
Wednesday, March 05, 2014

iPhone-o-Gram!! Three's a Scrappy Crowd!!

We convinced Lisa to come join us after lunch – twisted her arm to where she could not say no!

There are three machines humming in the basement, while two dogs sleep comfortably beside us.  Yes, Lisa's Shelby came too!

All three of us are happily stitching away on string quilt projects – covering paper foundations with random bits of scraps left from other projects. There is much swapping and trading going on!

If not downright thievery!

This is the kind of fun we get up to when the Hubster is out of town on business!

Roast cauliflower, and a large chef salad is on the menu for dinner – we have no curfew, you may find a sewing away past midnight at this rate!

Hoping things are stitchin' where you are – love from all of us in the basement--


Susie Jensen said...

Looks like such fun. Have a great time!

Debbie Myatt Arnold said...

thanks for sharing Bonnie looks as if you fine ladies are having a time of your life Have a great evening gal's ~ :)

Mary said...

Sew much fun it otta be illegal

ria vogelzang said...

Hahaha!Have fun!!!
(Whish I could join you all). I'm of to bed.
It's almost past twelve o'clock here...
Hugs from the dark Netherlands, Ria.

Quilt em said...

Have fun!!! Looks like y'all are having a blast!

Lynda said...

Please say 'Hi' to Tonya from me, and ask her when she's going to publish her second book on letters! I'm waiting to see my 'gurgle' on Slither, eek, boo in print!
Lynda in UK

Sherie said...

Oh my! You have the biggest smile ever! Thank's for letting us in on your wonderful world.

Unknown said...

Sew much fun!

Pat O said...

Looks like a fun crowd. Nothing better than sewing with friends!

Pat O

Deanna W said...

Sewing with friends is always a fun time!!

Unknown said...

Love your "scarf" LOL
What fun to have all that sewing going on with good friends.

Vee Rose said...

This is when you should have Quilt Cam!

Anonymous said...

I agree with cousin Choco. This would make a GGRREEEAAATTT quilt cam. But you need your down time with friends. Enjoy!!!!!


Barbara said...

I couldn't be happier for you Bonnie! You deserve to have fun with your girlfriends after spending most of your time helping other girls have fun sewing with their girlfriends.

Mary said...

Makes me wonder what you and Tonja have coming up?? What fun plans are up your sleeves. Nice of Lisa to join the fun!

Laurie T said...

That's the best picture of you, Bonnie! You look like you're in your glory!

Unknown said...

Sounds like lots of fun! Bonnie, how do you roast your cauliflower?

Kim said...

Nothing like girlfriend therapy to get you smiling!

Looks like a great time!

Happy Sewing

Rea said...

I'm jealous! I wish I was there sewing with you girls. Looks like lots of fun!!!! Happy sewing!!!!

Jeannette in Sunny Saint Augustine, FL said...

How about a Quiltcam with your friends and you? We could all enjoy the fun!

Just a suggestion?


Judymc said...

Glad you are having some girlfriend time! Looks like a lot of fun!

Ness said...

Checking in on you gal's in the basement...I'm alone in mine cutting scraps with you three for company..haha!! At least my little Romeo hasn't growled at the ceiling or the guest room tonight and give me the creeps...LOL!
Have fun you guys! I think I can hear ya giggling from here!

Quilter Kathy said...

So fun! Love the photo where it looks like the scissors are sticking into your head!

cityquilter grace said...

sounds like way too much fun!

Unknown said...

OMG! What fun! OK, I have got to ship DH away for a week or two, hehehehe!

mardigrasgirl said...

great fun with great friends.

Vic in NH said...

Is that a neutral piano-key border that you are wearing today? So chic, LOL! I'm going right down to my basement Quilty Cave and tackle some more of those CS chevrons that I need.

Joann said...

After the crazy schedule you have been on this past month you deserve this. What better way to relax than to have friends over to play in the basement! ENJOY!!!!!

Elaine M said...

Yes, sew much fun! Would like to see a closer picture of that cheddar quilt on the long arm behind Tonya.

Patticake said...

Looks like great fun, wish I was there.

Unknown said...

Ooh wow you should ha e turned on quilt cam and let us join you all

Nancy said...

I am thinking that the three of you would make an awesome Quilt Cam!!! LOL Reality TV at its best.

janequiltsslowly said...

This would be a dream sewing day for me! You & Tonya and scraps galore. Love her tiny string blocks. Too cute. Thanks for the shout out to us Packer fans.

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