
Sunday, September 23, 2018

A Bit of This, a Bit of That -

First things first – and last things last!

And all those things in between!

I finally finished the binding, label and hanging sleeve on my Diamond Tile Quilt. 

And I love it!

I had a ball choosing fabrics for this one, using up charm squares for centers, and digging into my Scrap User’s System for the other sizes of strips needed in a rainbow of colors, each block becoming a project in itself – complete with its own personality shining through.


On my rainy back deck this morning.

It’s still bigger than twin size – about FULL I think.  What can I say?  I just do not make long and skinny quilts, and will add another row in width if I feel like the quilt needs it.


This also happened on my way up here!

IKEA was a total bust – but not really.  They were out of the bookcases I wanted for the Quiltville Inn library, but there were other things I was looking for and I stocked away some ideas for rugs and lamps and other items, my list on my phone growing longer with each thought that pops into my head.

I decided to call the whole thing a fact finding mission – something that can’t be done simply by flipping through a paper catalog or searching online.  There were chairs to give the sit-test, and kitchen items to look at – and let’s face it, some things you just have to TOUCH and hold to decide. 

That’s partly why I really don’t buy fabric, clothing or shoes online either.  I need to see things in 3-D.

Leaving IKEA behind, I headed over towards Davidson – my friend Wendy had several items designated for the Inn, but between visiting her grand kids in Wisconsin, and my flitting here and flitting there – we were never in the same place at the same time to make this happen.

In this van you see 4 chairs, 2 footstools, 3 lamps and a vintage tea cart!


But the best part of the day was getting to hug this girl!

In fact, she and our friend Melinda will be up on Tuesday with MORE STUFF and I’ll have some fun showing them around the place.


3 comfy chairs in the den -


4th in another corner.

And while showing this, I admit – I don’t know if this is where they are going to permanently reside!  Some may find their way into bedrooms or other common areas.  

But the objective is to have 7 or 8 comfy mismatched sewing chairs in the den, in somewhat of a circle fashion around the room for hand stitching, conversation and CONNECTIVITY with the other quilters on retreat.  The wood stove is also in this room, and I plan on a floor light at each chair so each stitcher has individual lighting.

I do want SOME to be the torchiere type lamps that also have a “personal” down lamp for hand stitching – that also add light to the corners of the room (There will be a ceiling fan with light fixture in the center of the room.)

This one is from IKEA and has LED bulbs so they are not hot, but fairly bright.

I’m thinking 4 of these for the corners of the room, and then the other chairs could have regular floor task lights so that they can direct the light on to their projects.

I really need to get the rest of the furniture in place before I decide which lights are needed, which is why I took notes, but didn't buy any at this time.

It was a bit of an adventure getting to the cabin that night – The gate wouldn’t open, it was hanging at a weird angle, and even removing the pin to open it manually didn’t work as it wouldn’t budge for me.

What’s a girl to do with a van load of groceries that need refrigeration with no desire to haul everything up on foot in the dark?  Head over to Quiltville Inn!


String Piecing in the Quilting Quarters -
On Katie’s gifted 301!  Thanks, Katie!

I put all that needed refrigerating in the back foyer fridge, and fixed myself a fine meal of rotisserie chicken and kale/cranberry salad mix (Love those bag salad mixes!) and ate my dinner in the dining room.

Dinner consumed and dishes washed – I set up in the Quilting Quarters to string piece some blocks while listening to an audio book – I had about 2 hours until the Hubster would arrive and fix the gate so I could get up to the cabin.

I sewed, surrounded by things I’d bought and planned combined with things gifted and so lovingly given that together are taking this big old empty house and turning it into a retreat HOME just waiting to be filled with people and projects, memories in the making. 

I do feel so blessed.

I also learned that the metal table legs need felt pads under each leg to absorb machine vibration.  The shelf liner under the metal base of the machine also helped. (In photo above.) These don’t vibrate or bounce nearly as bad as the hollow core plastic tables do – but there is SOME.  

Of course, I sew like a banshee on the run and that has a lot to do with it.

Design walls on the walls will also absorb the sound.  I was sewing in a large open space with nothing soft on the walls.  The room is so large, I nearly get an echo in there with only my speaking voice. 

Insulation board covered with flannel will keep the noise down.


All in an evening’s stitching!

It’s also officially ragweed season up here in Southwest Virginia – I woke this morning with my eyes goopy, my lashes nearly crystallized shut. Right in time with the Autumn Equinox.  Great!

Nasonex and antihistamine eye drops are my friend today.

Did you see that we set loose our September Quilty Box Gift-Away yesterday??  Two chances to win on yesterday’s post.  Be sure you enter!


Quiltville Quote of the day.
Vintage Drunkard’s Path quilt from the American Museum in Bath, UK.

Before responding, remember your response responsibility!

You are in charge of how you respond to any given situation.

Have a lovely Sunday, folks.


sewbze said...

Bonnie I have one of those ikea floor lights at my cabin. It works great for hand stitching and the top light gives great light. The price Is great.

