
Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Quilt-Cam and a Quilting Cozy Gift-Away!


Big Things are happening today!

I am celebrating with my friend Carol Dean Jones about her re-release of her wonderful Cozy Quilting Series of novels, now published by my own publisher C&T!

I first met Carol Dean Jones when she approached me asking if she could use the background photo from one of my Quiltville Quotes as the cover of her book.

I replied that I took the photo with my phone, and I wasn’t sure if the resolution would be high enough.  She said she could doctor it a bit, and before I knew it, This lovely shredded hexagon quilt became a cover.

The Original Cover – from the quilt I found.

This little foray into questions about old quilts lead me to discover that Carol Dean lives not too far away in West Virginia, and my path crosses that direction from time to time.  We’ve been able to meet in person, enjoy lunch, talk about this, that and everything and it is like we’ve known each other forever.

It was at a lunch meeting that she let me know that C&T was interested in publishing her series, and I was happy to tell her how I loved working with them and that it would be a win/win for her because they could promote her farther than she ever could herself.  And she has taken off!


Complete with new covers!

The first six books in the series (Tie Died, Running Stitches, Sea Bound, Patchwork Connections, Stitched Together, and Moon Over the Mountain) are already out. 

The next four books (The Rescue Quilt, Missing Memories, Tattered & Torn, and Left Holding the Bag) are coming out in December and January.

SO EXCITED for Carol Dean!


The back of “Running Stitches”

There is nothing like a little murder with quilting running through it!

This series is based around quilting in a retirement village, just across the park from the main street of a small town in the Midwest. 

Throughout the course of the series, Sarah Miller and her friends solve murders, find new hobbies, and even find a little romance. In case you're not familiar, a cozy is a light mystery without explicit sex, violence, or profanity, making this series a perfect choice for all readers.

What we love most about these books is how much fun they are to read and share with others, whether you're swapping books with your sister, sharing them with your quilt guild, starting a book club, or reading them at a retirement community. 

However you read them, these books will make you fall in love with the characters, inspire you to quilt along with Sarah and her friends, and bring up thought-provoking questions about friendship, crime, responsibility, aging, marriage, and more.


The new Readers Guide!

I’m really excited about the Quilting Cozy Reader's Guide that Carol Dean Jones put together! Whether you're reading the books alone or in a group, her collection of engaging questions for each book will enhance the experience and keep the fun going longer. 

Fair warning though: these questions DO contain spoilers, so read before you've finished the books at your own risk!

More to love:  Each book includes complete instructions to make the cover quilt (which is also featured in the plot of the book)

Between the reader's guide and the quilt patterns, you have everything you need to start a quilting-themed book club. Gather together a group of your closest reading or quilting friends (ideally both!) and explore new themes and quilt techniques each month.


This set is headed to Quiltville Inn!

I am so excited to have a full set (next 4 are on their way!) of Carol Dean’s Quilting Cozy series in hard copy for my guest retreaters to enjoy. I’m excited to get these up on the library wall shelves – (If I ever get those shelves installed!)

To get you hooked, those participating in this blog hop are giving away free EBOOK copies of every book in the series! That's right, ten free ebooks!

Enter here with me, and then hop on down to the other participants in this blog tour and enter their give-aways too – more chances to win!

Entries will stay open until 6am Eastern, Sunday, Dec 9th, 2018! I'll announce our winner in that morning's post!

Follow along with the tour:
Monday 12/3: C&T Publishing
Tuesday 12/4: Bonnie K. Hunter at Quiltville (me)
Wednesday 12/5: Barbara Chojnacki at Six Gables Designs
Thursday 12/6: Bernie Kringel at Needle & Foot
Friday 12/7: Carol Dean Jones


This happened last night – Impromptu Quilt-Cam!

After signing books, stuffing envelopes, and affixing postage for 13+ hours – this girl just needed to sew.  And I also needed to do a bit of connecting with YOU!  Click to play:

It was just long enough for me to get in a stitching fix, see what many of you are up to, and send myself off to bed happy!

Have you checked out yesterday’s entries in our Mystery Monday Link-Up Part 2?  Folks are sharing WONDERFUL progress on parts 1 & 2 of our ongoing Good Fortune mystery!  Those entries will close at 11:55pm on Thursday, Dec 6 just before part 3 goes live on Friday Morning!

We sold out the 500 copies of Wave 3 of String Frenzy in a fast 1 hour 20 minutes.  WOW!  Jeff and I are working furiously behind the scenes happily getting these out to you.

