
Saturday, October 29, 2016

A Schoolhouse Day in Houston!

The view of tall sky scrapers through my humidity streaked window yesterday morning before heading over to the convention center to start the big day of schoolhouse presentations.

Such a gorgeous day, the weather is absolutely perfect.  Of all the things to love about the great state of Texas, the month of October is at the top of my list.

I spent close to 4 years living here and it is always great to come back and enjoy those things that I appreciated while I was a resident.

Wonderful people, beautiful autumns [when the humidity has LEFT for a season!] Tex-Mex and BBQ!

The show floor was still busy with set up yesterday, so there was no seeing of quilts in the quilt show area. 

Vendors were working at a frantic pace to set up booths and get everything ready for the infamous Sample Spree last night.

I took this little photo of the busy bees from the viewing area up one level:


A quilty wonderland in transformation!

I pretty much stayed away from this area too, my only foray into the set up area was to make an emergency Starbucks run for some quilt friends who were setting up their booth.  I was happy to oblige! 

Since I had some time to visit and wander, I caught up with several folks for photo opportunities!  I apologize in advance for the abundance of “oh another photo with you in it!” that is about to be posted here, but as this blog is my journal and my scrapbook, these are memories too sweet not to save.


Fellow C&T Author John Kubiniec is here!

So nice to finally meet you in person, John!

Remember, we just did his blog tour and giveaway for his new book A New Spin on Drunkard’s Path!  We’ve known each other for years online, and yesterday I  got to actually hug him!


Stephanie & Christa!

If you listened to my podcast on Modern Sewciety, Stephanie is the power behind the podcast.  I am featured in episode 101 . You can find my episode HERE. And when you finish listening to MY episode, there are 100 more for you to choose from for your stitching and listening pleasure.

I’ve been following Christa Watson as @christaquilts on instagram, and she is such a fun gal with a lot of energy not to mention fabulous ideas regarding everything quilty.  So fun to meet you in person, Christa!


In the midst of this was my school house presentations!

No, I’m not yodeling!  I was presenting my C&T playing cards and encouraging shops to just stock them and put them on the counter and watch them fly out the door.  Hopefully they will.

I was up to the mic right after Allison Glass presented her new temporary tatoos.  Too too much fun.  I think I need to go home with some.

The afternoon presentation for the Addicted to Scraps book and the Essential Triangle Tool went extremely well.  And this star struck girl had none other than Becky Goldsmith as quilt-holder-extraordinaire  holding my quilts while I did my schpeel.  I’ll never wash them again.  LOL!

And then *I* got to the the holder while Paula Nadelstern did her presentation.  I got to hold PAULA NADELSTERN’S QUILTS?

What a day!


Oh yeah.  Cloud NINE.  Or TEN.  OR TRILLION.

Funny of the day?  Folks came to my schoolhouse brandishing their paint chips for this year’s En Provence Mystery!!  HA!!  There will be lots of mystery fabric shopping happening through Quilt Festival.


Two Aussies and Two Yanks for lunch!

With me are Linda Collins, Jo Morton and Maree St Clair.  Fun times, ladies! 


Side note…what is this?

I saw this coming off the elevator, and to tell you the truth, I can’t tell if it is art?  or if someone just peeled something off the wall and hasn’t replaced it with anything yet?

Get me to the quilts..I like those better!

How did we fill the evening?  Nachos over drinks at 5pm with Linda Hahn and her co-hort Debbie!  Then off to a Mexican dinner [yes, it’s Texas,  It’s a theme!] with Mary & Joe Koval, Petra Prins and her lovely sister, Di Ford and her hubby!  Fajitas for 7 never tasted so good especially since we ate it outside on the patio to live music.  Awesome.

And the evening wasn’t over.  Back to the hotel at 8pm…meet up with Charlotte Angotti for a chin wag and MORE catching up!  I hadn’t seen her since we taught together for the Las Vegas retreat in August of 2015.  Lots of changes have happend in the past year and we caught up on EVERYTHING.

As we were each going our own separate way, I bumped into none other than Gudrun Erla and we had to find another place to sit and ALSO spend some time…


Long day and still smiling!!

I had caught Gudrun in the hall just before we were both doing schoolhouses in different rooms and we had pledged to try to spend some time together and fate had put us in the same place at the same time again.  So good to see you, my friend!

The problem with Quilt Market?  It’s just not long enough to be able to see everyone you want to see and meet those you haven’t met yet but have always wanted to.

Today is just beginning and it is going to be just as full.

But before I throw myself into it I just have to share with you this funny sent to me by Mary Kerr forwarded by her friend Donna DeSota,  a fellow Schiffer author of Inspired by the Beatles:

What happened yesterday???!!!

Bonnie Hunter announced the color palette for her annual upcoming mystery quilt, as shown on paint chip cards from Lowe's.

When I ran to get mine, going 70 mph on Braddock Road, what I found there was a stampede of crazed quilters all grabbing, lunging, sobbing, clambering to get a set.

It was frightening. It was despicable.

