
Monday, March 03, 2014

A Valentine’s Day Extravaganza!

Jen emailed me before Valentine’s day while I was in Arizona,  letting me know that she and her stitch group of friends had big plans for Friday, Valentines Day and the Saturday following and it sounded like so much fun!

She wrote:

“On Valentine's Day our little quilting group has decided to do a Scrappy Mountain Majesties mini-retreat. 
One of our group has enough plaids to last a lifetime & wants to shrink her collection. 4 of us are going to help her out & we'll all make a quilt. We spent a few hours cutting pairs of 8 1/2" squares into triangles in preparation. 
We'll sew all day then our hubbies will join us for dinner & take us home. We'll be back at it again the next day & hopefully have the major portion of a quilt top done.”

It sounded like such good time I asked her to send along pictures!

A couple of days past Valentine’s Day, she made good on my request and sent me the following!  I love how many hands make light work, and many bodies make much laughter, good eats and memorable fun for everyone!

Her next email came with a bit of background describing the day, but the pictures tell it all!

She wrote:

You asked me to take pictures at our Scrappy Mountain Majesties Valentine's Extravaganza and send them to you so here we go.
I have to say ... it was very difficult to get anyone to cooperate with having pictures taken (especially the men) and I kept forgetting to take them at important times. At least these will give you a bit of an overview though. 

Beginning of the day Cindy has a place for each person and a few 'naughty treats' on the table.
We're about to make a big mess!


Cindy Stamm, Ann Hannis (my 82-year-old mom) & Jody Ray (my sister) getting ready to sew.


Cindy, Jody & Mom sewing along.


Cindy at the cutting station squaring her blocks to 8".


We decided in keeping with our theme to have a Scrappy Lunch. We all brought leftovers from our fridges. My sister brought a bit of spaghetti in sauce, some crab bisque soup & a veggie tray that had been seriously reduced for quick sale at the store. I had some homemade meatballs in search of spaghetti & some chili. Cindy pulled out scalloped potatoes, fresh pineapple & cheese for the spaghetti. It was all really good and we had enough to put back in the fridge for Saturday.


More sewing after lunch.


Yummy dessert -- Tuxedo Cake.


Jen Hinwood, Cindy Stamm, Jody Ray, Susan Ward & Ann Hannis with blocks from the first day.


Mom & Jen sewing on Saturday.


  Jen's rows almost sewn together. Needed to make 2 more blocks for the bottom.


Jen pressing rows.


Cindy's layout. By taking a picture it reduces the image enough to really see where things need to be moved around. Cindy just needed to spread out her very light blocks a bit.


Cindy's quilt ready to be sewn together.

More from Jen about their Valentines Extravaganza Sew-a-thon:

I just need to finish sewing the rows of my quilt together. Cindy was sewing her rows yesterday. As soon as we get photos of our tops done I will send them to you.
As a side bar ... before our Extravaganza Cindy & I spent an afternoon cutting plaids so everyone could just get stuck right in sewing. We cut more during the 2 days and probably had a few too many cut. We didn't even make a visible dent in Cindy's plaid stash!
We decided it might be the year of the 'man quilt' & next we'll make big quilts with big half square triangles. I think it would be nice to make one with your Perkiomen Valley setting.

Hugs, Jen
You can find the free pattern for Scrappy Mountain Majesties under the Free Patterns Tab at the top of the blog.
Thank you so much, Jen for sharing your fabulous plaid weekend with us!  I too have TOO MANY PLAIDS from recycled shirts, but I never get tired of sewing with them, and I don’t think they will ever really go out of style as far as men and quilts are concerned ---we’ll just keep sewing them up together!
If your group holds a sew day working on one of my designs, please consider taking photos so I can share them with everyone here!  I like to think of my blog as not just a “journal” for my own life, but a way to share US – all of us!
There WILL be QUILT-CAM tonight!  9pm Eastern!  Hope to see you HERE.
I will be drawing for our winners of the two Quilts from 100 Blocks magazines this evening also!  Please leave your comment before 8pm Eastern on that Give-Away post ONLY as I will be using the random number generator to do the drawing, and only comments where they should be will be included. 
Remember to leave your name and email address if your email is not linked to your profile or if signing anonymously.  If we can’t reach you, we have to choose someone else as a winner.  Also, remember to click completely OUT of facebook to be able to comment.  No blue bar at the top!  Open our link in Safari or a new browser window!
It’s a quilting day for me….Split 9 Patch is going UNDER the needle!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Debra in Ohio said...

Cindy, Jen, and the others really know how to have a good time! It would be so nice to quilt with a group like that. Fun, fun, fun! Glad that the photos and story were shared. Thanks, Bonnie, for posting it.

cityquilter grace said...

love those plaids....can't wait to try this!

Mary said...

What a fun day they had stitching away. Camera Shy husbands. I think they aren't alone on that one. Iced over here in Washington State so I'll be in my Woman cave all day...until QuiltCAM time.

Anonymous said...

It sure looked the girls had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing their story.

Celeste said...

What a fun time. It seems quilting is much more fun when shared with friends and family. Love the Scrappy Mountains Majesty.

karen said...

I've been doing the scrappy mountains from charm squares. Such a fun block.

mcmelly said...

I love the idea of leftovers for lunch!! Too funny. The plaid blocks look great. It is SO much fun quilting with family and friends.

Unknown said...

Jenn, Cindy and Bonnie thanks for sharing looks like everyone was having fun

Elaine Adair said...

Every time I see this design, I vow to make it up - this turned out beautiful!!! Thanks for inspiration - I LOVE it.

Anonymous said...

How blessed to spend time with family


very inspiring--kinda like this in Bonnie's workshops!! only one other in my family sews and he is several thousand miles away...and scrappy lunch to boot--love it!! thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Oh my...that tuxedo cake looks heavenly!

swakins said...

Hey, did any of you notice that wonderful stash behind Cindy at the cutting station! Do you think I could get them to adopt me into their group? Great work by a fun looking group.

lfrihart said...

The Valentine's Day Extravaganza had to have been a great time. Glad they shared.

Now, will they share the recipe for Tuxedo Cake? Sounds like a good one to add to your file.

lfrihart said...

The Valentine's Day Extravaganza had to have been a great time. Glad they shared.

Now, will they share the recipe for Tuxedo Cake? Sounds like a good one to add to your file.

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