
Sunday, December 02, 2018

November Quilty Box Winners, Shipping and Sewing!

Just sewing strip sets!

I’ve made a rule for myself.  I don’t care what is left in the queue to get out – by 8pm I am DONE.

Let’s face it, no one is any good after staring at a screen for more than 13 hours.  Mistakes happen, and I’d rather make mistakes of the kind I can pick out with a bit of seam ripper action, not postal problems by signing a book to the wrong person, and mailing it to someone else, or shipping the wrong book or item – oh boy!

So 8pm to bedtime belongs to me!

This Friday night strip sewing turned into this:

Strip sets being cross cut on the Accuquilt Studio!

Lets mix them up for extra scrappy!

Last night saw them to this stage!

What will they become?

You’ll have to wait and see.  I am home until mid-January – and I am bound and determined to see what just 2 hours of sewing in the evening will do for me.  The next stage may be slower – this was the easy part.  But it’s an experiment in just what progress 2 hours a day will give me. 

It’s Quilty Box drawing time!

We closed out at 5,831 entries at 6am Eastern this morning!

Kathy Fey!  The Full sized Quilty Box is coming your way!

And our Quilty Box Mini winner is:

Elizabeth Mulkey!

Ladies, I’ve contacted you both at the email address you provided with your entry.  Please reply so I can send your mailing into on to the folks at Quilty Box and they will be shipping your prizes out to you.


And my thanks to Quilty Box for continuing to offer up these great prizes for our Gift-Aways.  Each month it is something phenominal and I can hardly wait to see what the next month’s box will bring.

What is a Quilty Box?

Here are some highlights to keep in mind:
  • Quilty Box is a monthly subscription box of fun quilting supplies. We offer plans from $44-48/mo.
  • 5% of the profits of multi-month subscriptions are donated to Quilts for Kids - a non-profit which donates quilts for children in need
  • Each month we have 4 or more products (fabric, patterns, thread, or notions)
  • Our retail value of the products in the box is always more than $60
  • We will be using the hashtags #QuiltyBox and #GetQuilty
Your support is appreciated. If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to contact me.
Get Quilty!
Patrick Claytor, CEO
Quilty Box
Subscribe today at

Dresden the stock room helper!

I think there was too much going on in other areas, so he hid out in here where it was quieter – until I came in here to fill my basket up with orders to process! LOL!

Dresden and Lola have become quite the part of our family, still staying on this side of the French doors while Emmy Lou rules the roost on her side. 

We’ve developed a routine.  I’ll pour myself a cup of coffee in the morning, and go sit in a cozy chair to do my Quiltville Quote of the Day and answer emails on my phone, checking statuses and all else social media related, and Dresden is usually on the arm of the chair to my left, and Lola is on my legs curled up and keeping me warm.  They get loads of “people time.” and love their cat tree by the window so they can watch out and see the birds and squirrels.

And this is where you will find me until 8pm tonight -

Signing and stuffing envelopes and affixing labels!

I have circumvented the whole trigger-thumb issue that I had with the release of Addicted to Scraps  (On sale in the Quiltville Store along with all other previous titles for $19.99!) !by taping up my thumb from the get-go.  So far, no problems!

And standing to do all of this helps greatly as well.

String Frenzy on retreat in Texas!

Jennifer, Mary, Sherry and Allison are on retreat and sent this photo last night – they are working on Sand Castles from the String Frenzy book!!  I’m so happy that folks are digging right into projects already!  Keep up the good work, girls! I adore small 4-patches and another quilt from the book is shown below.

Be watching for tomorrow’s post.  500 more copies of String Frenzy are being placed in the Quiltville Store as wave 3 commences!  I am sure they will go quickly, so West Coast peeps, look for this to post between 7 and 8 am Eastern.  Remember, that I have to live within my own time zone.  

I will also have 300 more of the Simple Folded Corners mini rulers to add to the store (They are currently being shipped, and should arrive early this next week.)

By buying direct from me you are helping with the upgrades to Quiltville Inn! And you are getting the book at an introductory sale price, signed sealed and delivered – and receiving a free PDF download for my newly released Hunter’s String Star pattern at purchase.  It’s a win/win!

Day Break Quilt!

Close up! 

Oh, how I love those neutral strings!

Quiltville Quote of the Day!

Don't defeat your own progress before you even try!

Have a lovely Sunday, everyone!

We’ll catch you here tomorrow for our Mystery Monday Link-up, Part 2!


Alice said...

Good morning Bonnie, I hope to get one tomorrow, your inn is over the top. I was reading its history . Yoj are blessed

Elle said...

Your hard work and focus bring your dreams to reality. Everyone else benefits. Thank you for all you do for the quilting industry and sharing your joy of all things quilty.

Cathy said...

Hopefully, I will get in on the "String Frenzy" release tomorrow. The book looks fantastic.

