’’ squares.  I have a plan – but it’s a slow growing one.

Still – any step forward, no matter how slow is still measurable progress, right?


This also happened – not red and white!

I really don’t want Halloween to be drug into spring of 2019 – so I spent an evening of watching Lincoln on Netflix and telling myself to stop waffling with what I wanted to do for borders and just get in there.

Because what It really needed was a series of 4 borders – a pieced one (seen going on here) followed by 3 more rounds of solid borders to give it the finish that it needed:


And I’m happy with it!

There is still the issue of the problem longarm.  I’m seriously considering a computer upgrade once we move it to the Post Office- hopefully by spring.  

No, windows aren’t done yet – the severe weather and impeding holidays just keep dragging that farther and farther out – but at this time what does it matter?

My traveling schedule ramps up mid January with our big group of Quiltville Travelers heading off to Japan and the Japan Quilt Festival.  I stop in Phoenix on my way home – I’m teaching for a few days there so I’ll be in town a few days early to get over jet lag, rest up – and spend time with family.  I’ll teach, then come home.  

It made no sense to come all the way back to North Carolina from Japan to turn around 2 days later to fly back to Phoenix to teach.  This will work.

Besides – January in Phoenix is much better than January in North Carolina!

From there it is one event after another with so many exciting things happening over the coming year – The push to move into the Quiltville Post Office can wait.

In the mean time, I can piece a back for the Halloween quilt, and work on other tops for a while.

I’ve had several offers from folks who would love to long arm quilt for me – I appreciate each and every offer.  At this point there is no hurry, and when I show or publish a quilt, I like to be able to say that yes, I did the whole thing.  Maybe I’m quirky that way, but I know what I want and how I want it, and that is part of the process for me.


Some things are NOT waiting!

The Hubster had a dentist appointment in Jefferson, NC on Monday morning so he headed up to the cabin on Sunday to stay the night so he didn’t have to drive 100 miles on Monday morning.

Quite a bit of his job is telecommuting so as long as he has a WiFi connection, even through data on his phone, he is good to go and work from wherever he is.

And in between – he has taken over the job of installing the 7 ceiling fans at Quiltville Inn A big old house like this – 5 bedrooms, a top of the stairs landing and seating area, and a den – and there wasn’t a single ceiling fan installed in this house!  Isn’t that crazy? 

There are now TWO up and running.  This is bedroom number 1 – and bedroom number 2 is also complete with fan.

Let’s face it – women of a certain age?  We NEED that air to move!  There are 3 more bedrooms yet to receive fans, another fan to be placed in the landing/seating area at the top of the front staircase, and one in the den where the comfy chairs and hand stitching central will be happening. (I can hear the voices and chatter in my mind already!  It makes me smile!) 

Not a great shot of the wood stove, 
but to give you the idea.

To be in compliance with the insurance (I don’t know how the previous owners got away with this!) we have to greatly enlarge the hearth for the wood stove in the den. This one they had is WAY too small.

There are no pre-fab fire proof hearth things to put under wood stoves that fit these dimensions we were given – 12’’ from the back of the stove to the chimney wall, and 18’’ either side of the stove to the edge of the hearth – this thing is going to be HUGE.

So the consensus has been to build our own with concrete board as a foundation, and tile it with wood looking tile, and frame it out.

It’s going to occupy a significant amount of floor space in the den – but we will certainly have everyone warm. (And can cool it down with the ceiling fan if need be!)


I need a little Christmas – Right this very minute!

Other photos have come letting me know that the fall decor has been put away for another year, and out comes my little tiny Christmas tree in the vintage lard bucket.  Love it so much!

I can hardly wait to get up to the cabin on Saturday and start our family holiday for REAL.

In the mean time – there are still about 400 orders that need to head out the door -

Have you checked in on our Mystery Monday Link-Up for Part 4? 113+ entries!  Come see what folks are sharing.  It’s inspirational!  And there is still time to add your link as well. Instructions are on that page.  Entries will remain open until 11:55pm Eastern Thursday night in preparation for part 5 to go live on Friday morning.


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is more time in my studio!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday, everyone!


stitchinpenny said...

Love this post - you are beginning to relax and have a holiday! Family time is fast approaching and you have let go of some of the other stuff! Hooray for Bonnie.

Barbara from Arkansas said...

