
Monday, March 03, 2014

Quilt-Cam 3/3/2014

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It’s been nearly a month since we've been able to get together on an evening like this! 

And it's the perfect night for doing this -- it's snowing outside, the weather is miserable, the Hubster is out of town on business, and I have the house and studio to myself for several days.  WONDERFUL!

And along with Quilt-Cam tonight, I am revealing our two winners out of 882 entries in our Quilts from 100 Blocks Giveaway!

I wish I could do this like the Oscars and have someone hand me the envelope and ask them to step on up and give us speeches, but we don’t have time for that!

Our first number drawn by the random number generator was # 37!


Yeah, Mary! 

Our second number drawn was entry 220!


Congrats, Maree!  Get back to me with your snail mail addresses and we’ll get these issues right out to you!  And thank you to Quiltmaker Magazine for making these fun Give-Aways possible!  We’ll do it again soon!

As for me tonight….

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It’s neutral string-sashing time!

I’m wanting some lighter areas for my Wonky Wishes quilt ---and plain sashing just wasn’t enough.  So I’m stringing it!  Heaven knows the bin is overflowing, I may as well make good use of it and do something fun here.  You can see I’m using two foundations, using each as the leader & ender for the other to keep my chain short and continuous!

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These are small phone book pages, and I can get TWO 3.5” sashings from each page.

I plan on joining them end to end to end to end to end and then trimming them at 12.5” lengths to go in between my blocks.  Sound fun?  Wanna join me?  Click the arrow on the screen below to start the feed!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Unknown said...

I use old phone books too for some of my paper piecing. Great recycling.

Eccles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heather said...

Hi Bonnie! I'm watching with my Bowdacious on my lap, binding being stitched down. Maybe when you have some time you could tell us more about your quilting process. Panto or free motion? Floating tops? Tips, tricks, favorites ie. thread, batting, etc.

I just stitched out twirly feathers last night...it's a fun one!!! Not too bad for my second panto pattern ever!

Kevin the Quilter said...

Yeah! Im joining the 21st century!! Im on my android sewing while watching quilt cam with our beloved Bonnie! Hey Bonnie....any tricks on attaching the diamonds for your Santa Fe String star? Having some problems making the strips come out right???

Quilter Kathy said...

So happy to be hand quilting along with you tonight from cold Ontario Canada where it's minus 20 degrees Celsius. Looking forward to hearing all about The Quilt Show taping!

Sarah said...

Hi, Bonnie! I'm playing with strings tonight. I bought your String Fling book and look forward to trying some of your patterns. I chuckled when I saw your Fitbit on your foot. I bounce on my rebounder when I'm trying to make my steps. I also walk while I fold laundry and talk on the phone.

Unknown said...

I notice you're just finger pressing as you go. I always thought you had to iron every strip. That looks much faster!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, what machine is your treadle? I just acquired a Singer 115. Can't wait to use it.

LauraKoppy said...

Hi Bonnie…this is my first quilt cam…what a lot of fun! I am sewing together the large squares of my first major pieced quilt even as you sew tonight --then it is time to get quilting --HELP! The pattern has stars and pinwheels….ideas? Anything would help! Thanks, Laura

Mommy Robin said...

It's nice to be with you again!
I have a question about leaders and enders... When I am working on a quilt, it is kind of its own l/e project - anywhere from 2 to 10 blocks, or parts of blocks, at a time. No l/e project incorporated b/c I am leading/ending with parts of the same quilt. How do you work a second one in?

It seems to make sense, and sounds wonderful, but I can't wrap my head around it!

Karen said...

I am with you on quilt cam. First trying to quilt myself while watching. I'm making Flying Geese for your My Blue Heaven Quilt. unfortunately when I wit the 1/2 square triangle way back at the beginning I didn't understand the purpose of having the fabric folded, so now all ny geese aware flying one way. I know I need to cut more anyway, but do you think I can use the miscue ones too? It looks like they will still fit, just not as conveniently. Know what I mean?

Ginny said...

Hi Bonnie! I'm having so much fun watching quilt cam. I'm hand sewing a binding on a quilt I will show at our quilt guild's show in April. Thanks for all you do for us!
Ginny in Brooklyn, NY

Mary said...

I just sewed a binding on so I can hand stitch it down while I watch QuiltCAM tonight. My name is Mary, but I don't think it was my comment, bummer. Did you get the L/E quilt all quilted today? We had ice chucks flying last night and it got up to 40 degrees today so drippy now.

Unknown said...

My machine and computer are not in the same room. So I've brought my 1.5 inch strips and am kitting up spool blocks to finish my spooling challenge. I think I still need another 160 to get the size I want. Having fun listening in.

Heather said...

I was wondering what would be you max number of lozenges from any one fabric? Some of my scraps are a full WOF and somehow I think that would certainly be too many of any one print...especially the ugly ones!

Unknown said...

Hello Bonnie!! Great to have a Quilt Cam tonight. I am working on sorting scraps and organizing what I will need for my class with you at the Mountain Quiltfest in Pigeon Forge TN in a couple of weeks!! I am so looking forward to it. I am nursing a bad shoulder and keeping my fingers crossed that it will be strong enough for toting the sewing machine to class. Thanks for all you do and I love the travel info you share.

Helen Anne said...

Spent the weekend working on Celtic solstice. Like the way it's turning out so am making more blocks so the smaller size will fit my bed. Thanks for the pretty design!. Tonight I'm appliqueing the interlace for a Celtic table runner.

Lisa said...

Hello from snowy Alberta. I am watching you while cuddled in my latest finished UFO. I was in Phoenix last week. It was bliss.