I can wait, if I don't. My sewing bee is doing a UFO challenge this year, so we all will busy with that. I have enough UFOs to go a couple of years.

Really curious to see were you are going with the pretty 9 patches.

Cassie Staggs said...

Looking forward to an opportunity to order from the third wave in the morning. Also, want to get the Simple Folded Corners Mini. Have the original from Doug Leko.
Had quadruple by-pass in July and have not done much sewing lately. I am finishing up with therapy, that has kept me pretty tied up since surgery. I am printing out Mystery releases but probably won't get started til after January 1st.

Dadsmoongirl said...

Good morning Bonnie! I'll be up early tomorrow hoping to get in on the book! Loving good fortune and appreciate all you do. Xo

Anne Hayward said...

Congratulations to Kathy and Elizabeth those boxes look beautiful.
Dresden looks so comfy on the boxes in your store room, it’s so nice that he and Lola are well settled with grandma Bonnie and they have their special routines all set.
Have fun with your string sewing those 9 patches look fabulous.
Have a wonderful day
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Sharon in Seattle said...

Bonnie, I love your stories and hearing about your life. Esp. love your 2 new grand-kitties. I usually quilt about 2 hours a day, always want to quilt more! But I'm able to get quite a bit done. OK wishing you the best and wishing I could help you with all those orders! Love, Sharon

Reenie said...

I'll be up early tomorrow trying to score a book :)

Kim said...

My husband works from home and the hours he puts in is absolutely over the top! Calls from all over the world around the clock 24/7. Technology isn't always our friend. Good for you for setting a time schedule and giving yourself some well deserved time away from the grind! Happy Sewing!

Dar said...

I love the String Fling quilt blocks shown by the 4 ladies at retreat. What a great way to use up those small scraps. I was expecting to see a picture of the taped up thumb for the trigger thumb issue you mentioned. What exactly does it do for preventing a recurrence of the last release. I think I may have missed something! Oh well, hope it prevents any issues you had before. Stay well and keep on doing what you do best -- inspire us to use our scraps and create!

JADE1712 said...

Hmmm, with a four hour time difference, do I set my alarm for 3:00am or do I stay up all night and sew? Either way, it’ll be worth it!

Mary said...

My alarm is set! I have Christmas things to do before my day starts. Thanks for the heads-up and congrats to those who already have it!

colleen said...

My goodness when you work for yourself and from home it does seem difficult to set boundaries. Working after dinner sounds like family time is being encroached upon. It's not like you can work until finished as your work is on going. However you set your work hours be sure to leave plenty of Bonnie and Bonnie friends and family time. Every one wants you to want to continue doing what you are doing
Oh I am including the animals in your friends and family time.

Dede Yusup Bisri said...

Thank you very much..Always sucess
Obat Herbal Telinga Bernanah

Roberta Adams said...

We had 2 cats that didn’t get along at all so we lived in 2 worlds. One kitty in the family room kitchen and porch. The other kitty lived in the rest of the house. After several years we are living carefully together. Your kitties are so pretty.

Hennetta said...

I was given a kitten by my children last evening as an early birthday gift. Kitty with all the trimmings! Kitty litter, food enough for the first month and toys included!! How amazing!! My previous baby disappeared after our move to a new house and my heart has been broken since then, maybe this little treasure will fill the hole a little. He is sooo friendly and slept on my pillow last night and not in his bed. I can see we are going to be the best of friends!

Nann said...

I'm sure that by making it a scientific research project you will be able to stick to the 2-hours-per-day sewing regime. (Me? I'd just say, "Let me finish this stack," and it would be a half hour later.) Wish I'd had your Daybreak idea a couple of years ago when I made a bunch of those four-patch gem blocks. (Mine turned out just fine and the recipient was appreciative.) But, oh! I can make more four-patch gems, can't I? . . . and so another quilt is conceived.

KeyQuilter said...

Any tips for sub-cutting on the GO! dies? I haven't tried that yet.

Rhonda Albrecht said...

Scored one this morning! After seeing all the previews in a previous blog, I decided to get the book, and then the 2nd wave sold out before I even got a chance to get to the page! Disappointed. Today, obviously, the demand has started to slow down a tiny bit, and I got in on one!

Leah said...

I love seeing those piles of shirt fabrics in action. I've been working w shirt fabric a lot the last few weeks - one of my favorite styles to work in. My shirt stash is... getting out of hand. Time to sew it up!

Linda in NJ said...

Bonnie, I just dealt with Trigger Thumb! got a cortisone shot in it and feeling much better! my doctor said keeping it in a brace would make it stiffer, I was wearing a brace but it wasn't helping so opted for the shot! hope it gets better, can be quite painful!

Cats said...

you might try checking at your old house, sometimes they go "home"..just think then you'd have TWO CATS>... lucky girl

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Sew nice to see Allison on your blog. I got to see her in person just before Thanksgiving.

Lisa C said...

Just catching up on emails and lo and behold I spy my sweet friend Allison!

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