And me? I was right in the middle of the pack, loving every single minute of it.

Feeling alive and energized and loving the camaraderie Bonnie brings!

Oh this is so hysterical!  And it makes me so happy that it brings happiness and anticipation to others as well.


This quilt is the backdrop for today’s inspiration!

Vintage baskets quilt found in North Carolina.

Because yesterday I was such a BASKET CASE!


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

This was the best advice I was given yesterday. And it also applies to everything we do in life as well as our Quiltville Winter Mystery coming up quickly.

Just begin!

Have a great Saturday everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


NeverBored said...

Your Quilt Quote couldn't have been more encouraging for me. My husband died suddenly Sunday night and I am having to begin anew. And yes, I know, I will be just fine. Quilting will soothe my soul, and Bonnie Hunter's blog will keep me encouraged and moving forward. Thank you for being such an upbeat person.

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Seeing all the fellow quilters/teachers must be great for you! Your traveling and teaching brings you into contact with lots of quilting students, but spending time with your peers is great. Enjoy!

Grandma Kathy Quilts said...

To NeverBored: So sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.
And to Bonnie: So happy for you to get to see and visit with all these wonderful quilty people. Have the most fun time ever!

Mary said...

I took my Color Cards to show my Local Quilt Shops. How fun to know I'm among the many Bonniacs waith for November 25. A Special day for me personally. 40 year Anniversary. Whoa, the years fly by. Happy to see your smiling face always!

Suzanne C said...

Bonnie, I always enjoy your upbeat positive attitude. But, I have to say the joy and excitement you are experiencing at Market this week is ozzing out from between the lines of you post, and I love it. ❤️
So glad you are having a blast!
Thank you for sharing!

Charlotte said...

I picked up my paint chips yesterday at the Sugar Land Lowes. I was the lone Bonnie Hunter fan getting my chips. I am pulling fabrics this weekend so that I can fill in what I need at Festival next weekend.

Anne M. said...

I just took a quilting class from Christa Watson a couple of weeks go at Seah Yeah Quilting, here in Las Vegas. It was great! Wish I could be in Huston for festival, but not this year. I just retired yesterday, so maybe next year?.. thanks or taking me there vicariously! Got my fabrics together for MQ!

Unknown said...

Thanks. Reading this was like being there with you and enjoying old friendships. You've reminded me to call friends tomorrow and not let so much time pass between visits. You are awesome.

Justhaveingfun said...

So sorry for your loss Neverbored.

Bonnie, glad your having fun!

Kath said...

I've only recently found your blog Bonnie but enjoy keeping up with your travels. As a fairly new quilter I have a very small stash and knew I didn't have much in the colour range for your mystery quilt (can't wait to try this new experience!) I am in the UK so had to keep the paint chip colours in my head whilst looking for pieces at my nearest material shop. It's not a quilting shop - so only a limited choice - and very few lilac and purples, and no magenta!! Just means I will have to keep on looking which all adds to the fun!!

Donna Endresen said...

To Never Bored: My Heart and Prayers go out to you. It is never a good time to lose a Loved one, but approaching the Holidays I think is hardest. May you find solace and peace in some quilting this winter, especially if you are Joining in the En Provence mystery!
I am never bored either, as I have so many projects and hobbies/interests going on. Bonnie may post this in the mornings, but I never get it until the evenings.

Bonnie- I am so happy that you are joining the Fall quilt Festival and Market. I am glad you are getting tie to spend time with friends, co-creators. May you find Inspiration amongst all the rush I am sure you are caught up in. Enjoy!

Kasilof, AK

gmp said...

To NeverBored, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts & prayers are with you.

To Bonnie - OMG - looks like you are having a BLAST!!!

GaMema said...

Bonnie, I have never seen you look more beautiful and happy! Have a fun time!

Susan In Texas said...

Oh NeverBored, I'm so sorry for your loss! I pray that family, friends and quilting will ease your grief.

Bonnie, you're the best! :) You're going to knock SchoolHouse out of the park!

My DH and I went to see a show by Paula Nadelstern at the American Folklore Museum in New York back in 2008. We had the place to ourselves. It was just me, Larry and the guard for close to an hour. Let others fight for a peek at a painting at crowded MOMA right next door, we got to enjoy the Nadelstern quilts from near and far, and from every possible angle. Absolutely fabulous experience!

Enjoy the show,
Susan in Texas

Loretta M. said...

Bonnie! You are my idol. You have to be the busiest person I know, and yet you do more and more seemingly effortlessly....and at the same time, continuosly bring smiles to our faces. Talk about camaraderie...you are the Inspiration Queen for cameraderie.

Thank you for all you do! Have to cut this short...off to Loewe's!

Loretta McGinn

Jen said...

Sounds like you had a ball! It's so fun to catch up with friends. I smiled all through your post.
My heart goes out to you, NeverBored. So sorry for your loss.

Kevin the Quilter said...

LOL I would kinda like to hear you yodel! LOL
So happy to see you so happy!

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