Lisa said...

Hello from snowy Alberta. I am watching you while cuddled in my latest finished UFO. I was in Phoenix last week. It was bliss.

TinaLou said...

First time watching Quiltcam. Thanks for all you do for quilting. From Bonham, TX

Heather said...

...and and those lozenge bonus triangles finally too small for you to keep for later use?

Ellsie320 said...

Hi Bonnie, working on a double Irish chain made in blue and white from recycled men's shirts. Sewing on the binding so it can be in our guild quilt show this weekend at our Quilters Tea.

Cousin Jill said...

Hi Bonnie!! Working on long arming a modern wool quilt I created but taking a break to watch quilt cam.

I wanted to share with you .... I sat next to a lady name Teresa in a longarm class and we got to talking and discovered we are both "Bonnie" fans!! Small world!

Besides doing the new leaders and Enders challenge, I've decided to do one hexie a day!

Material Girl said...

Hello Bonnie, happy to see you back on quilt cam, you're are one busy woman. I'm working on Bear Paw Blocks for a quilt for my hubby, in frigid cold Saskatchewan Canada.


Connie said...

Hi Bonnie, I spent my weekend nearly finishing my Celtic Solstice and today worked on a large basket of scraps to cut down into your suggested block sizes. I don't think I'll let that project go that long again. I know I have at least two more large baskets to go through.

Watching you on quilt cam tonight while chilling.

SPM said...

Gloria Sews is a great fabric store in downtown North Wilkesboro.

sew lucky said...

Hi Bonnie , So nice to spend time with you tonight . I'm digging in my stash and kitting up Lozenges (big grin)tonight . When I seen the antique one you posted I knew that was my next one . Can't wait to squeeze this leader /ender in;) Thanks so much for the motivation always ! Beth in Cape Breton .

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie! I'm having trouble with you quilt cam. I guess I'm going to have to see it when you post it on your blog. Thanks for having them they always give me inspiration.

Ginny B. in NJ

Unknown said...

Watching you on quilt cam from cold Ontario Canada making hexagon flowers for my grandmother garden quilt. Have close to 3000 hexagons made.

Unknown said...

You can use selvages to tie up tomato bushes in the summer. And I wish it were summer now.

Unknown said...

Nancy Ziemans says you can use the right side or the other right side. You paid for both sides

puddles said...

I just managed to get my sound working on my desktop. better late than never. I willreplay tonight's quiltcam while I sew my CS.

cynthia said...

Love the scrappy sashings! What are you using for cornerstones? It#s getting close to freezing now in San Antonio! We have bipolar weather!

Debbie - TX said...

Bonnie, I love my FitBit too. Note: remember to take it off your clothing before doing laundry. It doesn't like to be washed. From personal experience. Ugh!

Shirley in Canada said...

Ontario, Canada watching
while working on a scrappy bargello (my first one - know there are more to come!) and glancing over when I hear you working the treadle. I too have a treadle - but the bobbin winder won't wind - rubber is to shiny so I think I have thought of a way to fix it! I going to try my idea after quilt cam, so that I too can sew strings with the treadle!

Dawn Champion said...

I hadn't planned on sewing this evening since i cut the rest of the fabric I'm making for my folks Lion's club raffle quilt. Decidided to any way and got the first set of trapezoids sewed on the strips for a Hunter's Star. Love quilt cam and enjoy all you do for us

Brenda Myers said...

Hi Bonnie. Just finished watching QuiltCam and was wondering if there is any bleed through of printers ink when ironing fabric strips on telephone book pages? Thank you.
Coldwater, MI

Judymc said...

I enjoyed Quiltcam tonight! The camera angle was just right, as usual. Love the sound of that treadle!!!

Unknown said...

maybe you and Tonya could do quilt cam one night. would be fun to see the two of you sewing together. you did say that it would be fun to have guest quilters on quiltcam with you. would love you both to consider it.

PalmerGal said...

I had to stop watching quilt cam to fix dinner - i'm 4 hours earlier than Bonnie. But I enjoyed the early part. I live in Alaska, where we are having warmer than normal winter, with less snow, too. It is still about 10 degrees in the mornings, but tomorrow I'm leaving for a week in Tucson with 7 of my quilting buddies. I'm excited to see them, and to enjoy some warm weather!

Sherri said...

Wish I could join in on the fun tonight...... but just too tired :-( This will probably be the earliest bedtime for me tonight in months! Have fun everyone!

Sherri said...

Hi Shirley. Where in Canada? My machine guy just fixed up my new-to-me Treadle. He replaced the rubber wheel for the bobbin winder and he said it cost about 10 cents to buy it. He said they are still very easy to find. Just in case you were wondering.....

Sherri said...

Frigidly cold Ontario Canada here too (Spring can come any time now! ) Also working on a GFG but I only have one row done so far ...... would love to see yours when it's done!

Sherri said...

Wow lots of Ontarians in here tonight! :-)

Carol Nye said...

I wasn't able to make it to quilt cam, tonight, either!! I went to a wedding in Massachessetts, this weekend, about 720 miles round trip, and didn't read my email, this morning!
Or, well, perhaps, I can catch up, tomorrow morning, when I can get back to my sewing machine. I finished a UFO, for a wedding present. I am going to try to get it onto my computer, tomorrow morning, and email you a picture. I am so proud of the job I did. I even made a label on the computer!
Carol Nye

Old Quilter said...

Old Phone Book pages ! Why didn't I ever think of that ? Another great suggestion from BKH - thank you !

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