
Thursday, March 20, 2014

An Evening of Playing with Jacks

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This sweet lady is one lucky gal!

She won a SEWING MACHINE at A Mountain Quilt Fest in Pigeon Forge – and it was presented to her just before she came into class!

You can tell by that smile that she is one happy gal!  CONGRATS!

They really do a nice job on this show, and the venue can’t be beat ---if you are anywhere within driving distance of Pigeon Forge, TN, the show goes on through Saturday, so come on up!

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Playing with Jacks for a baby girl!

What can we accomplish in 3 hours in an evening?  A LOT!

We fined tuned quite a bit of technique ---it’s amazing how when units all come out the same size, half-square triangles and cut squares alike –how things fit together SO NICELY and there is very little “squaring down” required!

Yes, there is NO SUCH THING as squaring UP!  There is ONLY Squaring DOWN! :cD

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Beautiful in Blues & Reds!

My ladies were productive, and talkative, and animated, and excited – and we filled our three hours full.

All have now mastered the use of the Easy Angle Ruler and I loved how they cheered each other on when units were cut, sewn, and measured out correctly.  How exciting!

You can find the free pattern for Playing with Jacks under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog. 

Please click the image below if you can’t view the slide show on your mobile device.  You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.

Playing with Jacks, Pigeon Forge TN 2014

Our Mountain Quilt Fest Adventure continues ---we've still got a couple days of classes left, and I've still not had a chance yet to even SEE the SHOW!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


Robin said...

You really should take dome time to check out the show-I saw quite a few of your patterns there!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. The young lady does look happy and her block is nice too. I have to say that I do enjoy getting updates. I know very little about Blogging.
Just wanted to let you how happy I am with my mailings. I don't face book .

Anonymous said...

Christina Bennett

Anonymous said...

no I didn't mean to post my address. please remove, This is why I don't blog.

Unknown said...

I love the color choices of pic "playing with jacks for baby girl". Congrats to sewing machine winner! Thanks Bonnie for being you.

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