Be watching for another 500 copies in Wave 4 to enter the store on Friday morning as Part 3 of Good Fortune goes live!

December 04, 2018 at 06_41AM

Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Know your own boundaries, and live by them!

Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone – it’s time to clean the house so the cleaners can come clean.  LOL!


Judy T. said...

Oh, Bonnie! Thank you so very much for all you do for us! I can't wait to read your blog each morning, it's always so uplifting and motivating! I'm sorry for all the pain you and your family have had to endure this year. May 2019 bring nothing but love and friendship!!

Sharon K. Jack said...

I read you blog in the morning with a cup of tea. can't wait to get my new book and can't wait to start my hunter star quilt. It will be done as my evening mindless sewing to make string blocks.. thanks so much

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

my gosh your post office is going to be so busy when you move there from your kitchen table! congratulations on selling so many books.
I would love to win those books - always looking for another book to read and a free pattern too is a plus

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Thank you, Judy :)

Diane larson said...

I've read several of Carols books. Really enjoy them. I got an email that my string frenzy order has been processed!

Brenda said...

Lady, you are a rock star!! You never stop and we love what you share!! Keep on taking those breaks, we would need 'em so you have to taken them!!! Right nowm kind of shame faced here, I have at least 3-5 of your quilt patterns in differnt stages of being done.... one just needs to go to the quilter, and boy do I love to work on them and see them come alive!! (and more on my to-do list....) I have no idea how you do it, but thank you, from the bottom on my heart. You are loved.

Dalina said...

I just don't seem to be fast enough to get my copy of the book ordered. I know you will keep them cycling until we all get our copy. I don't have time right now to sew from it, my husband is having back surgery in the morning. I am going to be busy playing nurse for a few weeks. I am still trying to finish ORL, I had hoped to have it done before tomorrow. But I still have about a little over a 1/4 of it to get quilted. My machine was giving me fits, I am going to have to take it in to shop later. I borrowed the one I bought for my granddaughter for her birthday, it works like a dream. Except for the little throat area, I am used to my crescendo with lots of room. Everyone have fun sewing the mystery quilt, and I will catch up in a few days with all the excitement!

Quilter Kathy said...

SO exciting!
Please thank Jeff for all the ways he is contributing to the quilting community too... his efforts with all the behind the scenes work is much appreciated!

purple passion said...

OH Bonnie! You "pre-clean" too? My ladies come tomorrow too and I always pre-clean for them.
Looking forward to the new book series from C&T. Also looking forward to Kenya together . . . God willing. Huge hugs! Piecefully, Jamie

Mary Jo said...

My husband always fusses when I "pre clean." I told him that I am not cleaning, but that clutter needs to be picked up and put away so that my cleaning lady can get to the dirt!
I love your quote and as a friend told me once, if we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of the others we need to take care of.

Donna S. said...

Hahaha, Bonnie that’s what I would have to do so a cleaner could even find my vacuum.
AKA-Messy one. But I know where everything is.
If a thief broke into my house he would have to work for his prize, if he could figure out where it was.

Betty S said...

Bonnie I love love love today's quote!! I am always looking for new books to read so I will have to check them out. Thank you for mentioning them. Have a wonderful day Bonnie.

Barbara from Arkansas said...

I love reading your blog and viewing quilt cam. I am excited about the quilting cozy series too! I have read other quilting series in the past, and am looking forward to this one. Thank you for all of your quilting tips, they really help me to piece better units. Have a great Christmas!

Unknown said...

I love this book.

Unknown said...

I'm finally getting to my Blog Roll today. Thanks so much for the Gift-away. I have a couple of her books. My book pile is getting deeper from all the good ones I see on Amazon. we just cut Quilt #3 off my Betsy, (midarm) going to California. It feels good to spend some time doing for others. Now I can stitch more of the HSTs from part 2. Gotta be ready for Friday. Happy signing of Quilty Books. Our Christmas gifts to ourselves will be extra special this year.

Lois said...

What fun to learn more about this author,have read all of her books on my kindle !!Thanks for sharing. Lois

Rebecca Christie said...

Yeah! a new book series to read. I am working on clue #1 for "Good Fortune." am pressing them open then I need to square them up. Some are slightly too big, because of the scant 1/4" seams. I cut out a whole bunch and began sewing... Was thinking I'll have to add a few more when I got them all done. But woo hoo, I have 240 (with 3 extra). Hope to be done and on to clue #2.

Judylou said...

I agree with Brenda...you are a Rock Star. Thanks for the chance to win such a fun collection.

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