Susan In Texas said...

Love those half and half string blocks. Can't wait to see where they will end up. Gates are a pain! We installed a bunch of sod this week and then our side gate wouldn't close. Took my husband 45 minutes to get it working smoothly again.

Margacat said...

Love the wing-backed chairs! Memories of my childhood. Wishing peace to you and your family.

BlessOSU said...

I love your sewing style -- Like a Banshee on the run! Isn't that the only way! The Inn is taking shape and looking fabulous!

Mary said...

Those Plastic Tables are awful. Echos but no Ghosts! Love that Quilters are so generous and giving!! Diamond Tiles is so pretty on the deck.

Jen said...

Van Tetris skills are on point. ;)

Kathy D said...

We also have a mini van...no name though! We love it and the amount of "stuff" it can haul. We got our first one back when our girls were still at home, like 25 years ago! I can't imagine not having one with the use it gets. When the 2 oldest were in high school and had driving privileges at school they did name one of the vans "Super Van"!
I hope you are settling into your new normal and finding what it is. Quiltville Inn is looking and sounding better every time you write about it. You are definitely thinking of all the little details. Maybe someday I can join a group of friendly quilters there.

Wendy said...

Hello Bonnie
I have a tip on combatting golden rod, and other allergies.
I started buying local honey, use in my tea or coffee. It apparently has something to do with the pollination of bees.
I haven’t had problems since,unless I travel. Then I might have more symptoms.

A natural remedies which is inexpensive and also helps local bee farmers by buying their honey.

I do hope you will give it a try.
You may need three jars.
One for cottage, one for Quiltville Inn and One for home. Making sure they are all natural and local to each area.
Good luck please let us know if you try this remedy and if it works.
You will need to use on regular bases year round.


Pat said...

Hi Bonnie

I love watching Quiltville Inn come alive. Thanks for sharing with us. You are an expert van packer!!!


Unknown said...

Bonnie- did you know that those shelving units from IKEA have different weights that the shelves can hold? I had to get a stronger one to hold my quilting books, the first one the shelves bowed and the books came crashing down!!
On my.

Unknown said...

Please suggest more audio books. I listened to The Alice Network after you suggested it. WONDERFUL. I don't know how many times I stopped sewing to listen more closely. Thanks for all you do to bless us. May God bless you and give you peace.

Kathy AmRhein said...

Bonnie, I wonder if the Martelli company would donate some of their machine pads to Quiltville Inn? I love mine, non-skid and really cuts down on the vibration!

Unknown said...

Where can I find the pattern for Diamond Tile? Is it a separate pattern or in a book? TIA. Rita Subrt

southcedar said...

Love those wing chairs! For my money, there is no chair more comfortable!! Can just see a cozy group of quilters catching up on stitches and chat!

Gayle from MI said...

HA! Every time I go to Costco I have rotisserie chicken and cranberry salad for days! Both are so good though I don't mind. The Inn is looking great! Love how everything just comes together as it was meant to. Diamond tiles is awesome by the way. That is on my list!

Candy said...

It was in Quiltmaker Magazine a few months ago, in Bonnie's "Addicted to Scraps".

Anne Hayward said...

Your diamond tiles block is beautiful and the quilt is so gorgeous, I got a subscription to Quiltmaker magazine specifically to get that block. The bonus is I get to see your addicted to scraps column each time so win win for me .
I love watching your progress at Quiltville inn your turning it into such a warm and friendly retreat place I hope one as I will be able to come all the way from the UK, such fun.
Hope you had a lovely relaxing weekend at your cabin take care
Love and quilty hugs
Anne xxx

Ellen said...

Allergies, sigh! Good reason to stay in and sew up quilts. I always seem to have visions of quilts dancing in my head. Thank you for sharing your adventure of filling the inn with quilter love.

mangozz said...

I love to see the inn coming together through your posts and photos. Visiting/staying there is on my bucket list. Your Diamond Tile quilt is gorgeous.

Kay said...

I am so happy that I discovered your blog this year. I look forward to each and every post. Love reading about your adventures and your life. Your link to your scrap system is just what I needed, as I too am a scrap lover. I printed this info and will keep it handy. The inn is coming along nicely. Thanks

Laurie Henderson Baum said...

I Have lost a set of great-Grandparents that I knew well, both sets of grandparents, both mother and father, two step-brothers and a step-sister. It HURTS. I just wanted to roll into a ball and cry forever on each and every one. I ache for you. Please, if you see something that Mark would like, tell him, out loud, just like he is at your side. People think you are crazy, but it keeps them alive in your heart, who knows, he may be the Angel beside you. Love you forever, girl......Laurie Baum from Wyoming and Idaho.

Pamela said...

I love watching Quiltville Inn come together! It is so exciting!

Your Diamond Tile quilt is gorgeous!

Thank you for sharing your life and adventures! You are so generous with your time and I am in awe if your energy!

Looking forward to your next post and each after that!

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