
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Split 9-Patch Ready to Bind, Baby!

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I took the Split 9-Patch Leader/Ender challenge quilt off the machine this morning!

Yes –this blog post is a bit late because

#1 – I slept in a bit after being too wound up after Quilt-Cam last night to go right to bed!

#2 I wanted to have SOMETHING to show you for this morning’s post and

#3 I am in a cleaning frenzy because my friend Tonya Ricucci is coming to visit from Florida this morning!! YAY!!

I love this quilt.  I love it more than I thought it would --- at first I thought the piecing was just “too big” for me – you know how I like things SMALL, right?  I normally would have started with 2” squares for a 4.5” finished block and I worried that the 6” blocks were clunky.  But the goal with this quilt was to use that over-flowing 2.5” squares bin….and make a dent it did!  ((But there are still MORE….will have to do something with those!))

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I’ve trimmed and squared corners and made all ready for binding!

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Loving the Twirly Feathers panto by Hermoine Agee of Lorien Quilting, Australia!

This quilt measures just a bit less than a full size after quilting.  I didn’t want it heavily quilted because this is a “sleep under” quilt.  With a hubby who is 6’3” and one son 6’3” and the other 6’4” – THIS is what they consider a LAP SIZE quilt!  One they can cover up with on the couch and watch a movie with, and that is what I hope the purpose of this one will be.

There is EVERYTHING in here.  Recycled shirts, batik, old calicoes, novelties, reproductions, and moderns…a whole lot of living has happened over the 30+ years I’ve been collecting fabric!  If only these scraps could talk, right?

I’m binding the quilt with the blue Patrick Lose marbles you see in the top photo.

Can I get it on before Tonya gets here? 

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And you should have heard her laugh when I told her this morning that there is snow on the ground – the crazy Florida woman is driving up in capris and sandals….LOL!  I bet we’ll be running to Target for warmer gear for her!

We’ll spend the next few days sewing away here in the basement ---I’m sure we’ll make a huge mess, so do I even need to bother with the vacuum this morning?

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Myrna said...

Your quilt is gorgeous! I love the scrappy look and I'm trying to "let go" more when it comes to scrappy piecing. As for vacuuming, you could give it "a lick and a promise to do better later". Happy sewing!

rondiquilts said...

I can't wait to see how Tonya is. I miss her blogging. You two will have such fun. Enjoyed quiltcam last night. Thank you for all you do!

Marne said...

Thanks for quiltcam last night. As you instructed, I wasn't glued to the screen, but listening well as I made Lozenges. My challenge is to quit before it gets too huge. Thanks and have a fun visit.

Debra said...

i love the spots of yellow.

Debby said...

What a wonderful quilt!
Another snowfall here also. As I was shoveling snow, I was thinking how strange that I had taken my motorcycle out for a ride just over a week ago.
Have fun with Tonya!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that's a pretty quilt - love it - you sure have some tall guys in the family - are you tall too?

tudorc said...

Tonya is coming to see you, not your house! If it isn't pristine she won't feel too bad about making a quilty mess! That's what I'd try to get myself to believe.....

Anonymous said...

I just started using pantos and I really like them. I do a lot of charity quilts and the time I took to come up with a custom pattern was taking to long. Now I can have a quilt off the frame in a day. Then I found one panto on line and thought "pfft, I can do that!!" So a free motion pattern quilted on a lap quilt off the frame in two hours. Yea! My stack of charity quilts is now ONE ..

conny's quilts en creaties said...

Lovely how your quilt turned out. And when quilting in the basement you put the heater high and Tonia is alright in sandels and Capri...have fun together!

orchardquilter said...

And of course you sewed a label on the back of your beautiful creation, Miss Bonnie? I have trouble remembering to do that when the quilt is "just for me".

Unknown said...

I love it! I spent last night catching up on Downton Abby and going through my scrap basket to cut up more 2.5" squares. My dad came over this morning and gave me more 2.5" squares, too! Ready to make the next 10 blocks!!

Unknown said...

I love the layout you chose!! I spent last night catching up on Downton Abby and cutting up more 2.5" and 1.5" squares from my scrap basket. The 1.5" are for my dad who is also a quilter. He came over this morning and surprised me with squares he cut for me yesterday! We had our own mini square exchange. Lol. This is going to be a great quilt with scraps from both our projects! I'll NEVER let it go! Thanks for the inspiration!

Unknown said...

sorry, didn't know I posted twice. Now three times!! Lol

Unknown said...

