
Monday, March 03, 2014

Treadling Counts!

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At least with Fitbit it does!

This has really been a nasty weather day, so I’ve done all I can to make sure I’m getting my 10,000 steps in.

My friend Mickey was  a big help…a 45 minute conversation with her had me walking circles in my house from front hall to kitchen to dining room to living room to front hall to kitchen to dining room to living room!  Wow! over 4,000 steps!  This is cool….

My studio is in the basement and I’ve loaded a quilt on the long arm today ---and we know that takes a lot of steps to pin in, go from one side of the machine to the other, up and down the 12 foot long table….

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Looking good so far!

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I chose a design called Twirly Feathers by Hermione Agee of Lorien Quilting, Australia and am using a gold/tan thread that blends through both the dark and light fabrics just fine.

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Uhoh!!  No matter how hard we try, we sometimes still end up with the same fabric next to each other.  Too bad…it’s staying!

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I’m loving these running pigs as the backing fabric!  It’s gotta go OUT of the stash and be gone!

Thinking a blue binding will finish this off nicely.

But here is the fun part.

Someone asked if I could get steps by treadling.  It *IS* Exercise after all, isn’t it?

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Let’s see!  Fitbit clipped to shoe!!

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Checked the count just to start!  7,786 steps today? Not bad!

Treadle this seam!

I am doing neutral string sashings for my Wonky Wishes blocks…at least that is the plan so far….

Check the count on the right foot…

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7, 814 baby!! I just gained 28 steps by treading that seam! Whoowhoooo!

I think this Fitbit plan is a plan I can live with, don't you?

Just another 3000 treadle-steps to go and I’m good for the day----Which means...


I’ll be treadling tonight for Quilt-Cam!  Come join me!

9 Pm Eastern time…see you HERE!

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Unknown said...

LOL that you're counting treadling with ONE foot. I admit though I can work up a sweat treadling when I'm in the zone and really going.
Somehow I doubt that Fitbit intended the count to be done that way.I'd be curious to what they had to say and thought:)
Hugs, Chris

brandln said...

I wish I had thought to do that!

Heather said...

Bonnie! I just quilted twirly feathers on my Bowdacious quilt! I learned that I really need to learn to float the top from this one...it's only the second panto design I've ever used, so it still needs some practice, but it was a fun one! I'm hand stitching down the binding today and I'll share a photo tomorrow.

BTW, I still need to send you pictures of our quilt guilds mystery Christmas Lights finish. Writing that down now!

Debra G said...

Hi Bonnie, what's the pattern name of your quilt in the long arm? I'm looking for a SIMPLE quilt for leaders and Enders and use up some stash.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

up and down the steps count too - get up and move upstairs and back downstairs a couple times :)
no one will notice the fabric squares that are the same print - not with that many pieces of fabric :)

Mary Ellen said...

Well, I think it's fair game to count the treadling. Even if it's only on one foot, when that foot goes down and up, so does the other one. You're too funny, though. Maybe you should send a letter to the FitBit folks and tell them how you are using it.

Unknown said...

Working on a Queen birthday quilt for my daughter. Kaliedoscope and strips and a border like on your log cabin behind you.--kind of.

My sister in Jackson Y invited me to join in tonight.

Marbeth in Largo FL

Debby said...

I love the fabrics in your quilt...especially the pigs!

LOL on the treadling Fitbit. :) On one of our Million Step Challenges, I remember that a few people wanted to get steps while cycling, so they put the Fitbit on their shoe. lol

I've registered for a 36 mile hike in April (12 1/2 hour time limit) so I am ramping up my steps (real steps lol).
Since I missed out on QuiltCam, I think I will watch it while on the treadmill to get in some extra steps. :) Got a lot of steps shoveling snow yesterday, and pacing the house while on the phone, etc. Had 40,000 by 9:00 last night. :) But no sewing! eek

Happy Stepping and Sewing!

Old quilter said...

Love, love, love the pig backing fabric !

c said...

what quilt "pattern" is that of yours,sopretty

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