I love reading your blog. The photo of your Halloween quilt is wonderful. I like how you created the boarders. You have inspired me to be more creative. Thank you, have a Merry Christmas, and a much needed relaxing time at the cabin.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

totally get finishing your quilts yourself from start to finish - that is why we make quilts isn't it to say we made it and enjoy making them

cityquilter grace said...

more time to sew? always on my list as well...have a merry!

Mary said...

Yes, that is just what the Halloween Quilt needed. Looks great! I agree Arizona in the Winter is preferable to almost anywhere. The fans at the Inn are a good addition, Thanks to the Hubster!

Anne Hayward said...

Really beautiful quilt, that Halloween quilt is sure to become a firm favourite.
Loving the idea of dealing fans I. The bedrooms what a great way to Coll down without using valuable floor space for stand fans. Your little stove looks so cute but can appreciate what your saying about the safety issues as you will have a lot of ladies going through and nobody needs to get a burn injury. Most intriguing what you are going to use all your little half square triangles for can’t wait to see your next reveal.
Have a wonderful break you need the rest after your hectic year, Happy Christmas to you and your family.
Love prayers and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

stretchmarks said...

Are you going to drive or fly to Pigeon Forge in March? Can't wait to see you there. Merry Christmas and please take some more time for yourself!

Rachel Green said...

Wow am I loving the Halloween border finish, couldn’t be better ❤️

Momcat said...

Can hardly wait to join you on the January trip in Japan. Dream of a lifetime!

dorothy said...

Love the quote! Enjoy the cabin..

LJ said...

When I watch re-models on TV nowadays, they always take OUT the ceiling fans. We love ours and can't imagine a home without. Anyone with children would understand that a ceiling fan is perfect relative to floor models and that's not the only asset.

PalmerGal said...

We have had a wood burning stove since 1983 and it’s hearth takes up a lot of space in our small living room. It sure keeps us warm in the Alaska winter though. I think my Christmas evenrs are done. Today we will trim our real tree, and we have our last advent service tonight. Then we can relax and at least one of us will be doing some sewing!

Feathers in my Nest said...

Thank you very much for Strip Frenzy! And ruler!! Awesomeness!Love love love.
Debra in Ma.

Denise K said...

Happy Wednesday Bonnie! I hope you have a great day :-) it's so exciting to see the progress on Quiltville Inn. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

The Quiltville Inn is looking great.i am happy to see that you have been getting some over-due therapy at a machine. Still love the reds and I think I might find a new respect for orange. Have a great day!

Always In Stitches said...

Happy wednesday. I am posting this traveling to WI from NC. West Jefferson to be exact. Going to spend time with our children and grandchildren. Looking forward to this. Hoping you have a very Merry Christmas.

Debbie said...

Love the pieced part of the border on the halloween quilt.

BJ Coleman said...

My day isn’t complete without reading your blog. It is always interesting, compelling, inviting, inspirational and most of all...REAL LIFE. Heartbreak, joy, fun...You open your door to all of us. Your blog is important but it has to drain you sometimes...just the fact that we are waiting to hear from you. Please rest up during the holidays...and forget about the e-universe for a time. Prayers for you and your family!

Vicki B said...

Is the halloween quilt pattern in one of your books? I seem to have missed the post when you started it.

Lisa said...

Great triple border on the quilt! Lovely!

Susan Taylor said...

received my String Frenzy book in yesterday's mail. I spent the entire evening devouring it and planning what order to do them in. Thanks for it and everything else you do. Merry Christmas, enjoy time with your family and relax.

coppertop45 said...

Like Vicki B, I missed the beginning of the Halloween quilt! Where can I find it?

Jacqueline said...

Love the Halloween quilt. Great border (s) finish. Enjoy some down time and happy holidays to you and yours.

Pam Dempsey said...

She posted about the Halloween quilt on October 20 :)

Pam Dempsey said...

She posted about it October 20 :)

Grandma K said...

Love the border on the Halloween quilt.

Diane G said...

Bonnie, I am with you.I just can't wait to get back to my machine. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Donna Endresen said...

The quote of the day is me!
I will be glad to send you some of my one and a half feet of snow I have here in Kasilof, AK!

Merry Christmas!

Donna E.
Kasilof, AK

QuiltGranma said...

Love what is happening at the Inn. Will there be ANY time for Quilt Cam soon? I'm in need of a fix with new stuff from you.

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