Have a great visit. The Split 9-patch is gorgeous. I say "NO" to the vacuuming :)

Unknown said...

Love it! I'm from Florida and took your classes in Sarasota! I'll come up and sew with you!!!

Diane said...

I missed quilt cam last night but will watch today while I get a bit of sewing time on.
So glad to hear Tonya is arriving soon. Tell her we miss we blogging.
Go have tons of fun and laughs.

Sue's Stitchin' said...

Love the finished product. Another one on my to-do list. I'm running a mystery for my guild this summer that uses 2.5" squares to help make a dent in my pile. I started out vacuuming after every project - but then I decided "why bother?" since I'm just going to add to the mess with the next project :)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful quilt! I really love the color of binding you've chosen. The men in your life will be fortunate to have it. Have a wonderful time with your friend! Those times are to few and far between!
Hugs, Chris

Ness said...

Bonnie! I am just starting my Spilt 9 patch...is the one I picked to get me going on your techniques. I loved Quilt Cam last night...was fun watching you treadle away. I hope you never quit Quilt Cam. I worked on a baby blanket crocheting a ruffle around the edges while I listened...wore ear buds while Hubby watched his show on the tv...I don't think he had any idea you were on my tablet setting in my little basket by my chair...LOL! :) Love how your quilt turned out! I hope you have fun with your girlfriend. I laughed about her drivingup in capri's. I just got back to Wyo from our FL place and went shopping with my daughter yesterday and I didn't dress warm enough either!! Froze all day! and I know better! DKWIWT!!! I almost had to shop for something warmer!! LOL!! I had the heated seat in her pickup on Hi all the way home LOL! :)
If you two get a wild hair do a quilt cam together one evening!!! I bet you get the giggles like I do with my girlfriends if we stay up too late. LOL!!! Let me know if you do!! Sometimes we giggle more than we sew!

Ebony said...

That sounds like so much fun! I wish I had a couple of days off to quilt with a buddy too. Enjoy your time together.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Your quilt is beautiful! It's amazing how much you get done when you travel so much.

Josie McRazie said...

I say it can wait! The quilt is beautiful! And just so ya know I'm blaming you for my frantic cleaning! I did the LARGE Celtic Solstice and did not realize how BIG it would be! I then realized I have nowhere in my house to baste a quilt that size... so I Honeyman bought me a long arm and it should be here in a week! LOL. All your fault (a giant thank you!) Have a great time with Tonya! Laugh and make memories!

Joann said...

Here's a thought, you have always said you wanted to have a guest quilt-cam session. Well...since Tonya will be there for a few days and it is just you girls there sewing up a storm in the basement how about get Tonya to join you in a special quilt cam! Oh how fun that will be to see the two of you together....please make this happen :0)

Material Girl said...

Beautiful Bonnie, I love the blue that you're using for the binding.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt! Enjoy your "retreat" with Tonya! Lisa in AK

Kevin the Quilter said...

Your leaders ender quilt turned out just marvelous! I LOVE IT! That blue binding will be perfect! I hope you have fun with your friend Tonya! There's nothing better than sewing with friends!

Judymc said...

Don't vacuum! Our quilt circle used to just say to just clean the bathroom! We weren't there to white glove the dust! I love the way your quilt turned out and the binding is perfect. Enjoy the girlfriend day!

torill said...

just wanted to thank you for my wonderful new books! I ordered them on Thursday and they were here Monday. oh, your nine patch is drop dead gorgeous!

Unknown said...

I love the way you set your blocks and the blue binding is perfect! Have a wonderful time sewing with Tonya. Can't wait to see what you create next. I love your neutral strip sets. Lynn

crazy quilter said...

Love your split 9 patch but what did you put on the back? Mine is not finished yet but seeing yours is inspiration for me to get busy. Have a wonderful time sewing with your friend.

Hilacha (loose strand) said...

1) had a good laugh first thing in the morning when i read your post!!!
2) thanks for showing the split 9 patch, as I've just started "composing" one, and it's good to see examples.

Susan P said...

Getting snow here in Chicago today too! Your quilt is beautiful. Such a great way to use those scraps. Have fun today with your friend.

Pat said...

Love, love, love your quilt! Have fun with your sewing buddy.

Sue said...

Hi Bonnie, Just new to your site and I instantly fell in love with your split 9 patch. I will be starting mine at the earliest possible chance. I have a lot on your blog to catch up with Sue

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