
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Stringing Along with a Friend!

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Tonya arrived early this afternoon and the chatter, laughter and sewing has been non-stop!

That is ---non-stop until we decided we really better get some dinner and make a run to the grocery store ----we’d worked up a powerful hunger!

A trip to the local Japanese Hibachi grill filled our bellies, a run to the local grocery store ((The only one in my small burb)) gave us all the good and healthy food and snacks that we need for our on-going sew fest to continue!

Up on deck this week? STRINGS and MORE STRINGS!

I started sewing my neutral string sashings last night during our Quilt-Cam time ---and today that continued.

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I’ve arranged the room so that I can treadle on the 227 M while Tonya sews at the Bernina 1008 set into my sew ezi table.  PERFECT!  We can face each other and see the progress each is making.

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Arial view of our set up….I’ve put the Singer 27 down in its cabinet so we have common table space between us.  And yes, there are plenty of beverage cups…we are staying well hydrated!

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Tonya digging into the string basket I handed her!

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Neutral strings in progress..check out the dreidel fabric!  FUN!

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Sadie was not impressed to be ignored in favor of sewing!

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Trimming and slicing!

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Quite the pile, but just the beginning of what I’ll need.

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Joining all the sashing units together in one long length!

My blocks are 12” finished…so I need to cut the sashing into 12.5” sections.  Working them this way gets me more variety….and it’s going to be a great way to set these blocks!

We are now hanging around, each tapping on our laptops while watching some Law & Order and making plans for the next couple of days.

It’s been a fun full day ---and I’m happy to have a good friend here with me!

A happy night to you all from both of us ----

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Sherie said...

It's such a joy to follow you on your blog! The enthusiasm is contagious and wonderful! Enjoy!! Looks like your friend still did not get proper weather shoes??

Sue's Stitchin' said...

Good thing the hubster is out of town. He'd be bonkers with all the giggles going on :)

harleywife57/ Mickey White said...

Sounds like FUN !!! what pattern is that blue and pink and white quilt in the background of the 1st picture , please

Kelly said...

Poor Sadie! Give her some scritchings for me.

Judy said...

Love your string sashings, great idea. Poor Sadie give a hug from a gramma of two grandsons and three dogs.

Cheri Dawn said...

Food, friends, and sewing = my idea of heaven. Have fun!!

Diane said...

Darn, there's a party I'd like to join. How'd I know, as soon as I saw those skinny strings, that somehow Tonya was involved in this? Ha. Have fun and sew on, kids. Wish I were there too!

Unknown said...

Have a great time!

Unknown said...
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Kevin the Quilter said...

Ummm......the first photo of all of the neutral strings????? DELECTABLE! I just love reading your posts about sewing with friends.....it makes me want to go sew with mine, or scratch Sadie's head! LOL Have a great time!

MJ said...

Sweet! Sewing with friends, life couldn't get better. Take a break once in awhile and walk that doggie, watching that tail go round and round as she sniffs all that crosses her path. I am heading into a weekend away with 14 from the guild, good times a-comin'!! Enjoy ladies!

LindaBee said...

Bonnie...what can I do with strings that are of medium value? I'm finally learning to go to the extreme of light and dark for contrast but I have a whole bunch of in-between value fabric.

Lakegaldonna said...

Stringing along sounds like so much fun. I love the picture of Sadie. She's probably sew happy just to be around the two of you chatting and giggling. I know you both won't really ignore her.
Wish there was a third machine for me to join you both!

Anonymous said...

so thrilled to see you having fun!

Nancy said...

Nothing is more motivating than having a friend to sew with.

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