
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Little Bit Hexie Stitching Time!

Thursday morning Stitching Time in Tuscany!

If you missed our first Tuscany workshop post, go HERE.

We gave ourselves a bit of a rest on Thursday – we had been GO GO GO since we had arrived on Sunday morning.

So Thursday was our day to take it a bit easier.  It was our second session to either continue to work on our rosettes, or for those who had finished ---applique them down!

There are many ways to do applique, and we had several who had never done ANY applique at all, so this is a great way to get your feet wet.

The edges are already turned under in the basting-of-the-hexies, so all you need to do is give the rosette a good press, remove the paper hexies from the outside edge (Easily done because we don’t stitch THROUGH the paper when we baste, only tack the fabric corners themselves) position the rosette on the background fabric and stitch away!


3 more to stitch on, then applique down!

The peanut fabric?  SUPER FUN!  Why go with a boring neutral when you can punch it up with a bit of whimsical.  Why peanuts?  Because we are NUTS to go all the way to Italy to sew hexies!

Because sometimes you quilt like a nut, sometimes you don’t?

And hexies are like peanuts, you can’t eat just one!


Look at these ladies go!


Window with a view…see the topiaries?


Two Sisters making memories!


Love their blocks!


Oh, I miss these gals already!

There was inspiration to be found even in the hotel…look at this floor outside of our stitching room:


Oh goodness me!

I sure love staying in old historic hotels.  I didn’t get the nitty-gritty on when this one was built, but it was 1800 something.  And it was HUGE and spacious and just delicious in every way.

I admit to bringing home ALL of the toiletries I could gather – shampoo, lotion, shower gel….best souvenir EVER!  Every time I take a shower I get to relive spending a week in this glorious hotel all over again! ((And it smelled really good too!))


If you missed my post last week, you will find the pattern for A Little Bit Hexie under the free patterns tab at the top of the blog.  If you are new to hexies, you will find the hexagon tutorial to get you started under the Tips & Techniques tab at the top of the blog as well!

TONIGHT:  There will be QUILT-CAM at 9pm EST!  I need to sew!

I will be releasing the three winners of our 100 blocks vol 11 Giveaway on our Quilt-Cam post TONIGHT!  If you haven’t entered yet, go to that Giveaway Post and leave your comment ON THAT POST to be entered to win. Today is your last chance, don’t miss it!

Until tonight I’ll be screaming crazy around here trying to get everything ready for Alaska tomorrow ---

Catch you later, no time to waste!

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Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Cheri Dawn said...

So looking forward to Quiltcam tonight, and so appreciate you squeezing that in. I'm anxious to stitch and hear about your adventures!

Handcraft Fun said...

Yes! Thanks for Quilt Cam tonight! I love everything about them...your machines, people's comments, your comments, I love it all!

Deanna W said...

So excited to catch up before you head off again...yeah!!! for quiltcam tonight!!

Mary said...

Hope I am one of your Winners announced tonight. That would be a fun way to find out. The Block you made this year is very fun! I see the dancing 9-patch effect with it. Thanks for taking time out for Quilt CAM

Johanna said...

Awesome hexie projects! I still need to work on mine. I need to work on only catching 2 threads when sewing the hexes together. I guess that comes with practice. I think I have finally caught the hexie bug.

Andresa said...

I don't know that I'll be able to join you tonight, but appreciate your willingness to share time so soon before your Alaska trip.

Kimberly Smith said...

Surprised! to hear u r up to QC tonight; u r the energizer bunny. Will play with new vintage pink White 764? while watching.

Mary Jane said...

Purples, greens, creams, gold - nice start for a quilt.

Cpqwilts said...

Looking forward to quiltcam tonight and the new quilt creation that is inspired by your Tuscany trip to this Grand Hotel!

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