
Friday, October 28, 2016

Quilt Market or Bust!

Hello from Houston!

What a crazy whirlwind everything has been winding up to this moment.

I awoke this morning and immediately thought to myself.  “I’m in Houston!  Today is Schoolhouse Day!”  Oh goodness, I have never felt so nervous in my life!  But I don’t present until this afternoon, so this morning I am going to put this out of my mind and throw myself into the hubbub with everyone else who is just as excited to be here.

I’ve already ran into several quilt-friends and plans have been arranged for booth visits, lunches, dinners, and hanging out.  It’s like a high school reunion!  So many people I’ve met throughout this journey are all culminating in this one spot, and it is marvelous.


Hexiing my way to Houston!

I am currently about 3/4 the way down row 5 on the last fill-in section.  The gentleman beside me was quite interested and couldn’t believe that I was going this all by hand.

“How long will it take?” he asked.  And when I told him I already have several years into this one project he looked at me like I have 3 heads.

I only work on it in “found” moments of time.  It has no deadline.  I am not counting the hours, I am just filling time while I travel from here to there.  All the while, people around me are playing rounds of candy crush and angry birds and doing whatever else on their phones and tablets.  Is there a difference?  In some ways, yes.  I’ll have something to show for the time I’ve been just sitting.  But we are ALL occupying ourselves with things that entertain us, so who am I to judge? 

And so I sew on…listening to an audio book as I stitch.  I love this kind of quiet travel time.


What’ll ya have!?

A Frosted Orange at the Varsity in Terminal C, Atlanta!



Bags arrived right on time.  I made my way out to the shuttle area to find myself in the company of a whole van load of quilters on their way to Market too!  And the excitement grew.


The convention center from my hotel room window!

I’m really here!

I had some time to go down and pick up my badge from registration.  I met more people on the way, things are in full swing with booths being assembled nearly overnight and everyone working so hard to make this the best Quilt Market ever.  I stayed out of the way in the vendors area, leaving those hard-working folks to their tasks without the distraction of me poking my nose into their business.  There will be time for that later.

What there was time for was a little nap before meeting up with Becky Goldsmith and Amy Marsden for dinner at The Grove across the street.  So fun to catch up, talk about new projects and life’s adventures.  And the food was extra yummy.

No bed at Quilt Market is complete without a quilt on it!

And this brings me up to this morning.  It’s a beautiful day with a cloudless sky.  I slept wonderfully.  I’m ready for today if not a bit nervous.


My schedule!

I’m sure the camera will be extra busy today.  I have my external extra battery just in case.  All of my activities are afternoon, so the morning is mine to explore.

First up?  Some BREAKFAST!


Today’s quote background!

I found this charming apple core quilt on the same day I picked up the Bernina 177k.  Well worn, well loved and a bit faded with use, a scrap quilt just the way I like it.  Fabrics likely left from the remains of clothing construction.  Lots of stripes and plaids and fun prints, a mix that only a true scrap bag can give a quilt.


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

This quote is especially for me today. I'm feeling quite nervous about the two schoolhouses I need to present at Quilt Market.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Vintage Apple Core quilt found in North Carolina.

Have a great Friday, everyone!

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Ariane said...

Have fun today!! You will do amazing!!

Aunt Mimi said...

Have fun! Enjoy the Texas weather. I can say, wow, how Houston has changed. It's been 20 years so I last lived there. Quilt Market is on my agenda next year.

Allison C Bayer Plano TX said...

Be a tall poppy my friend! Being your knowledagble, passionate, sweet self has taken you far. The stage is just a tad bigger! Holding positive and supportive thoughts for you. Hugs, Allison in Plano, Texas USA

Mary said...

I LOVED all the Schoolhouse Sessions I attended in Salt Lake. Wish I wad there in person to cheer you on! You'll do great!

Valerie said...

You've got this! I am sure your usual enthusiasm will carry you through and imbue all those around you. They cannot help but grow through your presentation.

I just returned home Tuesday from a quick visit to north central Texas! It was warmer than forecast, but still cooler than Phoenix. Enjoy the beautiful, clear skies and return home safely.

Carosyrup89128@yahoo.com said...

you'll do great, you've got this girl! just think of it like another class that you're giving at a guild meeting. It's just a bigger venue! Good luck today!

Maryse said...

Have a great time in Houston. ...So fun seeing your quilted treasures in that suitcase. Looking forward for your mystery. Working on my scrappy bird quilt.

Maryse said...

Have a great time in Houston. ...So fun seeing your quilted treasures in that suitcase. Looking forward for your mystery. Working on my scrappy bird quilt.

PalmerGal said...

You're getting me exited. We leave Monday night (early Tues morning really) for the Festival. Nothing happens until Wednesday evening, so we'll have a little time for other shopping and just being tourists.

colleen said...

You are funny at least to me. You talk comfortably to rooms full of strangers and teach so many strangers and you say you have a bit of a case of butterflies in your tummy when you are doing that same talking/teaching some strangers some friends.
I wish you the very best and don't see any reason why your school house will be anything but excellent

Donna Endresen said...

Bonnie: I am sure you did just fine today. If you are just yourself, You do Great all the time.

That quote is true in a lot of respects. I can relate back to many times in the military and law enforcement that would have come into play. To me failure was not an option. Yes, there are times I was afraid I would fail, and I missed a step every now and then, but you just get up and keep going. I was taught at an early age "Polite people don't notice" in respects if you make a major mistake, especially in social situations. I am sure that is all changed in todays society.

Have fun and enjoy yourself, it has been a long time coming!

Kasilof, AK

momhulk said...

I live near Houston and plan to get to the quilt show before it closes on Sunday. I'm sure you did great with your classes, especially if you talk like you do in you newsletter. Enjoy the beautiful weather before it turns bad next week! 🌂

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