
Saturday, December 01, 2018

Getting My Fix–at Studio Stitch!


Sometimes you have to leave the mail order, and hit a quilt shop!

Here I am with the staff of Studio Stitch in Greensboro, NC – a short 1/2 hour drive from me, but in a side of town that I rarely wander to because Winston Salem is closer to home.

It took months and months of planning to find a time when Elizabeth (on the far left) was at the shop, and I was in town with free time to head over to pick up something that she had been saving for me for months – read on to see!

It’s been a while since my feet have wandered through a quilt shop door – I’m thinking of the day I had in Nebraska and wandered around with Stacey in her big ole pick up truck.

Did I visit a shop while in Indiana for my last foray of teaching in 2018??  I don’t think so.  (And it’s really bad that I can’t remember…LOL!)


Unicorns and lions and fabric, oh my!


Some days you just want to go hug a rainbow wall of yumminess!


And give your brain a break while you take a stroll through all of the possibilities!


Studio Stitch is your Bernina dealer in the Greensboro vicinity!

Be it maintenance, repairs or a new machine for Christmas – they can set you up.

Even more fun was the group from Raleigh I met while there.  Two of the ladies had birthdays on Thursday when this visit happened, and I got to pose with the  birthday girls for their photos.  So great meeting local gals! 

And from what I understand this was a full day shop hop event for them.  They start in the morning when shops open, don’t even stop for lunch more than a quick PB&J in the car on their way to the next stop.  This is some SERIOUS birthday style shop hopping!

They shop all the way until the stores close and then point their tired little quilter-selves and purchases back home.

This was just the break I needed after working in the mail order mines for two days straight!


THIS little anomaly came home!

It’s destination?  Quiltville Inn!  I don’t know if the machine head will become an accent piece on the top of a book shelf or what – but we’ve got some questions on it.

First off, this is a badged machine.  Which means it was made by one company and then labeled to reflect the business name of the purchaser.  If you bought however many, the machine company would put your business name on them.


Very faintly there!


C.G. HDW Co.
C.G. Hardware Company?

I’ve googled and goolged different variations but can’t come up with anything on this hardware company (if that is what HDW Co. stands for and I’m sure it is.) but isn’t it interesting?


Beautiful decals!



She needs a good clean up, but the hand wheel turns, shuttle and bobbin is present – just needs some TLC.


The cabinet is a bit shaky and needs some work 

Nothing that some nails and glue and a good bit of polish can’t fix.


East Lake style drawers!

This could be so pretty when fixed!

I don’t know WHEN I’ll get a chance to fix it.  Seriously.  But I’m glad it’s home, just living in the van likely until I drive up to the cabin for Christmas – by Christmas Eve!  Other than that, you know where to find me happily signing away:

November 30, 2018 at 12_42PM

Poor Sadie isn’t sure what is going on!


Yesterday’s outgoing mail –

String Frenzy is SHIPPING OUT!

I will be placing wave 3 of 500 copies in the Quiltville Store on Monday Morning at the same time our Mystery Monday Link-Up post for Good Fortune Part 2 goes live. 

Books are being shipped in the order in which orders came in – and I’m still working on the first 500 that were sold Nov 23rd – working as hard as I can.  I will thank you EVERY DAY for your patience with me as a one person business with occasional part time family help.  And yes, this next round will ALSO include a free PDF download for my newly released Hunter’s String Star Pattern, not available anywhere else!

We also have ONE MORE DAY to get your entries in on our November Quilty Box Gift-Away.  Did you enter to win HERE?  Entries close tomorrow morning at 6am Eastern time – winners will be posted in tomorrow’s blog post!  Good luck, everyone!


Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Love these 1930s bow ties!

Be the positive example in a world full of bad ones!

Happy Saturday, folks!


mangozz said...

What a gorgeous machine! That should polish up really nice.

Susan In Texas said...

I love walking into a store with a rainbow wall of yumminess. ☺ It makes the whole store seem so much more enticing!

Valerie said...

Setting my alarm to, hopefully, get an order in Monday morning. If not, I will try again the next wave!! That wall of boxes, Bonnie, wow! The glamorous life of a quilt author, teacher, and designer, right??

Quilter Kathy said...

You absolutely have changed the quilting world with your example Bonnie!
You are such a hard working creative woman and an inspiration to all of us!
So thrilled that I got in on wave 2 of the Frenzy and hope to be able to put my book under the tree from Santa... we have a postal strike here, so who knows for sure, but it will be exciting whenever it is!

MissPat said...

And who got to carry all those boxes into the house? It's one thing for the fork lift to put the pallets on the pick-up truck. Quite another to unload them at home. Hoe the chiropractor is on speed dial.

Joanne said...

I live only five minutes from Studio Stitch. Wish I had known that "my quilting hero" was going to be there!

Betty S said...

I got in on the first wave!! I'm so excited to be getting my book maybe next week.

Unknown said...

I think that is a Paragon Sewing Machine. Add a picture of the shuttle, that will help ID it.

Unknown said...

I am going to have my kids help me watch for the post so I don’t sleep in and miss wave 3!

Jo Ann said...

Bonnie, I don't receive your emails until around midnight of the day you post them. this post of yours "Posted: 01 Dec 2018 06:52 AM PST" I received close to !:30 am Dec 2nd.
Does anyone else get their email from Bonnie late like I do?
Thanks. And thank you Bonnie for keeping me interested in quilting.

Andrea said...

I get them late as well. But if I go to the quiltville website, I am able to see the blog earlier. I hope this helps.

Tina K said...

I also get them about 1:30 a.m. the following day. What in the world is going on???

Margacat said...

I get Bonnie's emails around 11pm Pacific time. In the morning, I click on last nights email, click on "read the whole story" then scroll down to the end of of the comments. Below the comments, I click on "newer post" to read her post that day

Debby said...

I have a hutch just like the one in your picture of Sadie! It was found in a chicken coop in Princeton, WI. It holds a ton of stuff. I love it.

Unknown said...

Love the drawers! Especially that handle! Too bad the others are missing.

Kay said...

You definitely deserve a fun break. What a find in this gorgeous & mysterious machine. Lovely quilt shops always lift my spirits, especially the folks inside. Hoping to get in on the next wave, like lots of other quilters. I love the scrappy nine patches - scrappies are the best.

Caro said...

I get then late also, but I found that at the bottom of the page, there are two arrows of the words newer - older. If you click on the newer, you will get the current edition. Not sure why some of us don't automatically get it.

JANET said...

What a great machine! When I first saw the lettering I thought it was an "M", although, after you said "H" and showed a closer pic of it, it does look more like an "H". But if you google CG MDW CO. something interesting comes up. One with a 1921 date, which would be the right time for the machine. Hope you can find out a little bit of it's history.

JANET said...

My imagination is running wild but I actually clicked on this one and low and behold: CG MDW was listed in the footnotes and the article is talking about making uniforms for the WAC's in WW2. I have to go for now, or I would look further. If someone else has the time, here is the link: https://books.google.com/books?id=TEwchEZ57OsC&pg=PA162&lpg=PA162&dq=C.+G.+MDW+CO.&source=bl&ots=QGAAVga86R&sig=8deoZ3BFlWv8Bso9sMWn48lLMD4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbpOS924HfAhWjqIMKHdhFAOQ4ChDoATAIegQIARAB#v=onepage&q=C.%20G.%20MDW%20CO.&f=false

JANET said...

Page 162

Unknown said...

HI Bonnie, several years ago I purchased a Reversew and Zorba was able to help me with information. He has tons of photos and information on vintage machines on his sewing machine page.

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