
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Binding in the Morning!

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This morning while Tonya slept, I slunk down to the basement, quiet as a mouse to get the binding sewn on the Split 9-Patch quilt.

Can I get it done before she wakes up?  I’m gonna try!

First up at bat….the trial run of the slant needle walking foot gifted to me by Allison!  THANK YOU FRIEND!  This works so well!

Here I have folded a 7” square in half on the diagonal and basted it into one corner as a label to write on LATER.  If I screw it up…so be it!

You can also see that I have my sticky seam guide in place…I want a 1/4” binding so I don’t chop off the tips of the triangles along the edge of the quilt..this quilt has no borders to sandwich them in.

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Don’t want to cut off those triangles!

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Another tip for you…to give binding a bit more room to fold around the corners..I clip the tips of my quilt corners through the top/batting/backing and this gives me a sharper point when I turn my mitered corner over, giving the many layers of binding room to lay flat when I turn it over the edge of the quilt like this:

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Nice and pointy!

We have plans today to meet up with Lisa for lunch for Indian food…bring it on!  I love girlfriends who will gather together for things the Hubster wouldn’t dare eat!  My taste buds are already in anticipation!

We’ll spend the rest of the day sewing and chatting away ---it’s so nice to have girlfriend company!

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Of course, Sadie is begging for attention – and is GETTING it!  She LOVES Tonya to pieces just as I do!

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Unknown said...

Pray the two or should I say three of you have a blessed day sharing and spending precious time together!
Hug, Chris

Saska said...

Have a great day!

simplestitchesbysp said...

Enjoy the day with friends and fabric and of course Sadie. What an excellent way to re-charge your batteries!!

ria vogelzang said...

Wow! Look at Sadie's eyes! Too cute!! <3
Have a lot of fun, the two (uuhhh...three...) of you!
Love from the Netherlands, Ria.

Phyllis said...

What a great way to spend the day with a sewing friend. Have fun. I am working on Star Struck and loving it. Thank you for the free patterns.

Debbie Lou said...

Sounds like a winner of a day to me. Quilty friends are the best! Enjoy!!!

dorothy said...

Fun times! Enjoy your day with friends and give Sadie a hug from Colorado.

Ingrid said...

Lucky pigs in the backing? Great!

Mandy L said...

I have been doing my labels like that for some time, now. I use my machines' simple monograming function to put the info on. Enjoy your day with friends!

crazy quilter said...

Have a wonderful day ! Hope the weather is getting better there.

Kim said...

Oh my goodness am I ever jealous!
Tell Tonya I say hello.
Have a great time visiting and sewing you two talented ladies :0)
Ask Tonya how we can follow her these days since she isn't blogging.

Happy Sewing

Unknown said...

Good quickie lesson on binding, thank you.

PLEASE someone go hug and cuddle Sadie ..please! She looks so lonesome in this photo. You know when you and Sadie are both at the cabin, you are never alone :).


New Quilter in Texas said...

GREAT BINDING TIP!!! I just started quilting a quilt top Monday evening, so when I do the binding I will DEFINITELY remember this! My corners are always the worst part of the binding.

Mary said...

YEA, Binding!!! my Favorite part of the Quilt! that means it is all DONE. You put a big corner on for your label. Lots of writing to go on it. Show us the label when you do the big REVEAL, please. Have a fun day!

Lissa said...

Your are very lucky to have such a good friend as Tonya! I have two questions for you, please, do you then hand write on your corner label, and do you cut your binding on the straight of grain or bias?? Thanks! Lissa

lynn said...

Have a great day ladies. I wanted to post a photo of Lucy so she could meet Sadie, but couldn't figure out the process. Perhaps someday

Ellsie320 said...

So were you successful at completing the binding before Tonya Got up?

HelenMarie said...

sounds like a great way to spend the day!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Sadie's one of the girls too!! Have all the fun you can.

Ness said...

Bonnie I am sure you are having fun... I am cutting aways on my scraps...trying out your system....I reread some of your techniques to get back on track what sizes to cut...it is overwhelming a little but back to cutting mostly what I need for th quilt I picked. I keep scanning for something and wonder if I probably missed the info somewhere but do you cut everything across the width of fabric as in fold to salvage and does it matter when sewing my little squares etc together which way the grain is going?? I'll check from time to time to see if I got an answer...as for now I'll keep cutting away. I need to take a break and sew pretty soon. :)
Thanks...I'm happy to have a direction to go with these beautiful scraps.

Sally Langston Warren said...

Bonnie, maybe Tonya and/or Lisa would join you on Quilt cam sometime??
Tell Tonya there was a quilt displayed at our guild show of the Boy Scout Law all done with her lettering technique. The quiltmaker made a note on the back, giving credit to Tonya. It was beautiful!

coversquilter said...

This is for Ness:
Bonnie's Scrap User's System is under the Tips & Techniques tab. This will give you the entire run down on Bonnie's system. Have fun cutting up!

Ness said...

Coversquilter...thank you... I'll go back and reread...I was so anxious to get to cutting that I read it all pretty fast. :) Thanks!!! I"m struggling a litle bit....I'm kind of OCD about getting as much out of each little scrap...trying to be patient with myself. :)

Unknown said...

It is wonderful to have a sew buddy and the fun of just wandering around together, lunching and sewing and chatting. What a beautiful day!

ruthsplace said...

Thank you for the tip about binding the corners! Getting them neat is something I've always struggled with.

Millie said...

Thanks for sharing Bonnie, you are so full of energy. Wish I had half that much.

susiefloozie said...

I need to find friends that eat food my hubby doesn't care for .... Indian, Mexican, Cajun, Greek. I think he only likes down-home American food. ;)

Anonymous said...

On the binding I see that you sew one end with the machine, do you sew the other by hand or machine? And if you sew it by machine how do you do it? I have been hand sewing the other side down, put it's starting to take to long. Would like to sew it down with machine but not sure how!

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