
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Holy Cow! The “Shift Happens!” Gift-Away Draw!

It’s been a run around like a headless chicken kind of day, as I get ready to head out to Houston in the morning for Quilt Market.

The last time I was AT Market was 2 years ago, just the tail end of Festival as we headed off on a Quiltville Caribbean Cruise.

The last time I VENDED at Quilt Market?  Somewhere around 1993.  I had my little doll pattern business under the name Needle in a Haystack and that is where I wound up being woo’d by Butterick and ended up with my designs in the BIG sewing catalogs. 

I remember that Eleanor Burns was just up the aisle from me and I was just so star struck.

And now I’m going in a different capacity –and I get to meet other authors from the C&T team that I’ve never met before, and I’m feeling that star struck thing all over again.

Hair cut?  Check!  Eyebrows tamed?  Check!  Clothing shopping?  UGH!  I hate it, but I did find a few cute tops that are “non-wrinkle”.  Pedi & Mani?  CHECK!  Now just watch me blow the mani as I sit here and type to get this done.

Packing?  Nope.  It’s waiting until after THIS goes live and then Ill be ready to roll.  Oh, I have PILES all ready to go in the suitcase, it’s just up to logistics now.  And again – don’t mess up the barely dry manicure!

I am laughing hysterically over this “Shift Happens”  Gift-Away!

An Addicted to Scraps book with the spine somehow shifted to the cover, right there in plain sight.  An Essential Triangle Tool package with a broken Bonus Buddy plus some other goodies…and you’d think this was the power ball lottery!

It’s a RECORD!  FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY SIX entries for this crazy bundle:

This has been so much fun it is ridiculous!


Are you ready, #1416??


BETH KONZ!!  Whoooowhooo!!!

Beth, I’ve emailed you at the email address you left with your entry.  Please get back to me with your snail mail address and this will be put in the mail to you upon my return from Quilt Market!  I get home on Monday night, so Tuesday – off it goes.

And now on to the rest of my evening.  And the Pumpkin Table Runner?  Nope.  Didn’t get to it.  Too many other irons in the fire ---It too will wait until I’m back from Houston.

Have a great Wednesday Eve, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Unknown said...

Congratulations Beth!

Unknown said...

Yay Beth!

HelenMarie said...

Congrats Beth!

Safe trip Bonnie!

Unknown said...

Yay Beth!

Loretta M. said...

Have a fun, productive and safe trip Bonnie! Congratulations, Beth! Emjoy.

Loretta McGinn

Vivian said...

Wow, the Quiltville universe is (to quote a certain candidate) HUGE! Congrats to Beth and have a great Market trip Bonnie!

susan said...

sadly if you follow with bloglovin your email arrives a day late for all these lovely give aways

Justhaveingfun said...

Wow, that was a lot of entries.
Congrat Beth :)

CA Bobbie said...

Catching up after vacation-just read the post about those lights(10/13) and called the sew & vac pronto. As always, Thanks for the info.

rebecca said...

Congratulations, Beth and thank you, Bonnie for your fun give aways. Have fun at market.

rebecca said...

Congratulations, Beth and thank you, Bonnie for your fun give aways. Have fun at market.

Unknown said...

love looking at all the ways to use up my stash of scraps. Bonnie if you try the Gel polish it would be dry faster

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Have SO much fun at Market - and don't be surprised when folks are star struck to meet you!!! your a Rock Star!! Enjoy!

momhulk said...

I just joined your blog about a week ago. How do you enter for these drawings?

Jean said...

Hi Bonnie,
Just thought I would add my recommendation for a name for the pumpkin table runner.
I watched quiltcam after the fact so of course didn't put my two cents in during the
quiltcam that night. I did notice that you kept calling the corners of the pumpkins
pumpkin corners.... so why not Pumpkin Corners? Just a thought.
Hope you have tons of fun at Quilt Market.
Jean in Utah

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